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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. Then you get to eat in the restaurant dining room. Anytime I've been it's been at night and we get looks going in the front door from other diners. We to downstairs to the lounge. They usually have a jazz band playing so it's actually pretty fun.
  2. ^^ This. I have been listening to/reading about this story. I have NO PLACE to judge these parents. If it were me, I can't tell you what I'd do other than kill the doctors that operated on her to begin with. Sorry. If it were BabyB, that's my stance. If it were one your kids, what would you do? You really just don't know. This whole thing is simply heartbreaking.
  3. Best fried chicken EVER is Lamar's in Chattanooga. If you're white, you have to go downstairs, though. And be quiet on your way and tip well. You won't regret it. Lawd I've been craving me some Lamar's all day.
  4. Lololol you called GD elderly. LOLOLOL
  5. Wow. Wth is wrong with people??
  6. HOLY CRAP! I DID! How did I forget that? You were 11 months pregnant and I was 8 weeks. NC-17 thought you were the lady in the red circus tent dress. LOLOL There were kiddos in a horror movie and black trash bags. And porn and wings with NC before. How could I have forgotten??? Make that FOUR movies Ive seen in the last 10 years. LOL
  7. OMG what a cutie!!!! What kind of dog is he??
  8. I want to see this. I've been to the theater three times in that last 10 years: Hunger Games, Frozen, Catching Fire. In that order. But I would love to see this!! I don't have a DVR. As you can tell, I don't care much for movies or TV. Lol
  9. That would be fun! Do I know you?
  10. I haven't read this, but I did read a long article about this. It was eerie, but fascinating!
  11. whatev. You are NOT the Michilan Man. Lol and thank you! Your little one is a doll, I swear. It's not normal to be that stinkin' cute. And I *do* need to lose this popped can of biscuits around my waist. Lol
  12. MrB just lost 30lbs. He went on the Wheat Belly "diet" in early November. He at a lot of eggs, pork chops, salads... It's not really a diet so much as just cutting out anything with wheat. Also, we've gone all organic and cut out all processed foods. I buy everything fresh and only shop the perimeter of the store. No processed foods! Not even cokes, even diet ones. No high fructose corn syrup! Or corn, really, since it is hard to get any that isn't GMO. I've lost 4lbs. Jerk. I'm going wheat free after I finish my birthday cake. Also, as a tip, Boar's Head deli meats do not not
  13. The Whiskey BBQ sliders are what made me realize that. Mmmmmmm....
  14. Oh, I'm making these. For sure. Whiskey? Oh yes.
  15. Can I have that carrot recipe? We're having ham, those sprouts Jenilyn posted, MIL is bringing scalloped potatoes, corn soufflé. Also having cheese tray, meatballs in the crock pot with BBQ and jelly, nuts, etc. to nibble on. That morning ill be making an egg casserole and ill have mixed fruit and mimosas. So excited for BabyB's first Christmas he understands what's going on!!
  16. I usually get around 50 or so, but so far I've only gotten 3. I love Christmas cards! I do them every year. I send out 40. I'd do more but MrB thinks hate plenty. Lol We do photo cards every year. They are going in the mail tomorrow. I did them all yesterday. (We used Vistaprint this year and I am not happy with them. But it's too close to Christmas to really so anything about it, but we will contact them. Tiny prints from now on!)
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