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Everything posted by kwood

  1. My co-workers daughter was cast as an extra. I hope no one gets mugged while filming
  2. I try to avoid local political threads because they seem to be a back and forth of people that know the candidates bashing each other for this or that. I don't have to vote today, I figure I can learn what I need to know about a candidate the day before I need to vote. If I were truly ignorant and voted mindlessly I wouldn't have asked.
  3. I don't hang out at bars much anymore, but the last time I did Hiram Station and The Spotlight both offered rides home if you lived within a certain radius. I never took them up on it, but I thought it was a good idea.
  4. Paulding is starting particularly early, so they couldn't accommodate all school districts.
  5. Last night there was a news story about two women who were attacked and shot at in Inman Park after leaving an eatery. The only description they gave was his height and that he was wearing a white shirt. Seems like that's a pretty vague description.
  6. I'm in District 19, why should I be opposed to her running. I don't know anything about her.
  7. I would require IQ tests to vote.
  8. Sounds like some 16 and 17 year olds came up with a plan to not have to work "tell them it's illegal now! Yeah, that'll work!"
  9. This person didn't care what was right or wrong because they knew no matter what trouble they got into their parents would be there to get them out of it. He never had to do the right thing because they were always there to catch him and support him when he did the wrong thing. He never had to face the consequence. To me that is bad parenting, and they are at least somewhat to blame for him repeating past mistakes. If they would have let him hit bottom at 18 he wouldn't have been screwed up well into his 30's. But I think that's only part of it. I think that if someone is mentally deranged
  10. I think it's naive to think that the way someone was raised doesn't affect them past the age of 18. I know someone in their 30's that was never made to face consequences by his parents, who is just now becoming a decent productive human being. Crazy is crazy, it can come from a good home or a bad, but it can definitely be funneled one way or another by the way the child is brought up.
  11. I was wondering what that guy was selling. I saw him at Macland and 92 a couple months ago just standing there with a sign and a cooler. I thought maybe it was beer.
  12. Thank you for noticing me I always follow your posts mainly because I think we think a like on a lot of subjects, but also because you commiserated with me towards the end of my last pregnancy. My shout out is to LPPT for providing all the information on the TSPLOST. Even though I don't agree with her position she has been very good about putting the information out there and not getting upset when people give her a hard time on it.
  13. My biggest pet peeve is people that walk around in their own little world with no regard for others. They don't understand that my time is just as valuable as theirs or that my task to complete means as much to me as theirs does to them. Be aware of where you are and what you are doing, and know that you do not walk around in a bubble. Prime example would be when the kids get off the bus at the front of the neighborhood and walk in a herd down the middle of the street blocking the flow of traffic. We don't all have to walk side by side.
  14. Yep, I think that's a pretty accurate. Glad you can see the same concerns.
  15. I guess my tone didn't come across either. I think its hilarious that hes 60 and accomplished and never reads. I cant imagine missing out on reading.
  16. And the grown parents that cant put down a video game, laptop, celllphone, facebook what have you to pay attention to what their kids are doing
  17. I believe that we have become greatly desensitized to violence and have lost many good values. I cant watch a lot of movies or Tv shows that have violence in them. It bothers me when I see violence, I don't like it, but some people aren't phased by it. I hope I. Ever get to the point where I can watch that type of violence without getting a sick feeling. Although the media is quick to point out studies that have been done that show no link between violence in media and crime. They will tell you that crime is down since 1994. I just think there is a general ill will spreading in the world
  18. My father in law is 60 and has read one book in his life when he was in third grade. Hes a college graduate and a Cpa. Whenever he had to read a book for school my mother in law would read it and give him the cliff notes
  19. Yep. Few will question now about metal detectors or pat downs when we go to the movies. If a frog is placed in boiling water it'll jump out, but if you put the frog in cold water and gradually increase the temperature it will boil itself to death.
  20. I grew up outside of Cincinnati, they were all in mall food courts, but there were definately CFA's there. And as to your other post, have you heard of love the sinner hats the sin? I can be against gay marriage without being a gay hater.
  21. The way I see it, he can believe what he wants to believe, the people opposed to him can believe what they believe. But both are equally intolerant of each other. If you want respect for your beliefs then you should learn to respect that others don't think like you and they have the same rights as you. So in conclusion I don't care what his personal beliefs are. I will still eat there. Not sure why it would surprise anyone since they are closed on Sunday.
  22. And again the jury is likely to never hear about the accusations about Zimmerman because he has not been convicted.
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