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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. New Covenant Fellowship 3rd annual car and truck show. Saturday April 16th 8:30 am - 1pm. Registration 8:30am - 10:00am. FREE admission and registration. Prizes awarded in multiple classes. Food & Music. 4211 Hiram Sudie Road. For more information contact Linda @ 770-656-3001 or Shawn @ 678-618-0185.
  2. its just hard for me to understand why no one noticed the smell of alcohol when pouring into the cup.
  3. The kid visited margaritavile (sp) that's for sure.
  4. One is bad enough but three! Hard to believe that was a mistake!
  5. I would be one ticked off Mom!! http://www.aolnews.com/2011/04/10/toddler-dominic-dill-reese-served-alcohol-at-michigan-applebees/?icid=main%7Chtmlws-main-n%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk3%7C209394
  6. When teenagers call something gay. Irritates me to death. (small hijack) No one has explained the droopy pants thing to me yet.
  7. Sergeants flea drops almost killed my dog! It was a sample I got in the mail and I will NEVER use any product of theirs again. About a hour after I put it on her she went into seizures. I have never been so scared in my life. I stayed up with her for 2 days straight I was so scared she was going to die.
  8. You are a sweetheart!! You vent all you want. People say the same things about my job as a school bus driver. That and my taxes pay your salary. Everyone has a bad day and you should be able to come on here to vent without being attacked for it.
  9. Dang!! You got me beat!! I thought 10 lbs was hard!! My son was born a few weeks early. I had a c-section and as soon as the Dr made the incision he popped out. It was funny listening to the Dr talk about how big he was. The good thing about how big he was he slept good.
  10. I did the same thing with my son. Wrapping him up was the only way he would stay asleep. He was born weighing 10 lbs and drinking 3 ounces of formula. We skipped newborn altogether.
  11. I do it too!! Just puts u in a good mood and the better mood u are when are driving the bus the better the trip is for me and the kids!!
  12. My dog will stand on my chest or my head if I am asleep during a storm. If I am awake she wants to hold her the whole time. Right now she is snoring away.
  13. I talk to myself in traffic about the drivers that are ticking me off.
  14. hmmmmm....when you put it that way I see your point.
  15. Has to be something funny. You are always cracking me.++
  16. God Bless Lady!! As hard as it is losing someone we love knowing we will see them again gives a little peace. Beautiful poem.
  17. all I could think of was dang his butt is gonna hurt for a while!! he must have gone up about 6 feet. dont think constipation will be a problem either.
  18. I went by in the bus not to long after it happened. Please if possible someone let us know how the kids are.
  19. I wish more parents did this and I am thankful when they do. I always held my kids to a higher standard because I am a bus driver.
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