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Everything posted by tbird

  1. A civil judgement is dischargable in a Bankruptcy--you just have to file a Motion to Avoid Lien with the BK Court. The only time something like this is non-dischargable is if it is proven to be fraud and you have to file an AP with the BK court. You need an attorney to do this and it is very expensive (usually 5K min.) and there is no guarantee that you will win. An AP can go on for years--even after the BK case is closed.
  2. NYGal--I think she is the PR person.
  3. I finally went and picked out my own chair for my office at work and it is great. I got it at Office Depot. I searched online and compared for a long time. This one has the longest hour rating of all of them. It has a little bump at the lower back that really helps. It was about $130. It is brown leather with a high back--but not as high as some you see.
  4. Never heard their music--but my son won 2nd row seats on the radio.
  5. PCB---Hands down. You can't beat the gulf waters!!!
  6. tbird


    Kindof like filing bankruptcy and going on vacation the next month or filing BK and spending all of your money on christmas and then call crying because you are 3 months behind on your mortgage??? Some folks never learn.
  7. Whoever was ticketed goes a long way in any type of settlement.
  8. No--I don't live in the subdivision. I do have a good friend that lives there and she is trying her darndest(sp) to get out--nobody will buy her house because of the neighborhood. Also had another friend that rented a house way back in the subdivision and she got out---was scared for her family with all the gang crap going on. The friend that lives there will not even let her kids go out and play because of what goes on around her. And yes---I have heard the cops called numerous times--and they say that they are know drug dealers.
  9. Well--they sure do have alot of calls on the scanner for that neighborhood. I live down the road on Sudie and have watched the neighborhood go down hill for years. I wouldn't live there for anything. And why would alcohol be such a big deal at the pool???? Let the kids have fun without alcohol involved. Most neighborhood pools are for family time. I am not against drinking at all--but there is a time and place for everything. Family time is not the time. Just my opinion.
  10. Is he just taking formula or is he getting cereal or foods??? Feeding a baby cereal makes a huge difference. They will be awake for longer periods in the day--but they will sleep so much better because their tummies are full. Even whne my kids and grandkids were 6 wks or less--I always give them a little bit of cereal at night and then give them their baths. All 3 of my kids were sleeping 7+ hours a night at 6 weeks old.
  11. Somebody else was calling them pelicans????
  12. I baked a chicken, made some pasta with garlic parmesian sauce, mixed veggies and garlic bread.
  13. WHY?????? My first thought when I saw it was that it was a pimp car. You would need a gold front tooth, wear your hat sideways and let your pants hang to your knees and show your drawers!!! Maybe it would be Ok if it has stock wheels on it???
  14. Most banks(and especially credit unions) have this in their loan documents. It has been around for a long time. Credit unions also have what is called cross collateralization clauses--which means if you owe them any secured money (house, car, boat, motorcycle) and you also owe them an y unsecured money (signature loan or credit card)--they can demand both loans due if you default on the secured loan. So for example--if you owe $5000 on a vehicle that is worth $4000 and you also owe them a signature loan for $5000--you actually owe them $10,000 on a $4000 vehicle. Most folks don't know this
  15. I think that the unlimited deal with TMobile is the best you can get. $49 and mine picks up just about everywhere. You have to watch it with Metro and some of those other cheaper services--if you ever go out of town--you will have no service. It is worth the money for TMobile to know that if I am on the road by myself--my cell phone is going to work.
  16. I went thru Powder Springs this morning around 9:45 and they had the road shut down and police and fire trucks were EVERYWHERE. Sad.
  17. If the tempurature does not start falling--we aren't going to get anything but rain. It is still 46 degrees outside!! And if you look at the radar--the storm has not even hit Alabama yet--long ways to go. :0(
  18. Sad to hear. He and his wife kept me and my sister when we were young---many years ago!!!
  19. My DIL said that they sat stuck for 2 1/2 hours last night. She didn't say how they finally got out. She did say that she got out and walked around several times to make sure that folks were OK. They also had an ambulance slide into a ditch last night. Sometimes you really don't need an ambulance when you are just throwing up--int eh middle of a snow storm???? It amazes me sometimes at the reasons some folks call for rescue and an ambulance.
  20. Just called a wreck at 278 and Bill Carruth. Deputy said that 278 was shut down and they could not get to them. Hope these folks thought ahead and had extra blankets and such in the car. I got stranded in the 80's and again in the 90's--if they are predicting something like this--I always throw and extra coat and blanket in the car.
  21. Just ICE. They have shut down 92 right past 278 towards Macland--semi crossways in the road--both lanes. 92 from Hiram to Dallas Highway is pretty much a sheet of ice. dallas Highway around Hardy Chevrolet is a sheet of ice. All of this coming from the deputies.
  22. Probably my DIL--she is working at Clarks tonight. I bet she wished she had went home, like she threatened to do, after my son ran his truck in a ditch. Nobody hurt, window busted and he had it in 4WD High at the time. Went to turn into their road and slid right into the ditch--and this was about 5:00 today. And the funny thing is---she thinks she will make it home in the morning. I told her just to plan on spending the weekend there and for some reason she didn't think it was funny???
  23. And they have said that the area of Dallas Nebo/61 is pretty much shut down. Trying to push folks up the hill now. And I don't see it being any better in the morning. I hope folks stay off the roads--these poor deputies have to be sopping wet and frozen.
  24. They never said it was a laptop--they just said shoplifting. Let's just say that our tax money is paying to keep them fed and warm tonight.
  25. Number 1---why are so many folks still out on the roads tonight??? It is ridiculous at how many wrecks they are still working. Number 2---why is somebody at Staples with a need to be shoplifting tonight???? Some of the things you hear on the scanner just blows your mind.
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