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Everything posted by moonmyyst13

  1. on our way to pick up the 16 year old... this is just crazy!!
  2. snow sticking to the roads here as well and its only 9am. we may go in another hour or so and pick up our high schooler. this made me mad last time. while my 16 year old does not drive, there are many that do and they just do not have the experience to drive on this stuff (but then again after this winter!!) and it is just too dangerous to have them wait until it is almost too messy for experienced drivers to drive in. I am just glad I dont have to worry about it for my son. Not happy with BOE right now.
  3. Yep, I noticed she hasn't come back. Wonder why? maybe because I have been.... oh I dont know.... WORKING???????? unlike some who seem to hang out on this site 24/7
  4. oh... so now I am "Miss'Tude" because I think people should pay their own child care for the kids that popped into the world and not shove the burden onto the people who had no say in it?? I say GO TO 4 DAYS!! And if that makes me Miss 'Tude because I hate opening my checking account to pay more in taxes, then so be it. How about this?? Instead of going to 4 days or raising taxes... how about cancelling all sports?? Especially football or basketball?? The money for the upkeep of the gyms and football fields... training equipment... sports equipment.... coaches.... traveling to games... ho
  5. Yes, my point is, I work hard for my money. Yes I am "chasing the almighty dollar" because people like you are so busy spending my money. I am not someone who is constantly looking for other people to pay my way. The rent I make on the houses is part of my paycheck. Why should I pay a larger and larger chunk of my paycheck to pay for services that others, who are demanding the services, and are not willing to part with a chunk of their own paychecks for?? So if that is the case, then it is only fair that the county impose a sales tax and an income tax for the county so that others can pay
  6. as I said... I own rental houses. houses I bought at auction and put my own sweat equity in to. I pay the insurance, the taxes. I know, personally, about paying taxes on rental homes. So tell you what... why dont I go to my renters and jack their rent up by $200 per month to pay for the increase in tax so the school can stay open 5 days instead of 4... so that means the renter who "does not have the money for daycare" is now paying $200 more per month in rent. Okay... instead of paying a daycare or babysitter... they are now paying me so I can pay the taxes..... NOW HOW DID THAT SOLVE THE
  7. I have a 60's singer sewing machine that I need serviced/fixed. Does anyone know of someone here in the county that can do good sewing machine repairs? thanks!!
  8. Babe.... I have rental houses. The rent is based on what the rent in the area is getting. I cannot just jack up rent willy nilly because someone I dont know wants me to pay their child care. My renter would move out and I would not be able to rent the house. I have several businesses... part of what I do is rental houses, my husband does web design, he is a professional photographer, I run a gift shop, I work at festivals, I also do special order work, I am a writer, and about 3 more. We work our tails off and do more if we have to in order to pay bills that it is up to us to pay. And
  9. I agree about the illegals. Illegals should be sent back to which ever country they came from. Take it from me, someone who is going through the whole immigration process to get my husband to be able to stay here LEGALLY. But then that is a whole different debate for another day. All illegals should get emergency care only then deported and made to go through the LEGAL steps to get here. Once here LEGALLY then we welcome them with open arms. Many governments could solve all kinds of financial problems and crisises with simply doing that.
  10. Okay What I am going to say is going to be very unpopular. So be it. I agree with the poster who said that it is not up to the school system to babysit our kids. It is up to the school system to EDUCATE our kids. I would like for the BOE and Principals to voluntarily reduce their income. But what is their income? Does anyone know? That will only take care of a small amount of what is needed to run the schools for those days. The money has to come from somewhere? Cut out the sports program? Oh heaven forbid we give up sports!! I sure would not miss them but then I see school as a pl
  11. Atlanta only has 1 snow plow and 8 salt trucks.... I am not sure but I dont think Paulding has a snow plow at all and as far as salt trucks I am willing to bet those are trucks used for other things and converted to salt trucks when needed. So no... we don't have the equipment, or the bad weather often enough to get practice on it....... but we do have HOT weather in the summer and our warm weather starts earlier and lasts longer Okay... I have had my snow... now bring on SUMMER!!!!
  12. I know what it is..... it is Mother Nature... she had a hot flash then turned the air conditioner on full blast...
  13. getting cloudy again here
  14. thanks!! I would be able to make all 3 but do you know if the 2 that meet in the evenings have an age limit? The reason I am asking is, not only do I write but all 3 of my kids do. The 2 older are grown and live in Texas but the youngest is 16 and a 10th grader at SPHS and plans to become a novelist and I would like to get him involved to help him with his skills beyond what his teachers and I have been able to do. Thanks for the info!!
  15. Does anyone know of a creative writing group here in the county or close by? There are lots of book clubs for readers. I am looking for a group for writers. Thanks!!
  16. we picked our 16 year old up an hour early from SPHS and the roads were getting pretty messy around the school then..... I think, in the interest of not having to worry about scheduling more time to make up, the school board pushed the release time too far. That was wreckless of them, it was not like they had no warning. I expected better from the school board and will be rethinking my vote in the next election. Those are kids with very little driving experience expected to drive in messy winter road conditions just so a couple more minutes would not be added to the already extended times.
  17. that is my biggest pet peve when driving.... people on your arse.... my husband and I both slow way down until they back off then we speed back up.... don't people realize how unsafe that is???
  18. coffee and buttershots to mix in a good book plenty of wood for the fireplace fixings for a pot of spaghetti sauce (makes great italian sloppy joes too) food for the puppy dogs ooohhh.... and pancakes.... they make me think of Gatlinburg!! luckily yesterday was a regular shopping day so we are all stocked up!!
  19. we have between 1/4 and 1/2 inch already... I am just concerned with all the inexperienced high school kids trying to drive home in this.... why aren't they closing the schools a couple hours early???
  20. flakes are getting bigger and it is coming down harder!!
  21. http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?ctid=492 you can listen in without a scanner
  22. small light flakes falling pretty steady here in New Georgia!! I can't wait for spring but if we gotta have winter for a while longer then I want snow to enjoy it and not just cold rain!!!!
  23. still small light flakes here but they are coming down harder than before!! New Georgia!! woohoo!!
  24. Just saw a couple of very small light fluffy flakes... but only a couple.... the air must be getting colder to let it come on down.... also the sky is getting just a tiny bit darker.... Hwy 61S between Nebo/Dallas Nebo...
  25. I learned that moms have an amazing inner strength when there is something wrong with the new baby.... especially if they have to deliver early and if the baby is born with birth defects.
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