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Everything posted by tbird

  1. This is 2 separate cases and both of them were on Channel 5 last night. The newest case, the guy that shot his wife at the salon. got a $100K bond. The older case, the child that was found in the tub beaten to death, he originally had a $30K bond and now they have lowered it to $25K. Either amount in either case is totally unheard of for a murder case. The Judges and the DA should be so ashamed of themselves that they just step down from office. They are the laughing jokes in the legal world in the metro area. Well, them and the folks in Douglas County!!
  2. Again--I blame most of this on the DA's office. They should have already indicted him. If the assistant DA could stand in Court and say that the autopsy had pages and pages of proofs that the child had been beaten--then they should have already indicted him. I do understand that Dick Donovan started out doing good, trying to get the case load caught up and such--but then it just seems like they stopped. But hey--nobody run against him, let him do another term and then he can draw his pension and go home. Boy, do I wish someone would knock him out of office. I was actually all for him in the la
  3. Hopefully, his family still can't come up with the bond. He was originally set at $30K, which is LOW for murder, and they obviously had not been able to come up with that. Either they couldn't find a bonding company to take it or they couldn't come up with the cash or property. And I doubt that a bonding company will be jumping at the chance to sign on his bond--to me it would be a huge risk for their company.
  4. And I wonder where that little boys mother was during this bond hearing? Remember when she was on TV carrying on about he killed my baby, blah. blah--and she had not even seen the boy in 2 years!! She should have been in Court to testify against him getting out.
  5. The child killer was given a very low bond to begin with and now to lower it even more??? And why in the hell has the DA not indicted this man?? I realize that it takes time to get an autopsy back (dealing with GBI crime lab and all), but he could have called a special grand jury meeting for this--I think?? And the guy that killed his wife--Again, a very low bond for somebody accused of murder. The DA's office needs to get on the ball and get these cases indicted as soon as possible. He promised all of this in his campaign last time and so far, I haven't seen any proof that he has clea
  6. We used to have this for lunch all the time when I worked off the Square. Very good, huge portions and super nice folks.
  7. I catch them when they go in the holes and spray bug killer up in the holes. If it dies in the hole--it sure keeps others from going in there!! And I have been known to use spray adhesive and glue them inside. (only when it was the only thing I could find--of course) Heck, when I am out of bug spray, I have been known to use hairspray, spray cleaner, etc.
  8. Can she not get the Sherriff's Dept. to serve?? And I would think that it could be written to serve "only him" and ask for proof of ID?? I don't work in any type of law like that, all of our service is done my mail or email (and we are just serving Motions or Amendments on cases).
  9. When was this?? I don't know if I remember hearing about it.
  10. Don't think so. They are further down Macland--right past 92. And they have a shop and yard in Hiram, on Poole Road.
  11. A former boss of mine posted on FB that mother nature must be drunk!!
  12. Sheriff's website already shows an arrest today for felony murder. Wonder if it is same case--or maybe another??
  13. YEah--and I think they said that they were drug cases--imagine that??
  14. It had to do with him picking up somebody walking from the courthouse. And the guy had just been in his courtroom for jury selection--he was the person with criminal charges against him. The Judge finally recused himself of the guys 3 pending cases.
  15. When you say go after the builders--you have to think about the way all of that works. Example: Said builder had a company 10-15 yrs ago when things were booming. Said compnay got caught with some of those houses that sat empty and finally the bank took back. At that point, the company either filed for bankruptcy (if they had any assets left). If there were no assets of the business--they simply had to shut that business down. They could then go out the very next day and open a new business under a different name and start all over again. This happens all of the time. That is one of the main p
  16. There are lots of things that happen in this county that are never told. Sometimes the Sherriff's office and the Court system are real good at keeping things secret (of course, it all depends on exactly WHO you are).
  17. They come out every Wednesday and you can find them at just about every convenience store in the county. Not much in them anymore, though. If you get them in the mail--you will get it on Thursday.
  18. I really don't see how somebody that hasn't even been practicing law for 10 yrs, and practicing in the fields of real estate, wills and estates can qualify as a Judge. I certainly would not want someone like that hearing any case of mine!!
  19. Well, she was only admitted to the bar in November 2005. Absolutely not enough time to be practicing before taking the bench. It is unheard of--period. I would venture to bet that the Judge's starting salary is much more than she is making now and with the benfits and retirement--Daddy sure set her up for life.
  20. Believe it or not--stuff similiar to this happens all the time. When the Govenor appoints folks to the positions--do you think he really studies all of the people and does his research?? No--whoever can get to him and do the best talking for their friend or otherwise aquaintence--BINGO. And yes--I have seen this happen in other counties, I just won't name names. I really don't see where she has the legal background to be a Judge, but then again, neither did Ken Vinson. He had pretty much made a career out of practicing real estate. I don't know exactly how long she has been practic
  21. I have been watching several posts on FB from attorney friends of mine in Cobb County. To say the least--they are pissed!! This is very sneaky and under handed, to say the least.
  22. I will say that some of my attorney friends (from other counties) are having a field day with this on FB!! It is not a happy subject among them at all.
  23. HaHa!! I can somewhat relate to that story. When my kids were younger, they had a solid black cat and if I remember correctly--his name was Blackie (yeah--real original!!). They were outside playing one day and the cat got hit in the head with a line drive baseball--it was a wonder it didn't die on the spot. He wobbled a day or two and didn't eat much and then he seemed to be a lot better. He got mean after that. As long as you left him alone--he was fine. If you ever tried to move him or anything of that nature--he went off on you. He would run and get under a bed afterwards and do all th
  24. There is also a nice article in the The Daily Report regarding this situation. It sounds VERY, VERY fishy to me!! But, this sort of thing happens all the time, even in the appointed positions for Judge. You get a friend of a friend and they can get it all set up for you.
  25. FOr your information, I work in the legal field. Even more particular--for one of "those Bankruptcy Attorneys" that has an office here in Paulding. I also know a good many criminal defense attorneys that actually helped our DA with his campaign last time. I will just say that many are not willing to help this time. And for the record--I don't know many attorneys in this county any longer. Most of my contacts are very well respected attorneys in Cobb and Bartow. And I will tell you that they dread Pauding cases.
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