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Everything posted by enjones

  1. gassy, yes. ugly, no.
  2. We have been 4 or 5 times and have enjoyed each and every one. I say it's well worth the drive.
  3. We were goona have pork chops on the grill with sweet potatoes and fried cabbage... but Krogers cabbage was really crappy so I was gonna get it elsewhere and forgot. SO, we ordered Chinese.
  4. I disagree. An hour with my Mom would be so awesome. Just to have the ability to tell her how much I love her and to hug her. Just to be able to actually say goodbye and that I am sorry for this and that. Just an hour would be wonderful.
  5. Past- My Mama Present- Toby Keith Future- I guess I would have to say my grandchildren... edited to add why... Past- I miss my Mom and didn't get to say goodbye. Present- I can't put why- but y'all have great imaginations.... Future- Just to see how they are faring in life.
  6. I have missed her, too. That is why the board has been so dead lately!!! Come back, MWE!!!!! Oh and a small highjack... Rockysmom- you know why they don't wear flips flops, right? They only have 4 toes, for realzies!!!
  7. CRAP!! I won't make it til after 6. WHINE!!!
  8. Yes, we have. Hubby is hot blooded and I have night sweats. The heater coil in the dryer quit yestaerday and my sweat wicking nightgown was still wet. I had to wear a tshirt so I might as well have had no AC. If any of y'all are interested in these night gowns pm Anita from Pak http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/user/20349-anita-from-pak/
  9. I have to work til 5. When do you leave the office?
  10. Whore being the operative word here....
  11. enjones

    Hiram Mayor

    I have no idea, but it is good to see you back!
  12. Thank you for posting this. I copied it so I can use it in a few years with Kaylee.
  13. pm C Mark Willix. He is an awesome Real Estate Agent and just a fabulous person. He could probably help you out. Best of luck!!!
  14. Sorry, Chicka! You know I love me some Mexican food but seafood calls me tonight!! :wub:
  15. Yep! I could live without anything but her.
  16. Sadly this is true...
  17. You almost had me chocking on a jelly bean!!! When can we have lunch or dinner or something?!?!?!?
  18. My daughter. I know that sounds all mushy and stuff... but I am serious. I could do without anything in this world but if something were to happen to her- I'd be nothing.
  19. Great minds and all. You are a survivor and all will be well with the world!! :wub:
  20. I have the same problem. And $1 per dozen makes it SO hard not to buy $20 worth!!! I've been good thus far and have purchased NONE!!! Livin- I hope you find your sweet tarts!!
  21. Congrats! I love mine and it is just like yours!!
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