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Everything posted by kwood

  1. My guess is they sit along Bill Carruth because people drive down that road like they're in a NASCAR race, and they are trying to prevent that. If he's sitting at the intersection it's just like a hall monitor and people will obey the laws until he leaves and then go about trying to beat the light.
  2. So the police should baby sit that intersection so people don't try to run the light? Why don't people just obey traffic laws.
  3. When is the government going to start insisting we all use safety scissors?
  4. kwood

    Food tax?

    Shoot, I'm almost in Florida, I'm moving south.
  5. Quit my job and sleep. I have 2 kids under 2, the only thing I want in life right now is 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Once that was done I would eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted since I don't have to worry about living a long life, and I would probably go to church to hedge my bets.
  6. kwood

    Food tax?

    I think I'm going to start driving to Georgia to buy my groceries. We have 9% sales tax here.
  7. Make up your mind. You said falling gas prices were good. The truth of the matter is what is causing the rise or fall. If prices fall because we increase supply by coming energy independent then it's good. If they fall because no one can drive because they have no money, then that's not good.
  8. Wearing too much perfume is also oppressive. Do you write those folks up too?
  9. Wake me when they get below $3.00 a gallon
  10. Wow, I guess I'm lucky my employer didn't think like you. Or I wouldn't have a job.
  11. As parents we should teach our kids good eating habits, and show them a healthy lifestyle. HOWEVER, if your kids ends up being overweight I still do not equate it to child abuse, and I would assume that people that have been victims of child abuse would find that insulting that you equate it. Is it also child abuse to be lax about your child's education. Should we remove overweight or slow learning children from their parents for their own good?
  12. I can't post pictures of my kids, it might out who I am to people who know me in real life. Just take my word for it, they are the cutest things you will ever come across. someone raised him right. Roll Tide!
  13. I can't argue with someone who doesn't see the difference between slowly poisoning their child with rat poison, and having a kid that has slow metabolism and letting them have ice cream. Not all technically obese people or children are that way from what they eat, some are large for their age and will out grow it. Either way, equating it to child abuse is asinine.
  14. No I was referring you you saying that having an obese child was child abuse. It's dumb that a doctor wont tell a parent a kid is obese, but not as dumb as equating it to child abuse.
  15. That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read on here. And that is saying something.
  16. Here's the secret to losing weight, and I'll give it to you for free. Eat less, move more. Don't take in more calories than you can burn, and build muscle since it burns more calories than fat does. I am over weight and have lost a good bit by walking for 30 minutes a day 3 days a week and just watching what I eat and trying to cut back.
  17. Demand is down because if you don't have a job you don't have anywhere to go, and can't go shopping to spend money you don't have.
  18. The only thing that can get a smoker to quit smoking is for them to want to do it. My husband smoked almost a pack a day from around 17 until he was 34. He tried the patch, he tried the gum, he tried chantix...know what worked? Watching his 15 month old daughter walk out on the patio and pick up a cig but that missed the trash and put it to her mouth and pretend to do what she had seen her father do. He has been smoke free for about 8 months now. He never smoked in the house, or around me or the kids, so it never really bothered me. But my point is, no amount of government spending on
  19. This is the sign I needed to tell me I'm old. When a trend comes back that you lived through once it's time to start eating steak dinners at 4 pm.
  20. former member works on healthcare, no? Maybe she's the problem.
  21. I don't know who you have had run ins with at the PCSD, but I have dealt with officers at the PCSD, and from my view they have been hard working people doing a thankless job. I have never felt that I was wronged, I have always had my questions and concerns answered in a timely and polite manner. Granted I've always been dealing with them from the right side of the law. I can see how someone on the other side may not like the rules that they are paid to enforce.
  22. I think in years past he was actually a working functional alcoholic and was busy making some sort of money. When he got the DUI and lost his license and went through the bankruptcy I think that has increased his free time which means he has more time to drink and whore around.
  23. Joe is an alcoholic, from what I've seen about how he acts. I think he was sober at the reunion, but I don't think he was sober during much of the filming. I think Theresa likes the fame and she likes the money and she thinks the whoring herself out on tv is the only way to keep that lifestyle. I don't think she cares much about what joe does as long as the neighbors don't know. I like Kathy, but I liked how she looked before the plastic surgery. I like her and richie, but he's pervy. I used to really like Caroline and her side of the family, but this year they came off a little so
  24. You don't live in paulding county (anymore, I don't know if you ever did, just know that you say you don't now), yet you come on here and make fun of and belittle people that put their life on the line to protect people from crime. I don't know the facts of this situation, none of us do. However, I think that the police of this county deserve respect for protecting the sorry asses that want to sit around and say they do nothing. Have you been around many criminals, they aren't the greatest people to deal with on a day in day out basis. If someone gave me that job and a gun there would be many
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