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Everything posted by Scott

  1. YES YOU ARE! I got drawers I've never worn because I never get down to them. I gotta rotate them every once in a while.
  2. Cold turkey. Unless you can go cold turkey you are really not ready to quit. Just switch it to a diffetent habit. 35 years of Copenhagen snuff. I'm coming up on 6 months cold turkey. I was ready.
  3. It won't matter. Obama doesn't care what you (or us) think. As soon as it gets close to 100,000 they raise the threshold to 250,000.
  4. Because things are AOK, right on track where they should be during this recovery. /s
  5. "The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all weather flag is displayed." It's an all weather flag. We keep it up in ALL weather.
  6. Only in a progressive liberal country like Norway He pointed out the country, not the shooter.
  7. You only get one free pass.
  8. She's my free pass. Blondies is Johnny Depp.
  9. Catherine Zeta Jones. Grrrrrrrr
  10. No where near as good as it used to be.
  11. Ding, song, ding. We have a winner! Johnny, tell us what he's won!
  12. Plus, it is NOT attractive. At all.
  13. I get it. Give them a try with an open mind. They are way out of our "circle" but I'll give them right of first denial when we go out.
  14. You liked my chili. I like Buffalo Joes. Just sayin.........
  15. Chong Wang. Shanghai Knights. Gotta go with John Wayne, he my cousin. Somehow. My grandmothers maiden name was Morrison. Everybody knows he was actually Marion Morrison. One of my aunts did geneology of our family and found the connection. I also found out today there is a relationship to President John Adams on my fathers side.
  16. Speaking of girlfriends, how did you ever make out with the benefit for Rainy a month and a half ago? http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/295511-charity-benefit-for-lorraine/page__p__3727312__fromsearch__1#entry3727312
  17. All skate, all skate. Foghat - Slowride. Then they would always come out with ladies choice and they would play a DAMN Journey song.
  18. You were that dumb kunt in school that rubbed every loss in your opponents face weren't you? There are sore losers but worse yet there sore winners.
  19. Neither team showed stellar defense today. Neither one of them would win a Superbowl playing like they did today.
  20. Not much business for sure if he/she/it gets their K-1's in March. Our Accounting firm has a hard time getting ours by August! I know of very few business owners who do not file an extension. Small one or two man operations maybe.
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