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Everything posted by Scott

  1. My point was he could do it. I never said he could legally do it. There is no doubt in my mind that he wants to do it. But as you said, both sides would be all over him like a duck on a junebug. He is barely smart enough to understand that.
  2. I will NOT get a flu shot. I could actually use the time off and get some rest.
  3. Hells to the yes they are good. Throw them suckers in front of hubs and he be a fool not to eat them. They are just sloppy joes but damn they are good.
  4. I read the news and understand separation of powers just fine, I just answered the question of will he do it. He CAN do it but he won't. He likes his cushy job that he is not qualified to do.
  5. Not if the dumbass wants to keep his job.
  6. There ain't a damn thing "southern" about where he went except Fat Matt's. 25 minutes in Fru fru twenty something crap.
  7. My all time favorite line from Ang to Opie is "boy, and to think I was so proud when you learnt to talk.
  8. I figured anybody with half a brain would know that this was a joke, however very true in its meaning, and had seen it many times on the interwebs. Oh we'll, guess I give too much credit to people.
  9. Same thing I was thinking. What a sad life The Cap'n leads.
  10. Hot on the left, cold on the right, shiit rolls downhill and don't bite your nails. Plumbers creed.
  11. I was hoping this was going to be a nostalgic thread about the old Mindbender roller coaster at Six Flags. Bend your mind, stretch your face, it's the only triple loop coaster in the United States!
  12. I would have to say Nell was my favorite too.
  13. Oink oink. I speak the language.
  14. We use Pet Armor for fleas and ticks. You can buy it at Walmart but we buy it on Amazon. Same ingredients as Frontline. We have ZERO problems with fleas or ticks on the 2 dogs and the wonder cat. Half the price of Frontline. We use Ivermectin for heart worms. Buy it at Tractor Supply. 50 bucks a bottle. Our bottle is over 2 years old. NC-17 showed Blondie how to use it and dose it. Heart worm free ate very vet check. What we save on this stuff allows us to afford the high dollar buffalo fart food.
  15. Unfortunately, I probably did. Damn nasty habit
  16. So glad I quit that crap on Aug 13, 2012. I see the few remaining employees of mine spitting all the damn time or in coke bottles/cups, it grosses me out. Did I/ was I really that person for 33 years.
  17. Thank God for GILFs. Lol If I happen to make eye contact with anyone I gives smile and a nod. Just courtesy on my part. But men are pigs. They're probably flirting.
  18. Blondie was most impressed with the wings. The rodeo burger was spot on.
  19. Bite me, dammit! We will definitely be going back. I do wish they were closer to us but its good enough to drive to get!
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