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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Well my baby is who is having a baby went to her first Dr's appointment and she is 5 and a half weeks along not three like she thought. Everything is good so far and the baby's due date as of right now is around Feb 20th. Next month is the first sonogram. I am getting used to the Grandma thing...lol I gotta say I don't remember being grumpy. Never know when her heads gonna revolve!
  2. Thank you very much!! I love the way that truck looks at the end!!
  3. You know I don't know if anyone has seen that TLC show "Toddlers's and Tiaras" but the make-up alone can make a girl looks YEARS older. I believe she is 16 yrs old. You can see it a few of these pics. Boobs real? No Way!!
  4. LOL....I will let Carrie do the talking on this. I wish I figure out how to put the video in the post darnit!! http://youtu.be/WaSy8yy-mr8
  5. WOW.....makes me sick to my stomach to think how much worse it could have been at that speed. Just look at what was left of the car the guy from the Jackass movies was driving. I pray all of these kids get better soon and learn how precious their lives really are.
  6. Moose!! I missed seeing ur cheerful banter...lol Mine is a CPAP machine just a different version and didnt cost me a thing. Now the insurance company is a different story. I agree dont go to the sleep clinic on ur own. Go to the Dr first.
  7. LOL....not sure if I would call it an adhesive. More like caulk gel and I had two tests. Sleep apnea is when your sleeping your tongue relaxes and blocks your airway that causes you to wake up to breath. That why there is a lot of tossing and turning because you cant rest if you keep waking up to breathe. I didn't realize how many health issues are related to sleep apnea until I did some research on my own. I don't wear a mask I have the one that goes just in my nose and it a bi-pap which means it controls my air flow when I breathe in and out. It also has a humidifier the help with my allergi
  8. Last concert I went to was when I took my daughter to see the Hansons....lol
  9. They are always sitting where it turns to 35mph. I never have seen them anywhere its 55mph.
  10. Its really not that bad. Its like sleeping in a motel with wires stuck all over you.....lol I was there when the tornado hit Atlanta and I never knew there was bad weather that night. I like to never got that goo out of my hair. I have a bi-pap machine and I cant always sleep with it but it helps. There has been a lot of things mentioned that may come out of it. Your Dr. will try to help before he sends you there. Meds a lot of times helps. It helped me for a while but I had back issues that I discovered after I had surgery that caused a lot of my sleep troubles.
  11. That at least is some good news. I used to live off that road and it is a hazard. The limit is 55mph but alot of people go alot faster than that. I pray for everyone involved.
  12. Nope my daughters husband is the only baby daddy
  13. I was happy that there wasnt any hail. That was scary!! Only time I have ever seen hail like that was in tornado.
  14. I just wanted to post a thank you to the officers who came to my daughter's home. It turned out to be a minor call which I am grateful for. My daughter called me an hour ago because a former roommate who had been harassing them was at her door refusing to leave. She finally left when my daughter wouldnt open the door and my daughter came out of her apt to come over to mine the girl was waiting on her and my daughter called me hiding in the woods. My daughter is just a few weeks pregnant and this girl has past drug and alcohol use. She has had two children taken away from her. I know the police
  15. Now that funny!! I would have loved to see that!! Dang already choking on coffee this morning!!
  16. There was no unkindness intended on my part. As I stated there is a lot of sadness already and I have seen many a time where something like this turns ugly in not liking or agreeing with what was reported. I feel horrible for everyone involved including those rendering aid.
  17. Did they shrink wrap the dude?
  18. No one has been disrespectful about anything in regards to this incident including the reporting of it. I would think instead of jumping on someone about the report given by the GPS you would take your grievance up with them. There is enough sadness without adding anymore drama. IMO
  19. There are no words. Maybe its a blessing that she didn't see him in the car accident. That not being the last memory of him.
  20. You made the right decision. I am so sorry for your loss and will keep you in my prayers.
  21. I know when the baby gets here I wont care! I remember the best days of my life were summers with my MeMaw. Right now its hard to imagine. My son just graduated high school last year and was thinking how fast time flies and how I wanted just to rock my babies one more time. Well I got my wish I can rock a baby to sleep again.
  22. Hey I like that SpunkyNana! Thanks guys! I am getting a little weepy thinking about it now. The last 7 years I raised her and her brother by myself working 2 and 3 jobs. She married a great guy who spoils her rotten and I love him to death.
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