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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. YES! I use to send out around 120 Christmas cards each year and I actually have the address' in a database. With the database I can print them directly onto Avery labels using Microsoft Word. The past few years I have cut it down to about 80. When we receive cards I either tape them across the fireplace mantle or down the back door which is beside of the fireplace. If the ones we receive has a photo in/on them then I keep them for photo albums. I love Thomas Kinkade cards and I also use real Christmas stamps. It's awesome to receive the ones with photos of nieces, nephews or cousins' children
  2. Kohl's starts at 3am, Best Buy at 5am. Walmart sales start at 12am except for electronics which start at 5am.
  3. My hands and feet of course hurt all the time just like my fibro pain does but in a different way than fibro pain feels. After years of this my doctor recently decided I have osteo arthritis in my hands (DUH!) and has said I could increase my Advil up to 2400 mg per day if necessary. This past week I have almost hit that a couple of times because they are both hurting me so badly. My hands are also shaking more. I was thinking about calling her but since reading this I realize it may not just be me who is also having an increase this week. We should be having rain showers move in soon so maybe
  4. KRM I agree with you. A chest of drawers is just exactly that, tall and 5-6 drawers but he calls it a dresser. So I asked once "Then what do you call the piece of furniture that is short and longer with 3 columns of 3 drawers and a mirror?" he said "A dresser"! Supposedly that's what they are both called where he is from.
  5. So you have that southerner and yankee thing going in your house too? I grew up here and hubby grew up in Minnesota with a mother who had previously been Canadian. He also grew up with one Ukranian grandmother and one Swedish grandmother. In addition to dressing vs stuffing do you speak differently on these things: coke vs soda, chest of drawers vs dresser, billfold vs wallet, lunch vs dinner (he calls lunch dinner)? OP, sorry for small hijack but I had to ask.
  6. I agree with this above. My grandmother made the best cornbread dressing and everyone around loved it for special occassions. She always had to bring it, even to the reunions. I would watch her make it when I was a little girl, but I never had the recipe when she passed and I was only 18. Several years ago I found one similiar to hers and just kept tweaking the ingredients to taste like hers, so now I have it. I guess it's a good thing I have sensitive taste and smell.
  7. Some are earlier than 5am this year. I have received my mailing and coupon from Kohl's that says 3 am Friday! An assistant manager at Best Buy has told me they are opening at 5am this year. I know JcPenney will be opening very early. Walmart usually starts at 6am but I think they will be starting earlier too. So if you plan on hitting any of these stores early then I would suggest you check their websites first. I have already bought several small items for hubby for under the tree. He mainly likes money to save towards his guns and hunting lease, so that is always his large gift. For the
  8. I agree with "ADULT" sign out, then delete all your cookies saved in your browser, then sign back in. It always works for me.
  9. They aren't kids. They are 19, 20 and 21 years old. Also this is no longer considered a misdemeanor, due to the huge dollar amount they have had felony charges brought against them.
  10. Try http://www.gaslogsetc.com We used them a few years ago for our installation and they were great.
  11. I don't know about fried, but Rodney's BBQ in New Hope will have smoked turkeys available by preorder. Does anyone know if they will be having their sit down Thanksgiving dinner in the restaurant this year?
  12. For most people in the south trees are traditionally put up and decorated Thanksgiving weekend. I am thinking that some people may want to rest Thanksgiving weekend after cooking, eating and shopping, so why not go ahead and put the tree up? Afterall it is only one week early. Tuscany I think the tree and the livingroom is beautiful.
  13. According to Fox 5 News the medical examiner is now working to find the cause of death.
  14. They have their HUGE Christmas light display starting now. I've always wanted to see it.
  15. Thank you BB. He is working out of town, so we will celebrate this weekend. He's getting me the Kindle DX reader as a gift and he thought of it by himself. I was floored!
  16. Point while laughing and tell them to close their barn door or that you see their meat loaf.
  17. My mom has your mom WAY beat on the marriage count. She's on husband number eight, but counting the time they dated, they have now been together about 17 years. I guess she finally found the right one. Yes, I am like you about getting married again, but today is our 10 year anniversary and I can't imagine life without him.
  18. It's a very simple procedure for men these days. Hubby's best friend had it done about 3 years ago. He said his incision was less than an inch wide and he was only sore for about 2 days, then he was back to feeling like his normal self. Then about a month later he had to give a "specimen" at the doctor's office to make sure the operation worked correctly. I am not sure, but I think a urologist is probably who would do this type of surgery.
  19. Two marriages. The first time I was only 16. We were divorced when I was 18, but remained long distant friends. I didn't remarry until I was 31. In 2 days we will celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Oh and we met online.
  20. It's about dang time! They have been dating for years and he needs to settle himself down. It would be great if he followed in his mother's footsteps and helped with charities across the world.
  21. Please PM me the information on the tanning bed and treadmill whenever you are ready. Brand, model #, how old, do you have the manuals for both, and your asking price. Thank you.
  22. LPPT, I just received the New Hope Rodney's news letter a few days ago and they are smoking turkeys! Call and see if they can have you one ready within your time frame. I do believe they will also be offering side dishes with the turkeys if you would like.
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