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Everything posted by jsbeagle

  1. What about the other big piece of land closer in on 120 next to the Hardy dealership? They've been pushing dirt around on it for a year. I live in Evans Mill right across 120. Does anyone know what is going on there?
  2. There was someone doing something similar up in Rome last year. He went door to door "selling" alarm systems, but he was basically just trying to determine if you actually had a system or not. I think they arrested him. I'm not sure what kinds of charges they bring for these people, but I'm sure they find a few things.
  3. If they'd cut out all the new teaching programs and workshops they could save a ton of money. Every time you turn around they have bought a new teaching system and then have to use teacher workdays telling them how to run it. I don't know how they're supposed to get better at teaching a certain way because its constantly changing. They need to move out of the way and let the teachers teach. It would be different if teachers didn't have education degrees, but they do!
  4. Here's my pics from Valleyside Dr in Evans Mill Sub. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2232838&id=12806379&l=15a1e18769 If it hadn't been cloudy, that rainbow would have been pointing to the Atl skyline (see below) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2210186&id=12806379&l=1b6df2d3b2 and http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2214941&id=12806379&l=0ebe240e52
  5. Not many young people here I guess... June will be 2 years, but then again we're only 24 and 25.
  6. The school day "counts" if they can make it to 11, so I doubt they will have to add any make up time.
  7. I think I'd fill it up with something else and leave it for them. Give them some dead sprite, apple juice, or you could be more sinister..... Seriously, I'm willing to bet its a scam. They'll probably "test" your water and then come back to tell you that you need to buy some sort of expensive filtering system or a softening system from them.
  8. Actually, they have now decided that there was a scoring discrepancy...... They are going to make them share the first place prize. They aren't going to say exactly what the issue was with the scoring. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gcX5UAmUVRW1DuMh_lwoWxTcDQ1gD9E3GJF82
  9. I was coming back from Tennille GA (middle of nowhere East Georgia) for work today on I-20 and saw the traffic on the eastbound lanes stopped for miles. I just figured it was a bad wreck.
  10. Thats actually old news. I'm glad the information is making the rounds again, but I heard about this a couple years ago. I want to say Boortz brought it up. I remember one of them was located at the end of a runway where jet exhaust would blow on it. Its hard to believe that there is still steam to the whole global warming movement (see what I did there?). Since the evidence now points to the fact that the earth is cooling, the ones that still push the "warming theory" will try to play like they always knew this was going to happen as part of the overall warming trend. I never hear
  11. If it was ever listed on the Georgia MLS site (private company that most agents use), it should still show up there. The publicly accessible site is http://www.georgiamls.com/, but that won't show you how long it was listed for, if it even still shows up there. Agents that are members of Georgia MLS use http://www.gamls.com/ and that should show how long it was on the market. Its the same database, but the one for agents has a little more info. Just to be clear, only agents can access the info on gamls.com. The only issue I see is since it was an auction, it may not have been listed on the
  12. A lot of them probably got turned in for Cash for Clunkers..... If you're willing to wait, I'm sure there are a lot of people that turned in a clunker for a car they couldn't actually afford and just used the clunker money to make the payments as long as they could. That means there should be an overabundance of cars and trucks being repo'd soon. I bet there will be plenty of deals if you're willing to get a newer model. Hopefully they won't trash them like some people have done their houses that the bank took back.
  13. Is there a difference in the "Sunday" paper being sold on the side of the road on Saturdays and the paper that is delivered on Sunday?
  14. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=280+MERCHANTS+DR++DALLAS,+GA+&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.911557,67.763672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=280+Merchants+Dr,+Dallas,+Paulding,+Georgia+30132&z=16
  15. We're on our second year of magic jack. We primarily use cell phones, but it has always been nice to have another option. Lately it doesn't seem to stay connected to receive incoming calls very well. That could be a problem in the computer just as much as the magic jack itself. We often have to unplug and replug it to get it to work, but we don't use it enough for me to really try to fix it. The nice part is that when someone leaves a message, the sound clip of it gets emailed to you. I'm sure most voip services have this, but for $20 a year, its a nice added bonus. If you include the fact tha
  16. I've always joked with my wife that we should keep the list of kids eat free days so we'd know where not to eat. I wouldn't ever actually avoid a place because of that though. When we have kids I would like to be able to go to restaurants that cater to the kids and don't care how much racket they make so they can learn how to act before going to nicer places. The free food for them would just be a bonus.
  17. The day "counts" if they make it to 11, so my answer is... 11.
  18. The only problem I see is the fact that Georgia doesn't even issue a "weapons permit". My Georgia issued permit says "Georgia Firearms License". The way I see it, my permit only deals with firearms, and not other weapons. I'm just happy that it will finally allow legal carry on college campuses. I'll be out of school by the time it takes effect, but it will be nice anyway. For now I just carry pepper spray when on campus. As long as the only places that are off limit to carry are also "protected" by a metal detector, then I'm fine with it.
  19. I heard about that DHMO on Boortz one time. Its scary stuff....
  20. Someone in line behind me last Sunday had one. That was the last day of the 20% off coupon.
  21. I work really close to that range (whatever its called now) and actually drove by it 20 minutes ago going to lunch. I was surprised to see the open sign lit up. I figured they'd be closed at least today for cleanup. Maybe the store is open and range is closed, but there isn't exactly a big separation between the two.
  22. You can actually do it yourself if you have a camera and know a little bit of photoshop. Instead of paying CVS $8 or USPS $15, I took my own (there are guidelines posted on the passport site somewhere). I then downloaded a photoshop template that let me put 6 of the 2x2 pictures into one 4x6 to be send to walmart and printed for less than $0.25. After a little googling http://lmgtfy.com/?q=take+your+own+passport+photo, I see there is even a free online wizard.
  23. Does anybody use the new service "Clear" http://www.clear.com/ out here? The service is completely wireless, but is supposedly as fast or faster than cable or dsl. Their map doesn't really show coverage in this area, but one of their reps said that they probably do have coverage. They offered to send someone out to check it, but I didn't want to give them my address. I live on top of the hill in Evans Mill and we can see Atlanta from the driveway, so we might be a good candidate. If nothing else, I'd like to be able to tell comcast I'm considering switching. They'll usually drop your bill
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