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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Yes we lose pay if there is exemption,
  2. Where is this place? I keep hearing great things about it and dont know where it is.
  3. Thank you all so much! Alot of areas in my life are up in the air right now and I know alot of people in bad situations right now. God Bless
  4. Thanks so much! GOD bless!! Yes I do Kim! Thank you!
  5. I just wanted to ask for prayers please. I just having a really hard time right now. I am sorry if this is the wrong forum.
  6. They sicken me too! All the while claiming this is God's will.
  7. I have had loratab called in before. Do you have any muscle relaxers? Alternating the heat pad with ice pack should help more. I am still recovering from back surgery so I can understand your pain.
  8. From another article I read the ones blocking these people from the funeral is going to wear angel wings. I thought that was a wonderful idea!!
  9. here it is http://www.politicsdaily.com/2011/01/11/westboro-baptist-church-to-picket-funeral-of-9-year-old-arizona/?icid=main%7Chtmlws-main-n%7Cdl1%7Csec4_lnk2%7C194773. Sorry I am not so good with posting links.
  10. I read a news report about it. I will find it and post it.
  11. The child and family are Catholic and that they are going to hell.
  12. I wish police would lock them up and throw away the key. They are some really sick folks. This family is suffering enough to have to bury this child and these people should be ashamed wanting to picket a 9 yr old child funeral. What they are doing is not freedom as speech its harassment. One day they will get shot by a grieving family member.
  13. Thanks!! He just got a call not to come in. Made me happy so I wouldnt be worrying about him. HUGS
  14. My son has to go into work today. We live in Yorkville and he has to get to Thorton road. Anyone know the road conditions from here to there?
  15. My Ortho is Dr Mortazavi with Resurgens and the pain dr is Dr Kamath with Comprehensive Pain Managment.
  16. I love that place!! always friendly and takes all the time you need to talk over what your options are. Once I had to go in because the medication wasnt helping and they documented as to why I needed another medication. They follow the laws and help get you off the narcotics.
  17. I had a drug test the first day I went to see the Dr. and have had 2 more since then. That is what impressed me because once while I was waiting for my results someone popped positive and the Dr went to them right away. I have since stopped using the narcotics and its been up and down but I had to for reasons I dont want to get into.
  18. TY!! I cant wait to try this. I will let you know how it turns out.
  19. In my case the Ortho Dr sent me to them. I would think your Dr. would be your best bet. I went through 3 epidurals before I had my surgery and the pain clinic also did a nerve block as well. I go to the clinic behind BP that is across from Hardy dealership.
  20. I wish I could make that! I have tried and tried but cant to get it to taste right.
  21. I have been going to one for several months and I am grateful for the help. I had back surgery where two of the vertebra had to be replaced. I was in a lot of pain after the surgery and on a lot of meds. Within the first month I was on one third of what I had been taking. Not only have they helped me manage the pain also my sleep issues that I have had for long while. They don't advertise. My surgeon sent me to them and I am happy with the results so far.
  22. My son just came to see if I was alright! You guys have made my day!! I needed a good laugh!!
  23. I love that movie!! My favorite line is "you know I love you more than my luggage"
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