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Everything posted by jasonclancy0428

  1. Most batteries are recyclable, lead acid are highly recyclable. I work in the chemical waste management industry, I ship tons of all sorts of batteries to recyclers annually. The recyclers will dismantle the batteries and salvage any and all reusable parts. It's not perfect, but they aren't just chucking them into a landfill, for the most part! Out of curiosity, how many of you would be interested in a conversion? It's something I would love to get into, just not sure if the market is there. You are correct, the motivation to go electric is not there yet. Not until gas prices re
  2. Agreed, the technology is way behind what it should be. Many folks believe this is due to meddling by the oil/petroleum industry and the car companies, buying up patents and so forth. I don't know if that's true or not, but there are things that point that way. You should look into the GM EV-1, it had a much longer range using NiMH batteries. It's a very interesting history and I think we have all been duped into thinking electric vehicles are not practical. There is FAR less maintenance/moving parts to wear out, which is where many dealerships make their profit, maintaining cars. There
  3. I just figured if you were going to take the time to stop and post a response why not just tell her the answer she was asking for.
  4. Or it could be said again just as easily. Senior living home I believe is what was said.
  5. Anybody??? Does anyone at least have a number I can call to maybe get in touch with some teams and find out the schedule. Thanks, Clancy
  6. Me and a friend of mine want to play softball. Please PM me if you need players. Thanks!
  7. I also wondered the same thing about the fact you can't go in a store on Sunday buy your beer or whatever and go home and drink it but you can legally go to a restaurant and get hammered and drive around. The logic just doesn't make sense to me. Seems like it should be an all or none deal. I for one don't see why Sunday should be any different than any other day. Religion can not be forced upon someone so why have a law that prevents a sale of a certain thing based on religious views. Heck if you can't get it Sunday might as well take it away Wednesday night too. And what about religions that
  8. I guess at least she is taking responsibility. According to a source, Xtina is devastated with her mistake, and she feels that she let America, and herself down. Here's what she had to say about her major flub: "I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through."
  9. Guiding light The 4400 The Dead Zone Life
  10. My mother was addicted to pills and it was by far the worst of the many addictions she had. It changes them in ways that I cannot describe. She was not the same person anymore. But what I can tell you is that if someone doesn't want to help themselves there is no amount of rehab that is gonna help. I learned the hard way that you can't save someone from them self. Unfortunately my mom was murdered by her 4th husband (he killed her then took all her pills) and she never had a chance to get straight. Addiction is a very hard demon to tame and it hurts those around the addicts more than they can
  11. She is better than most of the people I have seen on American Idol this year. Congrats mom, you have a very talented little girl!
  12. Perhaps this up and coming entrepreneur will buy them out...See link.... http://qctimes.com/business/article_5b03f0ea-258c-11e0-9b49-001cc4c03286.html
  13. What exactly does it do when you try to turn it on? Likely, the data is fine.
  14. I just got the green smoke e-cig and I am sending it back. I really hoped it would work for me but it was just not the same as smoking. Maybe I will try a different brand. The one I got tasted like crap. Edited to say that I only smoke 2 black and mild's a day. I have convinced myself that it is better than the pack a day of dorals I was smoking before I got pregnant
  15. Correct, from my understanding. Linux is the meet and bones of the system, Ubuntu is more of the flesh(GUI). I think it's a great system, especially since it's free and you can modify and use it as you please. Where with Windows, try and find a free version...legally...you want! The other thing with the system is the fact that all the office programs that most people use are free and flows nicely with Microsoft office products, meaning you can switch back and forth between systems and they are compatible.
  16. I've been playing around with it for quite some time, just to see how it works. I personally like it, there are also variations with their on features, such as Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, and many more. Kubuntu is neat, has some cool features, lightweight and pretty easy to use. That said, I haven't personally used all of the features and programs extensively, but can tell you the latest Ubuntu comes packed with all the office software you would need. What's not there already, you can download from the software center FOR FREE! Overall, I'd say it's a good alternative to Windows,
  17. This just makes me so sad. Especially when people that don't pay their bills and depend on the government are driving around in 50,000 dollar SUV's. I just don't understand the way our society works these days. I am glad there was someone willing to help and wish them the best of luck.
  18. I don't iron but I go through a gallon of wrinkle releaser a month.
  19. Unless things have changed since I went to Marine bootcamp, you don't get to call home except for the 10 second call you get the night you arrive. Ditto on writing plenty of letters. That is the only thing that kept me sane!
  20. They did have separate sacs and placentas but that is not a good indicator of whether they are fraternal/identical. Identical twins usually share a placenta/amnio sac but not always. It depends on when the egg split. The only way to know for sure what your twins are is if they are boy/girl twins, have different blood types or have genetic testing for confirmation.
  21. Thanks everybody Their names are Jensen and Collin and we do not know if they are identical of fraternal. They do however look a lot alike and have the same blood type but to know for sure we will have to have genetic testing.
  22. These are number 6 and 7 for me and I love all my kids but these babies are truly a blessing. I can't wait to watch them grow and reach all their milestones together. The questions have already started. People stare at us like a freak show every time we go out!
  23. "Keep on keeping on." ~Joe Dirt and my dad always said "want in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up the fastest." whenever we said we wanted something.
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