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Everything posted by Peaches

  1. Glad there are people in the community who see this as a problem. Teachers have complained about this for a while now. As I understand it, this has been going on for years (long before I came back here to teach). I can see small banners on the baseball field, softball fields, and even the fences at football games. I don't think it is good for large advertisments plastered on the field house or the school itself. Just doesn't feel right and looks like a business is more in charge of what goes on there. There are some things were advertising just shouldn't be.
  2. Citations of this being a problem in North Carolina, please. Need examples that show it to be a significant problem.
  3. Yes, it is ignorance and bigoted. Where is the problem? How many problems or situations have there been where this issue has caused a problem? If there is no problem, the law is not a solution but an excuse.
  4. They are not protecting anyone except their own ignorance and bigotry. So much for the local control the republicans keep talking about.
  5. When Bernie nominates the next justice, it needs to be someone who recognizes science.
  6. In what context is this not racist? "There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school where they do well," Scalia said Dec. 9. "One of the briefs pointed out that most of the black scientists in this country don’t come from schools like the University of Texas. They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they’re being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them."
  7. I wish there was stuff in Dallas. It is the county seat but nada. Maybe if there was something to do and it was advertised so people would know about it. Like I said, I can't remember the last time I was in Dallas and if I have no reason to go, why should I or anyone else?
  8. I can't remember the last time I went to Dallas so I really can't answer your question and I can't remember any of my friends going to Dallas either. Whatever they have in Dallas is apparently nothing to write home about.
  9. I'm sorry he has passed but he was not a good judge and was terrible for our country.Maybe the next president can get at least a moderate and not somebody who put his personal ideas in his decisions.
  10. I still say McKendrick's is more upper level but whatever. I will grant you that any place that is going to cost more than $100 for two people probably won't fly around here. If a Red Lobster or Olive Garden could come out here, I think something like that would really do well.
  11. If $200 for a dinner is mid-level, then I can't afford to eat at a mid-level restaurant!
  12. I don't think McKendricks is mid-level. Maybe mid-to-high end but not mid-tier. The prices would keep most people here away because a couple is going to spend $130-$180 for a meal and drinks and another $40 to $50 in the tip. I might be wrong but most of us can't afford the prices at a mid-level restaurant and I don't think that kind of place would work here.
  13. I want a few snow days but not until Feb. when I need more planning days.
  14. Anyone can volunteer to be a bell ringer and you don't have to be part of the Salvation Army to do it.
  15. Not sure where you read that or who told you that, but it is not the way I learned it. The full senate approves the supreme court justices. That point he was making is that justices are not up for popular vote and the president gets to make the call. Same with who the chairman names to the authority. That's how it was explained to me. May be wrong.
  16. That is not what we are talking about here. It was a low class and rude comment.
  17. It wasn't funny. It was juvenile and low class.
  18. May want to go back and read again. I never said it was 97%. You said that. You're not doing too well in this debate, are you?
  19. It's "choosing" not "chosing." The author of the article is from Heartland Institute as I said. The rest of the science world has another view. If you want to live in the world of propaganda like that of denial of tobacco or climate change, I guess that is your right.
  20. You should check your sources more carefully. Heartland Institute is a political think tank funded and founded by, guess who? That's right. Koch. That sorta casts a serious doubt on the opinion piece. This is the same group that tried to argue tobacco was not bad for people. They have a history of being paid propagandists. Here is something more science instead of politics or a biased agenda to discount that climate change is man made. . http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/
  21. Not wrong, but this is par for the course. TTFN. Near unanimous scientists would agree.
  22. Reading is fundamental. The source you're giving is the Daily Caller. Really? You really want to use that as a source? Tol is not agreeing with the French meteorologist. He is saying global policies so far are not enough. You really should read your citation before you link to it to understand exactly what it is saying. Notice this was a speech to the Cato Institute, a far right think tank funded by other far right money. The French meteorologist was fired because he was a crackpot. 12. I teach for 9 months and then take classes, SDUs, and meeting with school improvemen
  23. He was fired because he lost credibility when he started going into pseudo science.
  24. Tobacco is good for you, right? Lead spoons are wonderful. No need to wash hands at all.
  25. I was in a hurry. Typos happen. It's NASA, not Nasa. The "other factors" were contributing, not primary.,
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