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Everything posted by Jetsmom

  1. Actually, if you let me know you are coming, I have and will wait for you. Wonder if those box stores would? Not disagreeing with you regarding too high of a price, I just wanted to point a couple of things out. Larger stores with huge inventories can buy in bulk, whereas the smaller ones don't have the space or the money to spend on inventory that will sit and sit. Too big of gamble especially when they are paying employees, rent, insurance, etc, etc. Therefor the sell prices will be higher, but not always. I have glanced around while out shopping and found our small store pri
  2. Yes, slavery was bad. It was cruel and inhuman for the majority. My only issue is that this particular slavery history is just that, History. It happened long ago. Not in my particular lifetime. If I found out that my great, great......great grandparent had been a slave, does that mean I should still be holding a grudge against his owners? Maybe I am a stronger person knowing about it. I have always been told that we learn about our history so we won't repeat our mistakes. As for the play portion, I guess that lady didn't watch movies or read books like "The Color Purple" or
  3. I understand your point about the hours, but that type of attitude is why so many local businesses have a hard time staying open. The money just isn't there if they want to keep the prices competitive. Kinda sad.
  4. Nice pictures. I like the armadillo. Never actually got to see one .... still alive. I had never heard of Gold Mine Lake before. Looks beautiful.
  5. Yep, and answer myself too. Only way to get an intelligent answer.
  6. Jetsmom

    Bert Show

    Can't speak for others, but I won't listen in the desperate hope they will mention something about Jeff and Jessica's divorce. I listen because I like the show. I mean really, do you honestly think regular people will switch their fav morning dials just for this? I admit I feel bad for the guy, just as I would if a casual friend or acquaintance was going through something similar. Even today, I met someone who I honestly didn't remember (I told her that) and she told me of someone else, who I didn't remember either, that had lost a child. I truly felt bad for her. My point is I can fee
  7. Jetsmom

    Bert Show

    First of all "Thank You". I walked in when they were saying they needed "a moment to regroup". I thought they would explain later, but I never caught what had happened. I feel bad for both of them, but idea about any of it and that's ok. Next, talk radio is everywhere. It blows my mind when someone complains out about, but alot of those same people "listen" to news broadcasts, talk shows, etc. Some even "listen" to books. It is just a matter of preference. Why knock it? What makes it uncomfortable for you? Oh well, thanks again.
  8. Just reread it and now I understand. I guess it would depend upon the daycare. I am sure there are some schools still enrolling.
  9. I guess I am confused by the question. My children have had Pre-K experience through day cares and my least one is currently at the Chatt Tech program. I love it. They were all expected to attend 5 days a week with a warning they could lose their spot if they didn't go. Part of the program guidelines. None were private programs, though.
  10. My kids know several who live near that area. Praying that they all turn out ok.
  11. I see practically every morning people using a turning lane on the right as a passing lane. It is dangerous and illegal. Sad thing is that I have seen SO's using it for the same purpose.
  12. Yes, I meant to YELL. At least 40 - 50% of the vehicles on the road I saw them morning between Dallas and S. Paulding didn't have their lights on in this dense fog. Even if you repeatedly flashed your lights to remind them. Little cars, big ones, trucks, even some large truck with the number 40 plastered on the back. Is it because your lights don't work, your automatic lights are not sensitive enough, the rules don't really apply to you, you don't care about others or you have a death wish????? A few people had their tiny yellow lights on. Yeah, that made a big difference. I
  13. It won't matter to me if someone feels the need to display me on the back of their vehicle. I won't be around to complain or commend. I don't do it for my parents. I doubt I will do it for anyone else. That said, if I lost someone very close to me, esp. if it was unexpected or tragic, I would not say that I wouldn't do it. We all process grief differently. If it helps someone in the long run, I don't have a problem with it. I would never say that a "rolling memorial" is tacky. Well, not any of the ones I have seen anyway.
  14. I am not sure what it will take. It has been posted somewhere on here before, that they can't justify a traffic light that's main purpose is for a few hours in the morning and afternoon and occasionally during a school event during the school year. I see their point, but I disagree with it. I think saving a life is justification enough.
  15. Just want to point out that not all SAHD/H, etc. are deadbeats. My hubby, who has been in and out of work for while (working now), could works like crazy during his at home times. House hold projects are getting done, laundry and dishes stay clean, floors vacuumed, and the food is great. He really helps out when he is available. I am proud of him and that he doesn't let his opportunities go to waste. Yes Virginia, it really is hard to find a job these days. I remember my dad saying how he would find someone driving a logging truck and hop in to go in and work for a day when times were
  16. I am very glad all went well for you. Needed to hear some good news. Thank you.
  17. I only saw two of the three vehicles. One was in the PCHS ditch as if trying to avoid an accident. Another vehicle was in the middle land with damage (can't remember if front or rear, but do recall thinking it must have been a rear-end accident). From what I saw, it didn't look too serious, but with the fire dept, rescue vehicles, ambulance, and a helicopter coming....someone must have been hurt pretty bad. I did see some people standing near the vehicle in the ditch on a cellphone. No idea if they were directly involved or otherwise. There were no teenagers or children visible.
  18. Just got home from dropping kids off at school. At least one icy spot on Senator (I slid some (glad I wasn't speeding)) One car wasn't as lucky and was off the road and facing the tree he hit. He was ok, and waiting on a tow truck. Be careful out there.
  19. Snowing at my house (South Paulding) right now. Too heavy to be from wind blowing. It's pretty.
  20. Thank you. My kids are still grumpy thought.
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