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Everything posted by subby1

  1. I have a brand new Magic Chef dehydrator in the box. It's yours for $10 if you want it.
  2. subby1


    I'm really liking my Uverse. I only got internet though. I watch shows and movies through Netflix, Vudu, etc. instead of cable. Knocked a good $200 off my last tab with Comcast. When cold weather gets here I may add TV then. Just too busy to have time for it right now.
  3. Patronization is sometimes called for if it involves a child who may be brittle in spirit. But for the most part, while we think we're helping out, patronization simply reinforces someone else's shortcomings. It may not always sound sweet to speak your mind and truth, but it ALWAYS helps, by letting someone know the facts, and not sugar coating the truth. How else are ANY of us to better ourselves being patted on the back when no patting is warranted? Yes, I am a proponent to TOUGH LOVE, more now than ever in my life.
  4. The same law applies to AC as well, as I noted in a prior post. Vacuum cleaner motors and hair dryers often pull up to 10 amps using AC. That's at 110 volts. Suppose you ran the same items with a dc voltage of 25 VDC....Amperage would increase by 175%...if taken literally. However, DC units that have been built for DC current will usually flip the status of the motor itself around to counter the effects. Rule of thumb- whether it be motors of generators, DC usually will have a revolving stator (wound coils) with stationary magnets on the outside, whereas more AC will be the other way around (s
  5. I would have thought there would be MORE blue collar stuff going on now. I know I had to move from white to blue after getting into my 40's. I also know most people who did what I used to do for a living are working the blue bizz to this day. I went from upper middle class to what can only be described now as the poor class, or lower class. But it's better than starving, I know that.
  6. No worries!! I switched over to breakers when I turned 40, eight years ago.
  7. Ya really think so??? That would be cool!! I have this "thing" for women, ya know??
  8. Truth. A powerful whap from high voltage D.C. can stop your heart cold. However, statistical very FEW people get killed from D.C. compared to A.C. The Europeans think we're living dangerously by using 110 A.C. where their minimum is 220. People tend to live to tell about a shock from 220, much more than people who get shocked by 110. Has anyone here ever been really nailed by 110 before?? I have a couple of times (I was poorly grounded too at the time) and it's hard to explain the "holds you" thing without just experiencing it for yourself (I don't recommend it though). It's VERY scary!! You k
  9. No chart necessary. A.C. tends to pull a lot less amps than heavy-duty D.C. equipment (such as a car starter) which can draw up to 600 amps. (Think about the your main electric service in your house - it's rated at 150-200 amps, and that's calculated to handle EVERYTHING running at once. In my previous post, I made note that people tend to base electric power on voltage, when it's the AMPS that carry the real potential for power. And, also as I noted, lower voltage will increase amps to a given resistance factor doing the work. Ergo- Ohms (resistance) divided into voltage = amps. (Ohm's law) I
  10. Correct. Voltage is actually not even much of a factor at all until the other variables enter into the equation. Potential amperes is what will get you. Anything with a given resistance will INCREASE potential amps as the voltage gets LOWER, not higher, as many people would conclude. p.s. This may be one of the more intelligent threads I've read in a LONG time on pcom!!
  11. You have it backwards, actually. D.C. will not "hold" you (unless it's been mimiced)**. It's just one powerful blow, whereas A.C., particularly lower voltage 110 will hold you until you fry out. When considering the harm in A.C., it's the lower voltage (110) that kills the most people. 220, on the other otherhand, is safer because the higher voltage packs enough wallop to knock you away from the danger. D.C., as long as it's not alternating can't even be felt within lower voltage ranges. However, when the voltage is high enough (let's say 50,000 volts) and the D.C. mimics the effects of A.C. *
  12. Sounds like wormhole talk to me, feller! I am inclined to agree with you though.
  13. I wish I could share your enthusiasm. What you say is a POSITIVE thing, and should always be the best road to take. Unfortunately, lobbies pay more and get more attention than any letters I've ever written. I try not to bitch about the whole thing so much, but I do harbor a lot of contempt for politicians which has later in life given way to apathy. IMO, the best thing I can do is keep on working my ass off, so I know that at least I am doing what I am supposed to be doing, and knowing it's the best thing any able-bodied American can do to help the country. (Notice I DID refrain from
  14. Yeah. And I just couldn't resist posting it for everyone either. I read between your lines pretty well, buddy!!
  15. I have heard the made-up word "digitalizing" at least twice in the past week. DIGITIZING!! And I don't consider you to be any more crotchety and whiney than I am. But that leaves a lot of room for interpretation
  16. I think it's been long enough for me to post that youtube link based on Start Trek...remember that one? "Gaseous Anomolies"?? I still laugh until I hurt from watching that. Jeepers!! Me and my still pubescent sense of crude humor! Some things just NEVER get old to me!~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpcoOTXdQbk
  17. I haven't heard a paper bag being referred to as a paper poke in quite a few years. I also hear the word "soda's" a lot. When I was a kid, all we ever said was a Coke, beit a standard Coke, or an Orange or Purple Coke. The word "against" was pronounced "again" by most people I knew back in my day too. I know I'm reaching here, but it's the best I could think of at the time. Ohhh!!! I know one!! I remeber two actually that are related- a service station was called a Fillin Station, and dad always asked for "High Test", not Premium like they call it today. In fact, with the ethanol crapping
  18. Thanks. I didn't say anything, because I knew YOU probably would!! It is just that, a pulse of high energy current, more akin to a static discharge than either regulated AC or DC. So, G.D., when I pull your finger, I understand that a different kind of high energy discharge will ensue, as well. Is this correct???
  19. I certainly wouldn't play DC down. Virtually EVERYTHING we use in daily life (that's portable) uses D.C. (everything with rechargeable batteries, for instance) Computers wouldn't be able to use binary code without it. A.C., while more dangerous, is still hundreds of times more efficiant when sending out to the public over great distances, since the whole curcuit does not need to be routed one way, and back to its source for grounding. I'm just saying that given the inherent efficiency of how A.C. travels (back and forth, very fast whithin its own confines) I found it remarkable that someone wi
  20. Edison gave poor Tesla the shaft. If Tesla could be referred to as Steve Jobs, then Edison is certainly Bill Gates! I still find it ironic that Edison pushed the idea of D.C. over A.C. You don't have to be all that smart to see how dumb an idea that was. A.C. was pioneered and brought to us by Westinghouse though. Tesla was well beyond playing with A.C., as he was building the first ever WIRELESS communications. (He just wasn't aware of its potential at the time).
  21. No. I dropped Comcast about 6 or 7 months ago. Went without Inet for a while, then got ATT DSL (sloooooooooooow!!!). But hey....my problem is now resolved as of tomorrow morning. I just got an i-phone yesterday. I took it in to ATT so they could dowload all my contacts from my old phone. He asked about the ATT internet service I had. I told him it was ridiculously slow, and that it costs me $30/mo. Well!! This fine young man signed me up for Uverse for only $10 more a month!! I have tried Uverse and seen how nice it is at other people's homes who have it...and lemme tell ya, It ROCKS!! Blister
  22. Well, SURE he would!! The private sector won't fly without accountability, and lots of "know-how". Of course, with a COMFY GOOBERMENT JOB you get so many "shots" at what you were already supposed to know how to do when you applied, that it's just really sad, not for the employee, but those of us who pay their salary, yet unlike stock holders, we're hard pressed to be able to relieve such folks from their jobs. Most of them are elected positions anyway...and often do NOT require credentials. A good example would be a certain small town north of us (still in GA)...the JUDGE over the court room i
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