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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. So people should pay money to see him even they don't like him? I don't work for him and he doesn't work for me. Your comparison is silly. He left his wife of over 18 years for a married woman. He broke up two marriages...a year ago. I hope he ends up marrying the misstress so two cheaters can have each other. But I'll be damned if I'm giving him $50.
  2. what's a "celeberty" anyway? Edited: ahhhh, I see the mods finally got it right
  3. If you were speaking to me, I am not Christian. I simply despise hypocrites of any faith or religion.
  4. Ugh, you couldn't pay me to watch that hypocrite. I saw him years ago and used to really love his music, before he went to all christian. After him having an affair on his wife, and leaving her for the dentists wife...I can't stomach him. I can't imagine listening to him preach/sing now.
  5. Is it coincidence that another troll (IMO) has come out of hiding recently too? Hmmmmm...
  6. I was so excited to experience a dust storm when I traveled to the Middle East, crazy, I know. That excitement wore off after two seconds. I ran like a little girl LOL
  7. Yep, I change purses at least 3 times a week. I've forgotten my wallet a few times, so I'm sure I'd forget that thing. Nice try though.
  8. On the flip side, be prepared for your son to possibly be resentful. My stepson missed a lot of important life moments with his father due his military service. I know that DSS is still bothered that he didn't have his father around all of the time. Unfortunately, it cuts both ways. Best of luck to you!
  9. Oh it's quite simple, I just call him on the secret red phone and he's magically teleported 7400 miles to my car to unlock it for me. Easy peasy pudding pie. Sarcasm aside, I did call him in Afghanistan once from a gas station in IL. I had a Camaro for a rental and was on the way to the airport to return it but had to fill it up first. I had to call him via Skype to ask him and his buddies to google how to open the gas tank. I still haven't lived that down.
  10. I had to save a two year old kid on a escalator at O'Hare airport last week. I cannot stand watching other people's children because they can't be bothered. Plus, I ended up mooning half the airport but my ego can take it. I'm still mad at the mother!!!! Good for you for doing the right thing. Unfortunately, I doubt the parents will learn a damn thing from it.
  11. Stop enabling her and make her take care of herself like a big girl. She'll figure it out pretty darn quick.
  12. I am sad for this baby girl. But SERIOUSLY?!? Innocent children are abused and killed every friggin day in this country. What makes her so different? It should be a vigil for all children.......
  13. I grew up in Chicago and am back home visiting right now. This entire state has been raped and pillaged by its corrupt politicians. Its just sad to see what a cesspool this area has become.
  14. Would you leave your mattress for them to use too? No way would I rent out short term, fully furnished like that. IMO it would be way more trouble than its worth. I have a great tenant but I can't imagine leaving all my stuff for someone to play house with for 6 months. I'd rather leave the place vacant.
  15. Some of the best tomatoes I have ever eaten are called Heirloom tomatoes a.k.a ugly tomatoes. I usually buy them at Wholefoods but sometimes Publix has them. I'm not sure of their origination, but DANG they are tasssssstttyyyy!
  16. It's a cheezety thing for them to do, but they have every right to do it, unfortunately.
  17. All my neighbors in Cobb stayed the same exceot for ours. THey had to put our fair market value at what we just paid for it. So we get a property tax break for one year.
  18. So very true. And I'm sure after all this, that he doesn't even want to live in that neighborhood. I sure as hell wouldn't.
  19. This is the first year that I have blue Grosbeak at my feeder. They are beautiful! I also have Blue Jays this year...can't stand those big bullies. They chase off the other birds and make a huge mess out of the seed. I could also do without the raccoon that likes to hang from the feeder at night.
  20. I think I saw a 45 year old woman wearing that shirt in the Hiram Walmart yesterday.
  21. Oh, and I have 3200 sq ft and have never paid more than $200 in the height of summer. I have two new energy efficient units and they have almost paid for themselves already. Ceiling fans used the correct way (switching their direction for the season) also make a huge difference!
  22. I would be worried because there are at least TEN houses for sale in that neighborhood (and it's not that big). I remember looking at a few houses in that 'hood years ago and some are STILL for sale. To me, they looked like POORLY POORLY built houses that were built at the height of the real estate boom in PC. I hated that the subdivision was half built and will probably never be fully built since it seemed the builder went bankrupt, although I could be wrong...just my impression. Yes, the houses had a lot of square footage, but at what price? "Cheap" is the impression I got when we looke
  23. Oh please, if it said "In Allah We Trust" there would be an uprising. I don't care WHAT religion it says, I don't want it forced on me. If it's optional, cool...more power to ya.
  24. If drivers have to pay extra for havingn "In God We Trust" on their plates, I'm all for it. However, IMO, it's not cool if it comes standard and there are no other options.
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