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Everything posted by Peaches

  1. The study is not flawed but the source you are referring is not even a scientist. The thing is these people are smart enough to know what the science is, even if they are not actively involved in the climate change study. They read and understand the process. The point is that general public is nowhere near what the scientists say. Just a factoid, but these people also deal with the effects of the climate change in a policy making capacity. You don't have to be a mechanic to realize what is a dependable car and what is not. If the planet is dying and the human population cannot sustain i
  2. I teach science, but I don't rely on biased sources that substantiate a predetermined political stance as you've done with that source. I don't doubt for a minute you will believe anything I say or the science because your mind is made up. Let's take a harder look at Willis Eschenbach. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Willis+Eschenbach http://www.populartechnology.net/2013/10/who-is-willis-eschenbach.html https://denierlist.wordpress.com/2013/02/10/willis-eschenbach/ If the guy is not a scientist and never produced a single p
  3. I got an email with a new poll out and it shows a large gap between what the general public believe about science and what scientists are saying. That 98% of scientists say evolution is real, a full 1/3 of the population don't even believe that, and think there is still scientific debate over that. Then 87% of scientists say the global warming is happening because of human activity but only half the population accept that. Only 9% of scientists believe that global warming is due to natural events but almost a quarter of the public think so. Here we are in the 21st century and science is still
  4. Hold on. You're admitting here that your emotions are that he can't talk to officers that way. Fact is, he can. He can every time. That is his right. You don't like it and your emotions are to give him a ticket to teach him a lesson that he shouldn't talk to officers like that. That is exactly what I'm saying. Your emotions got the best of you and you wrote the ticket. It is a perfectly human response but it is an emotional response.
  5. I'm just looking at what you said. I don't blame you for getting a bit miffed and writing the ticket like you admitted doing. I'm just saying you let your emotions take over a bit, and that is perfectly fine. We all do it.
  6. That's not what you said earlier. You said you had every intention of giving him a warning but because of how he acted, you gave him the ticket. He yanked your chain and you gave him the ticket. I even said you had every right to give the ticket, didn't I? Your words here, not mine. You were ticked and responded.
  7. No one is saying laws shouldn't be obeyed and the guy in your example didn't deserve the ticket. He broke the law. Write the ticket or not. That is the officer's call but that is not what you said. You said he started acting like an asshole (those are your words) and that is why you gave him the ticket. You said you had every intention of giving a warning until he started acting out. You had every right to give him a ticket for breaking the law, or not. It is not illegal to insult an officer, cuss an officer, flip off an officer, or anything like you described. What he did was tick you off and
  8. I don't disagree with that but that is not what I was addressing in that other guy's post. He said he didn't intend on giving the ticket until the guy started acting like an asshole. That means that guy let his emotions got the best of him. The police have every right to give the ticket or not and I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about simply admitting that the police are human and act just like all other people, and will more likely write the ticket when they are ticked off.
  9. So sad! I never had the chance to know her but everyone I have talked to that knew her had nothing but good things to say about her. God bless her family!
  10. We can do better and hopefully we can be more progressive in this area.
  11. So what you're saying is you let your emotions get the best of you in this situation.
  12. If you view everything through the lens of politics, then you need to step back and take a long, hard look at how you view the world. Nothing I'm saying is about politics but it seems you keep making everything so. Just because you don't agree with scientists about global warming, that is political? Just because I say people should be able to live their lives free of forced views from you makes me a Democrat? This is really beginning to get crazy. I believe you can look it up. I'm not going to discuss it with you because I realize it is futile.
  13. There you go again. Race is a social construct and everyone chooses with a racial identity. Are you honestly saying she cannot represent as an NAACP spokesperson? If she chooses to live as a black person, then that is her racial identity. Plenty of people move to different places and take on the characteristics of the local population. Once again, race is a social construct. Who cares how she wants to identify? She is not running for office and it is a private matter with the NAACP. She identifies as black and may represent the black community. So only Muslims have the right to speak for their
  14. Are you kidding me? This is nothing to do with politics on my part. Where did I say anything about politics? I believe you were the one that brought that into this. Unless you have proof those hate crimes were fake, then you are speculating. Maybe they were. Maybe she did make all that up. If that is true she broke the law and I say prosecute her. Just because she chooses to live as a black person is not a reason to crucify her. Race is a social construct and people make that decision, even changing racial identity, each day. Live and let live. Until she has been charged, there is nothing here
  15. Maybe she is but she has not been charged. Do you have information that she is guilty? Or are you just making an assumption? I realize there may be enough smoke here to assume there is a fire, but let's do the same with George Zimmerman, too.
  16. Again, she chose to live as she wanted. The NAACP doesn't care so why should anyone else? It is a leap to assume she wanted a paycheck. Maybe she just wanted to live as she wants. People use sun tan lotion and tanning beds to look darker, but that doesn't make them a liar. This is a let and let live thing. No should care. I will try this one final time too. She can chose to live as whatever she wants and it is no one's business except busy bodies. He choice and it is not up to you or anyone else to make that decision for her.
  17. How is she dishonest? She is living her life as she chooses and why would anyone else except busy bodies or people that want to make an issue of race care? The NAACP has no problem with it so why do you? There was no test or anything. Why is it not a choice as to how she wants to have her hair or whatever?
  18. No, she is choosing to live as a black person. Who cares except people that are looking for something to complain about over race? The NAACP doesn't care so why should you?
  19. How is she dishonest? It is not a big deal and no one except busy bodies care. Only the NAACP has a stake in the matter. If they don't care, why should anyone else?
  20. If she wants to live as a black person, and the NAACP has no problem with it, why should anyone else care?
  21. Because you didn't read it. The teacher was talking about much more than segregation. She was talking about the officer and so were the other people that lost their jobs.
  22. You didn't read the article, did you?
  23. A lot of people lost their jobs for saying some of the same things a few people have been saying here. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/karen-fitzgibbons-fired-segregated-texas
  24. Maybe not as racist as using the N-word or other code words that everyone gives a wink-wink-wink and knows what is meant. Certainly insensitive and bordering on prejudice, if not actual bigotry. Looks to me like someone here is making a mountain out of a mole hill. The girl was fired and should have been. Drop it and move on to something worthwhile.
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