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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. LPPT thank you. You have no idea how little understanding much less thanks we get. When I started driving 8 yrs ago I quickly realized that I wished I had thanked my children's bus driver more than I did. She set the example for me as a driver today. As with anything until you walk in someone's shoes you cannot fully grasp what goes on day in and day out. Everyday I have kids who will not as much as say good morning to me and others who chat the whole way to and from school everyday. I have given kids lunch money if I hear they don't have any. I have even given a child the gloves off my hands
  2. LOL!! Sounds like hubby should run for cover before you back over him!! Have a good night and tommorrow a better day.
  3. I am sorry that happened to your child and it would leave a bad impression on me as well. I have learned a lot driving a bus that I never would have thought of when I was sending my child off to school on one. The actions taken by the schools differ from school to school. The amount of time taken off the bus depends on the offence and how many times written up. The end result can be expulsion from the bus. Cobb is very different from Paulding but we still have growing pains and are catching up. Personally I keep every child in kindergarden in the front of the bus with me so I can keep a close
  4. I am not debating with anyone nor trying to say who was right or wrong here. I just want to give you facts as a driver. Cell phones are prohibited on buses. The resource officer was there to help with the situation. If parents are coming in demanding their child from someone who by law cannot allow them to leave the bus without authorization its doesn't help calm down the situation. Not all schools support the drivers and that undermines their efforts to keep control of the bus. There is one single person that driver alone on the road with anywhere from 40 to 70 or more students in that bus. Y
  5. That will be determined when the facts are viewed on the hard drive. Not by anyone that was or was not there after the fact. With bus drivers its become guilty until proven innocent.
  6. But your license doesn't not state that you are that child's mother nor if in some cases that you are the custodial parent. I am not saying that your child made anything up. I know from experience that things tend to with teens to have more drama in the telling. The tapes will be reviewed by the administration and the truth will be seen not heard. I am a parent too and I understand that your first concern is for your child but as a bus driver ours has to be everyone's child in our care.
  7. Ok don't jump on me but did you see the driver push the kids or were you told by your child that's what happened? When there is a sub driver on the bus kids tend to get a little wild because the driver doesn't know them an if the driver had to do pull the bus over then it had to get unsafe to continue on if the kids where not behaving. As a parent you want to be able to take your child from the bus BUT how is the driver to know that you are the parent? We cannot legally allow your child to get off the bus unless at an authorized bus stop or school. Only school administration or law enforcement
  8. I had a gastric bypass so I have given to myself for almost 11 years. Once or twice a month. Once you get used to it you can tell when its time for another one. Just give it some time its worth it.
  9. I have always had a HP/Compact desktop and now laptop. I am very happy with every product I have bought from them.
  10. This is already happening. Its not apparent right now but as it continues it will.
  11. you sound like me! that's why I remember how long it took for my daughter to find some shoes. I finally sat down when 4 hours later we were back at the first store we started at that I was gonna sit until she found a pair in this store. but when you see them all dressed up it is worth it. OK.....I am not trying to hijack. let me know if you need help with the shoes or anything else.
  12. This is why I love P.com! No matter how large this county grows it still remains a caring close comunity. She is going to need shoes also. I think I spent 4 hours at least looking at shoes when my daughter went to prom. So glad my youngest is a boy and he graduated last year!
  13. please let me know what size she is and how tall. there should be someone at our church that could help. there are also alot of wonderful kind people on paulding.com.
  14. I agree. One day I am gonna get it right. I miss my grandma. She was the best cook!!!
  15. I wish there were country cooking classes. I Love chicken and dumplings and no matter how hard I try I cannot make them. I have tried canned biscuits, frozen dumplings, Bisquick, etc and still cant get it to taste right.
  16. Thanks for sharing this!! He did hit it on the head. I cant watch Charlie Sheen anymore because he just doesn't seem to have a clue as to how bad he is making himself look. Reminds me of Tom Cruise and his comments on postpartum depression.
  17. Both of mine were a handful. My son has ADHD but I NEVER allowed him to use it as an excuse for anything and I have seen parents who do. He would pitch a fit in the store and I would take him out then and there. There was no you will get this if you are good. If he was good he DIDNT get his tail spanked, My son is now 18 yrs old and I still chew his butt out from time to time. There too many kids whose parents make excuses for them. What kind of adults are they gonna be when there is no one to make anymore excuses for them?
  18. I forgot the password. shoot i wanted tocheck out what was going on....lol
  19. Heck sometimes I miss my whole dang mouth. How I do that I cant figure out. Thank you. I was kinda proud of myself...LOL
  20. I am the biggest klutz. I cant tell you how many times I have set my coffee cup on the dash and forgot about it until coffee was everywhere!! I keep saying the same thing. If they made them for adults I would buy a dozen!! You would make a fortune!!
  21. I wont soon forget this lesson with coffee thats for sure. I agree with you on the high end laptops. If you are patient you can pickup a good one for around 500.00.
  22. I absolutely will in a couple weeks. Thank You! This is my first laptop and I love it. Its driving me nuts not being able to use the laptop keyboard. I am just one of those people that waits to make sure its worth buying. Then again I have been working with computers for about 22 yrs.
  23. Thank you!! I am still upset with myself for spilling the coffee on it. I have a dark spot on the right side of the screen along with the keyboard issue. I would like to get another keyboard soon. The external one is ok for now. In case folks don't know the first thing to do is turn it off, unplug it and take out the battery. Then turn it over and drain off the liquid for 24 hrs to be on the safe side use a hair dryer set on low to dry it further. If you are comfortable taking out the keyboard then do so to check if there is any more liquid. Whatever you do DONT turn it back on until you are
  24. I spilled coffee on my laptop 15 days ago and am now back up. Did all the things you are supposed to do when that happens. The hard drive & all my data is fine. I have to get a new keyboard because three or four keys dont work but I have an external one that my son got me to use & a cordless mouse from my daughter. I am so glad I knew what to do because it saved me from having to buy a new one. This one is not even a year old yet. Have learned my lesson about coffe and laptops!!
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