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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I was behind one of those orange Camaros yesterday afternoon driving down Dallas Highway. It was pretty--all it needed was black stripes and a black top and it would have been just like my 69 Camaro SS!!!! As much as I loved the Camaros and could not wait for the new ones to get here--I must say that I like the Challenger much better.
  2. 2 years is actually fast in Paulding under the Lane leadership, however, it is VERY RARE for a felony charge to be dropped. Sounds fishy to me????
  3. Douglas County is like no other county in this area. I would imagine that their fines are higher than anybody else's also.
  4. And most of us work and still can't dress like or drive a car like all these folks on welfare!!! And just the fact that we have to provide them a translator ticks me off!!! But the funny thing is--the Bankruptcy Court does not provide translators. We tell our clients to take somebody with them that can translate.
  5. I agree completely!!! I am sure that there are some that started sending out resume's yesterday!!!!
  6. From what I understand--it is pre-pay and you have to tell them either pay for 3 days or 5 days that week. Money does not carry over from week to week. If you pay for 3 days and only use 1--you loose the other money. My son and his neighbors have worked out something between themselves since none of them pretty much work Monday-Friday 9 to 5 jobs. Maybe if this company doesn't make enough money--they will leave????
  7. Sad to say--but I probably know a lot of folks that could be on it also!!! Especially if it was filmed in the 70's and 80's!!!!!
  8. Either a mater sandwich or cereal....or nothing. Got a 7:00 appointment here at the office so I won't be home until at least 8:30.
  9. She is a beautiful girl, as is her mother and grandmother.
  10. I don't think I ever approved of what he said. Did I support him in this election--YES. You can never please everybody--even clients. Even if you go into a case that you know is a strong case--a jury can turn it upside down. As far as what happened in this case---we really have no idea--we weren't there. I am just remembering all the post several years back, even before the child was born, and you knew then that it was going to be an ugly situation. Anyway--we will now have someone new in the office. Hopefully there will be some major improvements. If not, there is another electio
  11. Love the "baby-daddy" part. Such an educated statement.
  12. 1969 Camaro SS 396 4 speed orange and black
  13. My first question would be why did you hire somebody that has a specialty of criminal law to handle a family law case??? Yes, he does handle some family law, but not his specialty. Sort of like going to the dentist for a heart attack--both Dr.'s, but they each have their specialty. Even before I worked in the legal field--when I needed a child support attorney--I went for one that pretty much only did family law. Common sense.
  14. I would call the Clerk of Superior Courts office and they can probably help you.
  15. We have an attorney in our office that was a former police officer. In fact, his first wife died and he supported himself and his very young daughter and put himself thru law school while a police officer. And yes--it helps him with his criminal cases--especially the police brutality ones. He is one of the few attorneys around here that will take a brutality case.
  16. My thought exactly. I don't know what kind of law Mr. Lane practiced before he got into the DA's office--or if he ever worked in private practice. I haven't wasted my time reading any of his stuff. I certainly know that someone with a criminal defense background would know the job, laws, etc. much better than someone that has practiced real estate or family law for years.
  17. Pubby---I do have to disagree with you. MOST DA's or ADA's either have done criminal defense work prior to going to the DA's office or they do it after. Most criminal defense attorneys that I know have worked in the DA's office as a prosecuter and they then go to private practice. A lot of ADA's are right out of law school.
  18. I thought it was against the law to put something on a mailbos without a permit from the post office????
  19. We have a counseling office in our building and I was talking to one of the guys a while back and asked him what folks did that did not have insurance. He said that there is a really good program out towards Athens, that is free, but it is a long program--something like 12-18 months. He also said that the program there in Marietta (can't remember the name, but it is out around Church Street Ext.) is really good, but you have a lot of homeless folks that sign up and take the space when they are not serious. You just sometimes have to wait a while for the turnover. He knows the people that r
  20. I had this last year on both computers. I discovered that my ESET subscription had expired. Renewed it, ran it and it got rid of it!!!
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