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Everything posted by tbird

  1. We are doing it easy for Christmas. Potato Soup with bacon, green onions and cheese toppings and Taco Soup with cheese, sour cream and chips. Getting chicken fingers for the picky kids. We will also have several deserts and appetizers.
  2. Google "Dave Poe's mac and cheese recipe". Simple to make and so very good ! It is a BBQ place in Marietta.
  3. This has been in my email for about 12 yrs!! I still send it out every year. It makes me LOL every time I read it!!
  4. I have an easy recipe for cheese straws. They are light and doughy, but not really crisp. I have made them as straws and cookie like (mashed down with a fork). When I make them as straws and use the battery operated cookie press, it usually takes about 3 or 4 sets of batteries because the dough is so thick!!
  5. I can't believe that they still sell that stuff!! Even if you put it on a very nice tree--it looks cheap and tacky!!
  6. I really don't see a big deal about it. Every year I have attended--there are folks walking the parade line handing out flyers for something. Whether it be for a church, politician, dance class, etc. They are always walking along the edge and if you didn't take them, they would wind up in the street. And we were never downtown, we were always at a family members home on Hardee St. at the beginning of the parade.
  7. Sorry you are going thru this. Sad part is, not just them, but what if she winds up pregnant?? What would happen to that child? I am in agreement with other folks, you need to go ahead and make police reports about this stuff. And continue to do so when anything else happens. At least have a paper trail so that if anything really bad happens, then the police will know that there has been a pattern leading to it. Best of luck.
  8. As far as jobs, just how many jobs have been made by other commercial endeavors here in the county??? How many folks from PC work at the movie place? My bet is none!! And talking about union jobs--that would probably be just until the construction is done and then those workers will go where ever their union tells them to go for the next job. I see some folks on here, that originally sounded like they were against the airport deal, and now they are all for it?? WHY??? As a life long resident here (54 yrs), I really hate to see what this will do to the county. I have loved the fact
  9. Of course he ruled in the county's favor--what else did you expect??? Exactly why I had wondered why in the world they didn't try to get it heard outside the county. I hope some of these folks have to try and make it in private practice again come election time--they have to go!!!
  10. They are nice folks. Not the original owners, but I used them several times when I worked down the street. Both of the Hallford's have retired (and think one of them might have died??). They let my Dad work with them many, many years ago to get some on the job training when he was just getting into locksmithing.
  11. My niece's husband had to have weeks and weeks of treatment after cat bites and scratches. Her cat never goes outside, but somehow slipped out the patio door. Then her 3 big dogs scared the crap out it. When he went to rescue the stupid cat--she went crazy on him!! And my son had to have surgery years ago because if cat scratches--he got cat scratch fever!! I never knew it was something real, I just thought it was a Ted Nugent song!! LOL
  12. No hose or tights should be worn with any type of open toe or sandal--at all. And I don't think open toed shoes should be worn in the winter either, they are too much like sandals. And while we are on the topic of fashion--why all of sudden is it taboo to wear hose (nylons)??? I cannot stand to see all these women walking around with these pasty white legs and no hose. The hose do cover up some problems. Even in summer, if you don't have just a little bit of color on your legs--the no hose thing just looks awful.
  13. It does appear to be moving!! Those things give me a headache!! LOL
  14. Why wouldn't they try and get any type of hearing held out of Paulding County?? No way that it can be fair if it is held here. Everybody is in everybody's pockets!!
  15. Ok--so, Silver Comet whatever is going to pay the bond payments. What happens if this business closes and goes bankrupt? We see (especially me in my line of work) businesses go under and file BK all the time. If they go under, I guess that means that we (Paulding County) is responsible for making those huge payments>
  16. Is this per month or year?? And none of those figures include salaries or normal upkeep?
  17. Can anybody answer my above questions??? I don't remember if I have ever seen any information regarding these. I guess the main thing is, is the County going in the hole supporting this airport already?? Some how, I seem to think that they would be when you factor in salaries, upkeep, normal expenses (utilities and such), etc.
  18. It may have been said on here before, but I would like to know just how much flight traffic the airport gets now. Is the money made on flights coming in and out or planes stored there? Is it even self-supporting at this point or is it in the red?? No, I am not for the airport deal, but would still like to know these answers. Seems like it would be a huge deciding factor--somewhat???
  19. Glad to say that out of 18 eggs--only 1 give me a problem this morning and only 1 side of it was messed up!! I don't use store bought eggs. Get fresh eggs from a neighbor.
  20. I have also been looking. Been with TMobile for about 10 years and they have really ticked me off with this pay full price for a phone deal they are doing now. My only problem is that I can't really find anybody with a monthly plan any better than what TMobile offers. I feel that if you have been with a company for that many years and have a very good record with them--it should mean something.
  21. Heck--you can't rent many houses for $700 a month--let alone a year!!
  22. I only buy the Aunt Jemima Buttermilk corn meal--not on the list!!
  23. You must be one of those folks that knows the lane is ending and waits until the very last minute to get over??? Yeah--one of my best pet peeves of driving. If you know the lane is going to end and there is a good bit of traffic in the other lane--why in the world do you wait til the very last minute and then expect everybody to just stop and let you over?? I always wonder if they think they are better than us folks that are sitting in the traffic--you know, they are too good to sit in traffic like everybody else?? Don't mean to offend you--might not have been your case, but I see it every
  24. Unless it has moved. it is on a little access road off Fairburn Road--can be seen from I 20 (pretty much right where the exit off I 20 runs into Fairburn). Been a while since I have been there!!
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