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Mama Carol

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Everything posted by Mama Carol

  1. well, actually traffic was slowed a bit because of people gawking at it. Me included!! That was huge!
  2. I was on my way back from Austell to Powder Springs and saw a yacht was being hauled up 278, toward Paulding County. WTH got a YACHT??? And more importantly, where were they going to launch it?
  3. I wish I could remember the exact name of the part. It was roughly $150 including labor. I *think*. It's been about four years since I had it replaced.
  4. All I have to say is if AT&T does away with DSL, I will do away with AT&T. Will NOT go with Uverse.
  5. I had this happen to my car. It was a torsion bushing, or something like that. Is your car an Altima by any chance?
  6. Marc and Lisa are two of my favorite people. I can't wait to see Lisa next week. Maybe I can get another hug from Marc, too. I, too, need my car cleaned up but since it's technically hubby's car if he wants to clean it up, Marc is out of luck. I had them clean up my Altima and seriously, I did not recognize it when they brought it back to me! It was beautiful again. Love you Marc & Lisa.
  7. I've never been to a nude resort, but a friend of mine and my husband's has. He said that you're really not there to look at other people and after the first few minutes, you don't care if they have a perfect body or not. Since most nude resorts have a strict no-touch policy, you don't have to worry about being touched. And if other people aren't there to look at you, that surely takes out the "my body isn't perfect" anxiety. I've just never had the nerve to go to one.
  8. If you take the St John's just be sure to tell the doctor if you are scheduled for surgery. He will have you go off them before the surgery. Also, beware about Vitamin E. Almost everyone can take it, but if you do and start having unexplained itching, it could be the Vitamin E. I'm still paying for taking fish oil that had E in it. My arms are a mess.
  9. We only got the parts from them. Hubby replaced one spring by himself and then I helped with the second one.
  10. I used Climara patches for five years. They were great!! My boss cringed when I went off them.
  11. I don't care for either and have been to both.
  12. You probably should. If memory serves me correctly, two tablets equal 300 mg, so you would only be getting 900 mg a day, which is about right. You really have to watch some of the vitamins and herbs. They will say, like what you got, 300 mg. You have to look close at the "serving size" to see that means 300 mg. in TWO tablets, not one. My calcium is that way. In order to get the full dose, you have to take two capsules and they are HUGE! Same way with my cinnamon. I'm taking FOUR 450 mg St John's a day. It took a long time to find the optimum dosage but I can tell when I don't
  13. Better than St John's for depression and anxiety? Please let me know the names of them. St John's is the BEST I have found. Isn't there still an herb shop in Hiram, too? I guess it's because I worked in a health food store but I'm real leery of herb shops and health food stores.
  14. St John's is great. I've taken it almost all the time since I went off Paxil about 7 years ago. The key is to start with the lowest dose possible and if you don't see results in about two weeks, up the dose every two weeks until you do start to see a difference. However, I'm not sure it will help menopausal issues. It should help with anxiety and depression, though. I'm taking a pretty large dose of it but it's still cheaper, and better, than Paxil. I take the Nature Made St. John's Wort 450 mg. I take four of them a day, so I only get 10 days out of a bottle. Quite often Kroger a
  15. The last time one broke, I was in the garage and it scared the crap out of me. I thought the door had fallen.
  16. If they are still there, Metro Garage Doors in Winston (Douglas County) would be the place to go. You can do a search and find their contact info. I don't have it handy. That's where my hubby bought the springs for ours. It sure is scary when those things break, isn't it?
  17. And I need few pages. I really liked Fatcow. Their site builder was a little awkward to begin with, but the backgrounds and the ease of using it once you got used to it made that awkwardness worth it. I just would rather go with a monthly plan right now.
  18. So I just got my domain registered and again I'm looking at web hosting. For a small business, one person, would the 10 GB Disk Space 100 GB Bandwidth basic site be enough? I probably won't need anything more than an info page listing services, an "about us" page and maybe a "contact us" page. Previously, we had a much larger site with multiple pages. I don't think I would need that now. The whole X GB disk space, X GB bandwidth is beyond my comprehension. HELP!! And a tip of the hat to Pubby for telling me about name.com. You're the TIA
  19. It really is tragic. My heart goes out to these people. They are hostages of their fellow citizens who would rather punish them than work with them. Edited to add: this is what can happen when one becomes dependent upon others for their very lives.
  20. I have. I really don't want everyone and his brother to see my home address and phone number. BTW, I use Fatcow. They hosted my site when we had it and they still have my domain. Pubby told me about name.com a couple of weeks ago and I think when mine comes up for renewal in a couple of months, I'll move it there.
  21. If you noticed on the link I provided, different countries use Shariah law differently. I guess in a way that is no different than some areas of the US enforce speed limits more strictly than others but yet all areas have the laws. How many people realize that there isn't just one "Islam"? I sure wish my brother would get on here and educate us all about the Middle East and Islam. He lived in various Middle East countries from the mid-1970s until the early 1980s. Speaking of Africa and what the news shows, has anyone else caught the pictures from Somalia where the starving wo
  22. Hubby said he hasn't seen anyone suspicious in that area. BTW, most of the trail is patrolled, so if you see someone suspicious, notify one of the deputies on the trail. Or if you're on the Cobb side of the trail, there are guys out there ALL THE TIME cutting grass and doing maintenance. They wear Cobb Parks and Recreation shirts, so they are pretty easy to spot.
  23. Hubby rides the trail three times a week. I'll ask him if he has seen anyone suspicious around there.
  24. AWESOME!!! I have a cousin whose first heart surgery was within the first five days of life. She even had heart transplants (yes, two of them) a few years ago. She looked great the last time I saw her.
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