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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. MrsB


    I only meant around *here* (pcom) for a while... I can't tell because I'm on my phone, but do you still have the siggy that says "you'll know when I'm yelling when I type in blood", or something along those lines? It am I crazy? LOL
  2. MrsB


    She has to be.... That's what I'm saying! Lawd I'da had a heart attack. LOL
  3. MrsB


    I might invite myself. I wanna meet Sungoddess and Tess. Tess has been around here fo'ever. Also, I want to meet the lady that had a nekkid Stradial at her house and lived to tell about it.
  4. OMG I wish I had been there. You're a good man, GB.
  5. MrsB


    I saw that video! I still have nightmares!! I love that movie! LOL
  6. MrsB


    I was going to say you prolly peed in her pool.
  7. It was, and had been pouring rain. I think it was an unfortunate event... The people that hit her (I'm assuming) were trying to care for her it seemed.
  8. I know. I won't anymore. LOL I'm thinking he didnt realize what they were like without having been cooked. He sees me make eggs every day but I guess he's never seen them like that before and what would happen.
  9. I was putting things on the belt, and not watching him. I heard, "Tap, tap, tap, Egg!!" Then as I was turning my head I hear d it crack and saw it go all over his lap. He said, "ohhhhh nooooooo, egg. Ewwwwww. Sowry." LOL it was a big mess!
  10. Dude, BabyB broke an egg in his own lap at Kroger this afternoon. Lawd have mercy.
  11. I'm going to hell because I just laughed out loud when I read this. LOL I have never seen it. OMG LOL
  12. You too, BB. I've only met you once but I still think you are very nice lady, and an upstanding member of this community. Even if we do disagree on this. And tundra is okay, I guess. Edited: I have neither spelling nor grammar skills apparently.
  13. oh no! That dog is always at the church when I drive by. I have always thought to myself that her owners really ought not let her out like that, as that is a well traveled road. That breaks my heart. We didnt see a need to stop as it appeared she was being taken care of and the police were there as well. So, so sad. And what crappy owners!
  14. I couldn't tell, but the dog may have been a German Shepard? It was covered mostly up, except his head. He was facing the fence. Broke my heart. I was afraid for a moment it was the black dog I always see at the church across the street.
  15. We drove by yesterday and saw it. There were two cars Pulled over in the grass, a police car, and a dog on the ground covered with someone's jacket. I think maybe a dog ran out in the road, was hit, and the car that hit the dog may have been rear-ended. Poor dog.
  16. ^^This. Good Lord, folks. Perhaps if you all took all this energy you're using to be pissed off about these fliers and others in this thread, you *might* could accomplish something constructive.
  17. Lol I don't know if I can post from my phone. I can try. Lol
  18. SHOW OFF!! LOL I kid, NB. I can't post mine. It's pitiful. BabyB wants to play with the ornaments so badly that we just stopped. LOL the tree is perfect, has lights, and some ornaments. Maybe when kiddo is a but older we can decorate more. LOL
  19. Moonie, no disrespect, but this is her project. You really shouldn't worry about how picky you are or that you don't want to print it, etc. Its not for you. And I'm saying that in the nicest time possible, promise I'm not being b*tchy. Also, if KKK material is required, then it's required. Maybe take her to the library and let her make photocopies of pictures in books.
  20. PS-I've also made this with coconut oil and it works fine, no difference. We don't use vegetable or canola oil due to GMO ingredients.
  21. Here is my go- to dinner roll recipe. They are easy, make a bunch, and keep in the freezer well. http://m.instructables.com/id/Easy-Yeast-Rolls/ I started making my own rolls/breads when we cut out high fructose corn syrup. I only use King Arthur Bread Flour, especially for this! While forming the rolls, I have two 13x9 pans: one for what I am going to finish rising to eat then, and another for the freezer. I place what I'm not going to eat in a greased 13x9 in a single layer, cover, and freeze over night. The next day I remove them and place in a freezer Ziploc so I can get what
  22. Oh my gosh. Had she Ben there drinking, and tried to leave? Or had come there from somewhere else? How old did she look?
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