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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I used to be a Fox News addict, then I learned how to think for myself. The only news I watch now is local and NBC Nightly News.
  2. I can, it means my baby will likely be waking at 5am instead of 6am.
  3. Is everyone still slow moving? I've been using my dd's laptop the past few days while mine is getting fixed and I was convinced something was wrong with it because it's sooooo slow!! I did a system restore monday and ended up removing the AVG anit-virus on accident. Now I can't get it to load again??? I'm relieved to read this, I was thinking I was going to have to have yet another laptop repaired.
  4. She has got to be the worlds oldest looking teenager. It's all so weird.
  5. This cracks me up! Thanks for the laugh, i've been gloomy today.
  6. I went with my MIL and some of her old lady friends. It was a somewhat uncomfortable outing but as soon as the play started I was good to go. I'd say I would go with you to see it again but the tickes are $45.
  7. Did they really just give away a corvette on the field? Wow. Has that ever happened before?
  8. It's playing at the 14th street playhouse through Nov.20th. I went last night and thought it was great!! I laughed, I cried, I bought a pin. Anyone else been? I highly recommend it. It's done by the same people who did Menopause the musical, which I did not see because i'm only 34.
  9. My mom nixed MTV around the time Beavis & Butthead came out, so I never saw many episodes. I was so pissed. Not about missing Beavis and Butthead but about missing Headbangers Ball.
  10. Yea, i've heard bad things about their customer service. I did love their wings though and I could drink thier ranch dressing, it's so good.
  11. I made sloppy joes for the first time in many, many, many years. serving with tots and salad.
  12. I've never had one. don't plan to as long as i'm in good health. If I get the flu this year i'll send the baby to his grandmas and consider it a vacation.
  13. I can't help but wonder if there would have been as much of a problem if it were a thinner more attractive woman wearing a skirt of that length. I'm not saying that is the case but I still have to wonder. Clearly, she shouldn't have been wearing it, court or no court. I just don't consider that a "mini skirt" length I guess.
  14. I don't think it was that short. It's a little shorter in the back because she's got some junk in the trunk. I don't like the thought that I would have to have my skirt measured to go into a court house. I have more of a problem with her bra straps showing.
  15. I bought a car from one of these places 10 years ago. I was 23 and hardly had any credit. They charged me a VERY high interest rate!! Not to mention the car was a piece of crap. I paid for it a lot longer than I actually drove it. Beware.
  16. Oh how I hate this. I hope this poor baby makes it. Many good thoughts sent.
  17. oh thank you, thank you! Although, I always eat 2 and skip the fries.
  18. If you start too late you will miss all the "early birds". That said, the "early birds" are often elderly and they have thinner skin, which may keep them inside on a cold morning. I've never had a yard sale in cold weather so I can't say for sure. I would start early. yard sales are hard work, if you're going to go through the trouble to drag it all out, you might as well start early to maximize your earning potential.
  19. I guess i'm late to the party. I got some catching up to do. :runningtomcdonalds:
  20. Bullcheeze. Those things are awesome! Extra pickles please!
  21. The McRib is coming back nationwide! :drool: This is great news for everyone! My link
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