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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I will try to come! I won't have a DD though.
  2. Me three! I'll be the lady with a baby & 3 zits. (I'm experiencing a minor breakout )
  3. Same here. I walk right past them in the store. I don't even look. They might be on sale, and then i'd have no choice but to buy them.
  4. I dvr'd it. I have to say, I wish they had picked a different bachelorette. Also, I was wondering why there has never been a black bachelor or bachelorette.
  5. Dang it! not what I expected. I can't contribute. I have a black thumb.
  6. Can I come? I'll buy copschick a drink if she promises to give me her teletubbies.
  7. I think that's it. and hey, whatever makes ya happy, I guess. I admit I get excited when I look at my Kroger recipt and I saved xx amount of dollars. If nothing else, this topic has made me think about the ways we could be saving money, even if it is something as simple as unplugging the coffee maker. Which I normally don't do.
  8. now i'm pondering cob webs and how/why they happen. Btw, shouldn't there be 2 b's? Cobb web? I have one living in my hallway as we speak. I see it every time I walk by but for some reason, I haven't removed it yet. I always have my hands full.
  9. We need a dallas water park.
  10. it makes sense. But if they can't "fard" without swerving, they should at least have the common courtsey to hold it in until they come to a complete stop.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.
  12. I was brought up listening to a HUGE variety of music. The only country music I was exposed to was Willie Nelson and Emmylou Harris. we were in Upstste NY & my parents were hippies. So when I think of country music I think of the stuff I liked when I was younger. I just can't get into the older, older stuff. My dad also loved John Denver as do I. I know he's not really country though.
  13. It's gotten to where I can't drive anywhere without someone drifting into my lane. It literally happens every time I leave the house. So much so that i've begun to think maybe i'm losing my mind and it's actually me who is drifting. I notice it's usually young drivers or people on their phone. I drive my dd to school (Moses) every morning and anyone who does the same has probably noticed it happening on that road often. or maybe it's just me. Anyway, it's only the fact that it happens so often that I felt it necessary to vent, hoping maybe i'm not alone, or crazy. Add this to the stock
  14. We had an awesome experience with Carmax. (Barret pkwy) We will definately go back.
  15. I need some too. I have a full day and i'm really draging. I'm gettin me a pool! and I have to go grocery shopping.
  16. I thought everyone liked that song! even dogs. My baby loves it.
  17. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it. It's his turn to sleep. I'll be sure to give ya a call next time i feel like cutting a rug. It won't be at or anywhere near 6:30 am though.
  18. heres a song that always gets me going. and laughing. http://youtu.be/EkYXoO1jO3k
  19. Way too much energy in this thread. I'm gonna need you to tone it down a bit. I'm zombie like today. not enough sleep.
  20. My kid is a car rider and I have a baby. I can't wait for school to be out!!!!!!!!!!
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