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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. It would be the ultimate! I always knew growing up that one day I would have a pool. I even told my husband before we got married that one condition of being married to me is that we have a pool. we've been married 10 years. it's time.
  2. This is the reason my husband insisted our son have it done. I agreed.
  3. i'm weird about floaties, dead bugs and bits in a pool, my OCD goes haywire! I may become obsessed with cleaning it. it's blue because i'm not wanting it enough. now i'll never get opinions on getting a blue blob. This topic is already ruined, starting with the wrongly worded title.
  4. I wish I didn't word the title of the topic that way. Now nobody knows what the topic is about. without opening it first. I don't think I can edit it, can I? And yes, girls day. I like it.
  5. oh, i'm having a hard enough time convincing my huband we should invest $300 for a pool, a $600 pump won't happen. I would love to come swim with you.
  6. I'm considering getting one. I've wanted a pool for years. I had a much smaller one, about 3 ft deep, 5ft wide about 6 years ago but it had a really small filter that clipped on to the side and I had a hard time keeping it clean. I also had trouble keeping proper chemical levels for some reason. If you have or have had one, any pros or cons? suggestions? is it hard to maintain? I'm a busy lady.
  7. Sounds like me. I always wanted to go to a taping of The Price is Right.
  8. I can't remember the last concert I went to. sad.
  9. in my mind. Kids should not breast feed past the age of 1. Should sleep in their own bed, not have a pacifier after 2, and not hold their own bottle, ever. We all have our own opinions. And thats OK!
  10. Wow, that really does suck. It's still early in the day though, there is still time for something really great to happen. Hopefully he can get it straigtened out quickly & enjoy his vacation.
  11. I'm loving this last season. Even my 13 year old has been watching. She watched the show a few weeks ago about the freedom riders on her own without me telling her to. I could tell she was deeply moved. It's nice having a 13 year old dd who can see beyond her own nose. I love Oprah. i'm like you DGITW I don't know life without her, it truly is the end of an era.
  12. Happy Birthday!! It's my momma's birthday too.
  13. Way too old. I'm not a fan of breastfeeding in public anyway though.
  14. Pokemon? power rangers? are they still around? Naruto. Those are the things my dd was into.
  15. It's your bodys way of preparing for the upcoming rapture. You'll be fine after May 21. Kidding, Sounds like the flu. Hope you feel better!
  16. um, nevermind the fact that they are holding hands. you are wise to save your gas.
  17. I see. and I spoke too soon. The pain is back. Which makes me think maybe it is a strain of some sort. since it started again after moving around and picking up the baby.
  18. Thanks everyone for the input. I woke up feeling fine. no pain. Which further leads me to think it is not a muscular thing. Today I go for blood work. Is that how they check your gallbladder?, bloodwork? I'm just wondering if I should mention it (the gallbladder) or if thats something they would routinely check. I know they want to check my thyroid but she didn't say anything about gallbladder.
  19. Wow. Glad she is ok. I can't imagine how you feel. Hugs to both of you.
  20. I know, it's so weird. and thanks, i'm sure i'll be fine. I always am.
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