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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. If you are going to stick with AT&T service then I would suggest you login online at wireless.att.com using your current phone #. After that go to the phone upgrade area for "shopping". This takes you to an area where you click on the options you need on your new phone and it gives you the search results for the phones that may fit your needs. Then you can compare and research those results right there to choose what phone will fit best. Also the GREAT part about ordering an upgrade this way is that they give great discounts online! Once you receive your new phone if you have any questions
  2. This was the same day, only over my house off of East Paulding Drive. I guess they just chose our county for their formation "regrouping".
  3. Ahhh this explains what I was watching from my back deck the other day. Hubby kept saying they were geese gaining greater numbers as they rode hot air to gain greater altitude. Once the group that formed numbered about 50 and they were high enough, then they formed a V formation and took off. Immediately after smaller groups from the south were replacing them and forming another large group as they were also gaining altitude, flying in circles over and over, getting higher and higher. I said but don't geese squawk? These were making a very loud "coo" or "cooing" type of noise that made me thin
  4. Subby you are so dang funny and it seems to come naturally. You should become an author of short stories for a newspaper or something, then you could become the next Lewis Grizzard! LOL Oh and by the way, I am glad you are ok!
  5. I am still waiting for an indoor pool for the water exercises that my doctor recommends. This should have been built a couple of decades ago.
  6. You deserve it girlie. I hope your hubby is getting better each day.
  7. Well, if he was peeing with a ten foot pole then maybe that is why he was peeing outdoors, as it would be impossible to pee while indoors!
  8. I think that in Paulding County the fine for littering is now $1000.
  9. OMG I LOVVVVEEE THOSE THINGS!! I have been wanting one for a long time but always resist the urge to stop.
  10. Oh no, nothing like that going on here. Hubby has worked doing the electrical wiring and programming on industrial packaging machinary for over 14 years, before that he worked with robotics at GM, so household wiring is small potatoes to him. He would know if we were having wiring problems or if the builder wired the house wrong, etc. We are good as far as the house wiring goes. It seems to have stopped today, so maybe someone had an accident with a local pole last night or something? I did see life flight land at Mt. Tabor Park last night (that was cool to see up so close). Who knows what the
  11. It has been at my house for at least an hour. Hubby says he noticed it around 8pm. Anyone else?
  12. If they are damaged or are not returned then you probably would have grounds to sue. Just FYI.
  13. Me too! He was put into a horse trailer while ago.
  14. I just posted another topic on this at the same time! He is now being walked up a ramp surrounded by police cars on the downtown connector. This has been shown live on WSBTV news (channel 2 or ABC). Too funny.
  15. On WSBTV (channel 2 or ABC) news has been showing live shots of a zebra that somehow got loose on the downtown connector and he is being hand walked up the ramp with a police car escort. LOL
  16. Your poll isn't working. I like Piper and clicked that, but it says that I must also answer the question for the spelling of Brilleigh. Maybe add an N/A choice to the 2nd question?
  17. I have seen this before but always thought it was cute. Someone should email it to Zoo so she can post it on her fridge! LOL
  18. This is what I was thinking too. It looks like men in helments that remind me of artists drawings of knights from the crusades. Perhaps the ring is a Masonic Lodge ring?
  19. We were just talking about Johnny Carinos last night and we miss it. We would like to see another Italian restaurant open around Dallas/Hiram. We may branch out towards Barrett to see if we can find a good place.
  20. Hubby has to leave at 7am for a flight out. Yuck!
  21. I threw some grain bread out for the birds that they seem to love (no feeders set up). This spring I will try to get some bird feeders put out. Filled the squirrel feeder for our little runt who has lived alone in our backyard for over 3 years. I can't figure out if it's a male or female, I just know it is REALLY tiny compared to the others I have seen, so I usually call it a "her or she". Apparently she doesn't like corn but will eat the sunflower seeds and peanuts. I need to find a bag of JUST peanuts for her. I also put a decent sized bowl of dry cat food out for the outdoor kitty's around
  22. Me too. Our Valentine's dinner/night out is supposed to be Saturday night. Hubby leaves to go back out of town Monday and this weekend has been the first time I have seen him in almost 3 weeks. LR I hope you have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentine's Day hun!
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