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Everything posted by tbird

  1. His information is on the Patch arrest records. Looks like he got charged with aggravated assault. Hopefully he can get a good attorney to see that it was pretty much self defense???
  2. It is a total PITA!!! And the detour sign that they have up at the 4 way stop is ridiculous. Much shorter to take the opposite turn and come out behind the movie theatre. I take that route every morning. And just so you know--Cobb County has been running radar at the end of Angham. Motorcycle cop--and yes, he got me one morning right as I topped the hill. Just a warning. I really did not want to go in front of my former boss, who is now the Cobb County State Court traffic Judge!!! I was just sitting there picturing the smirk on his face while the cop was running my stuff!!!
  3. Three cedars???? or something like that.
  4. I heard parts of it on the scanner--just the initial call. All I remember was them saying that somebody was applying pressure and the person's intestines were hanging out of their stomach???? Didn't pay attention to the rest of the call.
  5. Alan was his biological father and Monica adopted him after his biological mother died.
  6. My son was having MAJOR trouble at PC High School and it was decided to send him there before he got in any deeper. And our tax dollars pay for it---not us individually. And, no, it is not just for the "bad kids". Granted that most do get into some type of trouble before being sent there, but I can guarantee you that at that time--it was a much better place than the high school. My son excelled there and loved it. He did not want to go back to the high school, but you are only allowed to stay there for a short period of time. And it was just a very short time after he was back a the
  7. I don't know about now, but about 10-12 years ago--they had a wonderful program at the Alternative school. They had some of the nicest and most caring teachers that I had ever met. And yes, my son attended there for about 3 months. He begged them to let him stay there and finish school and they would not let him. He absolutely loved it there. He was one of those kids that could get in the back of the class and just disappear in the regular school (and they allowed him to do that). Within 2 weeks of being there---he was an absolute different person. At that time, Marty was over it. I do
  8. Sorry, but sounds like you give her permission to leave??? Am I reading it wrong?? If she was already on restriction--why would she be allowed to go to someone's home with her friend??? Not trying to be ugly--just don't understand.
  9. Hw will make a good batting coach for the team. As far as him personally, I can't stand to hear him talk. He sounds like a dumb country bumpkin!!!
  10. Last night, around 6:15, I was on Powder Springs Road sitting at the redlight at Hopkins Road. I was first in line in the right lane. All of a sudden I hear this loud noise and there is a motorcycle flying up between the 2 lanes of traffic waiting on the light and then he turns in front of me and makes a right to Hopkins. All this time I am thinking--if that light had turned green--I would have probably ran him over just because you don't plan on somebody doing that. I have rode bikes with a lot of my friends and I have never been scared at all, whether it be on the expressway or some litt
  11. This has become my new favorite show!!!
  12. Maybe call parks and recreation department. If they can't answer your question, they should be able to give you a contact number for somebody that could help.
  13. Oh No they're not???? Nothing like turning on the DVR to watch some news special!!
  14. Just saw online that they found him guilty, but insane. YEAH--RIGHT????
  15. Never liked him. Something fishy about a big ole guy his age and the way he acted with his mother--just saying. And his voice and style would not have made it far on AI anyway.
  16. I LOVE THIS SONG!!! It is so fitting for myself and several of my friends!! We all laugh about it now!!
  17. Ok,, Been there, done that. Yes, many years ago, my son got in trouble and was arrested--nothing major, just stupid kid stuff. Did I get him out--yes. Did he pay me back--yes. And he paid for his own attorney (this was before I started working for attorneys and we found one that would allow HIM to make payments). He took his punishment and went on with his life. One thing I learned amny moons ago was--NEVER say that your kid won't do something!!! It will most likely come back and bite you in the A$$!! Even the best of kids will do things with their friends that you never dreamed of. An
  18. Yep--can't wait to get down there and get some of that Buddy's steamed shrimp!!!
  19. Marietta Fish Market--owned by the same folks that own the Marietta Diner. The best seafood you will find in the area--hands down.
  20. tbird


    That was going to be my question, but then I thought they might have delivered the wood to her home--so they knew.
  21. Yep--but it is sometimes a pain to mess with. I don't go in there to buy a weeks worth of groceries, so it is easier for me to just carry one of my big reusable bags.
  22. And be sure to take your own bags. I usually take one of those reusable bags and just use it to put my stuff in while shopping. I never buy enough to use (and pay for) a cart.
  23. I just stopped at the Smyrna store and got a couple packs of the strawberries--they look really good!! Peppers have gone up to $2.99--but still a good deal and look good also.
  24. I can't find anybody around PC. I use Nail Trends down on Whitlock in the Kroger shopping center. They all speak and understand English really well and do a real good job.
  25. Don't know--but looks like she needs to go get her roots done!!!
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