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love bug

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Everything posted by love bug

  1. I fully agree!! I would much rather deal with a stoner than a drunk any day!!
  2. Thank's Postman I enjoy reading your posts. I also like Dumbest Girl in the World posts mainly because she loves the Brits
  3. Liverpool is a great city full of history. I was born here. Right now it is in the 70's and at night will dip down in the 50's. Never been a fan of heat so I am in the right place. Haha no worries. How cool you have a friend in Liverpool
  4. I lived in Hiram for 12 years 2 years ago I moved to Liverpool England. But still love me some Paulding.com
  5. My father was ill for 7 years. He was overcome with dimentia 6 years ago. He seldom knew who we were. He could not do anything for himself. My Mother took care of him for 3 of those years and finally had to put him in a nursing home. As a 200 lb man was very hard for my Mom to lift and such seeing she was maybe 120. My mother visited him 5 times a week as so did we. He finally passed almost 4 months ago. As we are all still grieving we are relieved for him. We felt like we lost him twice once to dimentia and then when he passed. My mother has had a friend for 6 months. Everyone gossips about h
  6. Gotta add some boom boom pow
  7. Grease Grease 2 Princess Bride 1st Clash of the Titans Outsiders Yes I know cheesy
  8. He is one of the sweetest men I have ever met
  9. McDonalds is everywhere in the UK. The deserts are different and no Mc Rib but everything else is the same :)Oh and no biscuits only Mc muffins. We go maybe once every couple months.
  10. What type of autism is it? Our son is 13 and went to EPMS he has Aspergers. He asked us to keep him in regular classes which we did. He did not want to be singled out. His teachers were aware but he did really well. He was a little naughty but not to bad. But it really boosted his confidence being able to stay with his friends in the circle.
  11. LOVE HIM!!!! What do ya want from him?????
  12. Honestly my opinion is these kids would be better off without her. These kids are set up for failure. There are many people looking to adopt. She should have a tubal and get educated and get a job. People like this expect everyone to help out. They are lazy and will leach of the system. They have kids for more $$ it makes me sick......
  13. Wow Classy!! Not really appropriate for this thread!
  14. I think a sex shop would be ideal
  15. I would have to agree. I loved their wings but the owners were crap.
  16. RIP Janie Lane they found him last night in hotel room
  17. Wow I am amazed how any people do not like her! I absolutely love her she has a beautiful voice especially when she plays the piano and sings the blues. I have seen worse people make it big with NO talent. I guess to each their own.........
  18. I get a Brazilian Blow Dry it seals you hair with Keratin. My hair is curly and frizzy. You can get it done at salons it makes your hair straight without a sign of friz. I lasts about 2 months. It is the best thing I have found or my crazy hair
  19. As I stated in my post I was born in the UK My parents raised me there till I was 9 so therefore I was lucky enough. I do understand the immigration laws and know it is very difficult to move to the UK unless you are a UK subject, a child of a subject or spouse. the move across country is not an option for most. So yes it was simple for myself.
  20. I moved from Paulding to the UK last December and the reason I left the US was the healthcare. Hubby was a contractor and I was a housewife and low and behold we could not get insurance due to pre-exsisting conditions.....Luckily I was born in the Uk so we were able to make the move and I can assure people I have never waited weeks for an appointment. I call the Dr's today and I will get in today. As far as surgeries it goes on who needs it more but I can assure you there is not a long wait. I have not paid one penny for the kids,self or hubby for all of our medical needs. Hubby works here and
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