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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Its funny how the foods are divided between salty and sweet. Kinda like getting popcorn and candy at the movies. Its the only time I eat both.
  2. Too Funny!! I wish I could have her face. I wonder if in the back of her mind she was thinking she might try it.
  3. Is anybody else getting hungry reading this?
  4. Just dont get back out! I know what you mean. I have lost almost 50 lbs since I had my back surgery to wear and I hope I can keep it off. On the other hand I have no clothes. Not running around naked or anthing.
  5. Olives and ice cream doesnt sound good?
  6. I loved that show too. Did go beyond the second season. I gonna be surfing netflix for alot of the shows.
  7. I love the black and green olives. I gotta try the garlic ones. All you have to do is mention sushi and I want to get some. Taki is great! Dont really care for ice cream that much but has to be in a ice cream cone.
  8. Oh I forgot about Highlander. He is a honey!!! I would watch this show and drool.
  9. Well it a whole different ball game when it comes to PMS
  10. I have to agree with you this one. I the dvds dont even go to the end of the second season. I was ticked too! I loved Firefly too. I am glad they did go back and do a movie. Another show that had a great following but the network wouldnt give it a chance and you would think after Buffy and Angel to huge shows they would have given it more time.
  11. I have been stressed the last few days and where I get stressed I crave green olives. I was wondering if anyone else did or am I just strange?
  12. I wanted to go there today but I forgot where it was.
  13. My daughter thinks its terrible that I love this song. The first time I heard this I just about choked on my diet coke! quote name='C_Watkins' timestamp='1296602373' post='3378322'] I think you should pray for them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atBg9zLI2bA But yeah, like others have said, "Time." Don't let it consume you. It sucks, but you will get through it.
  14. Just take it minute by minute if you have to. Trust me it will get better even when you think ur not gonna make it through. You learn alot about yourself when all is said and done.
  15. Time is the best thing. I was married for 16 yrs and he walked out on me and two kids. Don't try to rush into another relationship. Give your heart time to heal. For me I concentrated on taking care of my kids and just now after 6 yrs am I able to think about a relationship again.
  16. My daughter went to a pawn shop after her husband's dad died. He had hundreds of dvds. I dont know what how much they will pay for them.
  17. I gotta put an AMEN on this post!!
  18. I just spent the last two weeks getting 200 plus 105 in fees back. Check you bank accounts! This has been a nightmare.
  19. Forgive me if I seemed judgmental. Do I think there is more appropriate clothing to wear to church Yes. But do I think I should judge another person No. I believe in keeping that person coming to church and when your heart changes inside then you will want to change outside.
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