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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. LMBO!! I think he is messing with us to see if we are paying attention!
  2. Well you were all right. I ended up in the emergency room today with my eye. I thought I was doing better until I drove my morning route. I started having some really bad pain in my eye and could not stand the light. My Dr sent me to the emergency room because he had no way of checking my eye. The Dr at the emergency room found an abrasion on the cornea of my eye. She gave me drops for my eye and said I couldnt drive until Friday or until I could stand the light. There was still some infection but not much. I also need to wear a patch over my eye. It was all caused by my poking myself in my
  3. Yes thats what it feels like something is in my eye and the vision in that eye is blurred. I have rinsed and rinsed with sold water and it seemed to help some. I will call my Dr. I never thought mascara would case something like this! Thanks again everyone!!
  4. Thank for your responses!! One question...can I sleep with a compress on my eye?
  5. I was just getting ready for work yesterday like I always do and while I was putting on my mascara poked myself in the eye and it hurt so bad. I didnt think anything of it until my eye started to get really irritated and now this morning my eye was crusty. I used eye drops to try and clean anything out left from the mascara. Any suggestions?
  6. I dont doubt it but that doesnt mean the video of this death should be posted.
  7. I dont believe this should not be posted. This death should not be splashed over the internet. Tasteless in my opinion.
  8. Glad to hear you are feeling better!
  9. I cant answer this one Lucky. I am so sorry that you are in pain. I hope you get relief soon!
  10. I am ok Mrs G. Looks like we are both still working at feeling better. I am due for another nerve block myself. Go see Dr Mortazavi he is a doll. He is also the one who set me up with the Pain Dr who does my nerve blocks. Nerve blocks dont work well on me anymore because of my hips. So I will be seeing Dr Mortazavi soon myself.
  11. I love Dr Mortazavi!! He did my back surgery and I would never consider going to anyone else. I am starting to have trouble with my hips so I have to see him again soon. I am a side sleeper as well but still have back pain which is par for the course but am wondering if a particular pillow would help with low back issues as well.
  12. I started watching it on Netflix over the holiday break and love it! Wasnt expecting it to be so good.
  13. You are correct. The farthest is mile in Ga but in Paulding County is 1/2 a mile.
  14. Have Mercy! Not Again! They will be running down 278 again.
  15. I wondered this as well. Only thing I could come up with is that whoever was doing the test was in on it.
  16. Wow thats awesome! Its wonderful to hear she is as nice as she seems to be and she did deserve better.
  17. I would pay to see that! Doing that showed who really is where is matters the most! I was waiting for someone to say this. LOL
  18. After he left his wife and children when she stood by him when he had cancer and then left Sheryl Crow when she was battling breast cancer. That's when he showed me what a true dirt bag he is. He should be sued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for all wreckage he has left in his wake.
  19. Glad to hear she is doing better! Your family has been through alot! Keeping you in my prayers!
  20. Good Morning to you too!! Hope you have blessed day as well!
  21. I am pretty much in agreement with everyone mentioned. Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan would be at the top of my list.
  22. do you have to get xbox live to use the xbox for netflix? my son gave me his old one and i would love to stream netflix on it.
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