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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Well then this would be a VERY different topic!!
  2. I am not touching this with a ten foot pole!!!!
  3. This is the thing I am having a huge problem with right now. My Daughter is 19 and has quit college, has no driver's license or a job. She is planning on getting married (which is a whole other issue) and her fiance has a part time job and his mother lost her place to live for reasons not her own so he lives with us as well but he pays 200.00 a month. If she was at least trying get her license so she could work or go back to school I would be ok I would be ok with her not paying anything to help them along but she wants to sit here on her can and I am fed up with it. Am I wrong? They cant
  4. It is burning great. The houae is warm and toasty. Thank you again Rick!
  5. I am so sorry!!! I lost my Dad 1/23/2010 and It still hits me in waves . I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless
  6. It wasnt that long ago that Diane died driving a school bus. As bad as that was I dont want to imagine if there had been kids on the bus. Always driving with caution while driving a school bus whether there are kids on it or not may save a life.
  7. Rick is who I was talking about. I really am very tired. LOL I cant change the header. If a moderator who please I would really appreciate it.
  8. Any number of reasons such as field trips. There are so many laws that govern school bus drivers and new ones are added every year for the safety of the kids.
  9. I do. For some reason I can only change the body of the post and not the header.
  10. Bus Drivers are not stupid. Even if there is only one student on the bus a driver can not exceed 40 mph. Its the law. Kids are not always visible from your car. ( i.e. small children, sleeping or sitting low in their seats)
  11. I just wanted to Thank the Firewood Man!! I have been trying to find someone to get firewood from and I am so glad I called him. Guys he is awsome. I called him before I left for work today adn he was willing to work with me and deliver all the way here in Rockmart. I had the wood when I got home this afternoon. There are very few people these days that will do this and has earned as cusomter for life here!! Again Thank You so much!!! God Bless Kathie The Topic should have read Shout out. I am tired. How do I change it?
  12. Doesnt the three second rule appy to oreos coming out your nose?
  13. I will keep you in my prayers!! My dad died last week and I wish I had been there to say goodbye. Every minute we have with those we love is a blessing and I hope that you and your family find the peace and comfort in the coming days ahead. God Bless
  14. Thank you all very much. He suffered s massive stroke and I am just really glad that he is in a better place.
  15. I am glad you are at peace now Daddy and will love you always.
  16. You know this world has gotten to be a hard place to live in because there are so many people in that just dont care about anyone except themselves. So when God chooses to take a person from this world that is a shining light full of just the opposite love & caring. A person that the spirit of the Lord is a light to everyone who comes in contact with them just seems so wrong when they are the ones that are taken from this world. But I have seen from the funeral of just this kind of Godly person someone who loved them was so broken they accepted Christ in their lives and that lead to a whol
  17. I wish I could make that!! I have tried & tried but cant get it right. That or chicken & dumplings.
  18. She has alot of talent but the hype with her wild looks is what getting her the most attention. She is a beautiful lady when she is not looking all crazy. I think she would have a bigger fan base if she did tone it down. JMO
  19. I use Dr Langford and he is wonderful.
  20. Amen to that! Much better than the alternative. I hope everyone gets better quickly and I am so thankful that this turned out ok. Wishes of fast healing to all! Be blessed and hugs!!!
  21. my daughter about went into a seizure when her cat did this and I was laughing my butt off. This is the first year she has bought them on her own and the cat decided she liked the pretty paper. I will have to get my double sided tape out and then have more fun watching the cat.
  22. I am still sending up prayers for you and yours and all involved.
  23. I couldnt tell what kind of car. They were surroundung it and it looked like they were trying to get someone out.
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