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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I am so happy that she is finally receiving the correct treatment! I had the left one removed about 4 years ago. As a result I have done a lot of research. Almost always the remaining ovary will continue to ovulate and in some cases it will adjust and ovulate every month instead of every other month. HOWEVER, there is a disagreement among doctors whether or not a patient with a missing ovary will need hormone replacement therapy. Personally I think it depends upon the patient as all kinds of things can affect hormone levels in this type of situation. In my case I do need hormone replaceme
  2. My neighbor recently used Crist Roofing and they have been very happy with the company. The house is a 4 bedroom 2 bath with 2 car garage, so it's not a small house, and the roof was finished within 1 day! Good luck. I know it can be a stressful decision.
  3. TEN tornados hit the state of Wisconsin on Sunday. If we could choose the hours that spring storms hit our area then I would request no afternoons. Daytime heating produces more severe storms and those can produce tornados.
  4. The National Weather Service forecast for Dallas says the same. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?site=ffc&zmx=1&zmy=1&map.x=109&map.y=90
  5. THREE of them in a couple of hours? Is the C-5 the large cargo planes? This was so close to my house it was more of a roar!
  6. I knew that but it still sounds dirty!
  7. Oh wow, you are really close to me too! Hiya 2nd neighbor! LOL Large plane #3 just flew directly over me towards Dobbins. I can hear them over my TV and my portable AC in the bedroom! Maybe we should be tuning into CNN or Fox to see if something is going on? Like a mass exodus of recruits?
  8. That's interesting. One side of my family has land on Hwy 101 near Rose's that they are currently trying to sell. I think it is about 20-30 acres. The other side of my family might be willing to sell some of their land near Union Elementary. No, I would probably not "inherit" any of the sales. I know my family too well. I will be watching the developing story closely.
  9. It sounds like a dirty word to me! LOL
  10. I am on the other side of New Hope Baptist off of East Paulding. Go past Publix and Riverwood to Twelve Oaks. Hiya neighbor!
  11. I don't know. I know it sounded like it went from the NW side of our house to the SE, which is the way the Dobbins flights go over our house. One day several years ago I kept hearing this helicopter outside but it never sounded like it was flying away. I looked out the front door and there was a helicopter flying so low over our road in the subdivision that you could see the faces of a group hanging out of the cargo bay waving to all of the neighborhood kids below! They were so excited! I have always wished I had my camera in hand. LOL The commercial plane that crashed here in New Hope in
  12. I didn't see it because I am inside, but I heard it going over the house into Dobbins. That is actually the 2nd low flying large plane that I have heard this morning. We are right in the Dobbins flight path here in New Hope off of East Paulding.
  13. I called my doctor's office and they said it would probably be May before they could see her, but they did give the name and # of another group associated with Kennestone who usually take in more urgent cases. Also, the office told me that more than likely a children's hospital will send you to an OB/GYN for this type of problem, although a children's hospital may get you in to see a specialist more quickly. The group that they said the office refers to for urgent cases is NorthWest Women's Center on Tower Road behind of Kennestone. The number is 770-528-0260. I do not know anything about NW W
  14. Well maybe I was meant to talk to you about this. A few years ago my doctor discovered a type of cyst on my left ovary that was actually a type of tumor. It wasn't near as large as your daughter's. but large enough that I chose not to risk spreading any cells and to have the ovary removed. My doctor has an office within a mile of Kennestone and she performed my surgery at Kennestone hospital. I was kept for 24 hours and sent home. Most people recover within a few days but we believe my recovery took so long because of my fibromyalgia and I was home alone after 3 days for the rest of my recover
  15. I agree with this. Get the ER medical records from Paulding and Cobb, including Xray, CT Scan or any other test results and go to Kennestone ER. If you feel comfortable telling what type of specialist she needs then maybe someone on Paulding.com will know of one to recommend who may be able to get her in sooner. I will also keep her and the family in my prayers.
  16. I seriously like to know where the signs are located because I have had a conversation with a couple of Dallas Walmart employees about this exact subject. They told me they have never noticed a sign saying that you couldn't, assuming you are licensed to carry. I need to go later and thought I would check.
  17. msgastorm


    PM Lady Raider or one of the mods for the password.
  18. It wasn't that long ago that Paulding was a DRY county, but I agree with Subby. We need tax dollars to pay for some of the "improvements" our county has built. Also, I would think that the liquor store owners can still CHOOSE whether or not to be open on Sundays.
  19. I have never seen a sign at the Dallas Walmart. Where are they placed inside?
  20. This description sounds like an actual true story that I have seen on one of the forensic shows. In the show they interviewed the wife and showed the home where they had lived. I believe they had been married for a couple of decades with 2 children. The police had her husband under suspicion. As the police found more clues a warrant was issued to search the home and property. Several bodies were found buried beyond the backyard in an overgrown area of the property. After learning the truth she divorced him. He was sent to prison but I can't remember if he is serving life, on death row or was e
  21. I use a combination. As long as the burn isn't approaching sun poisoning then soaking in the white vinegar in cool bath water or on a washcloth does work. It will usually cause my burn to sting badly for about 5-10 minutes, then the sting is GONE and usually the skin will not peel. Vinegar is a natural preservative. I will also take 2-3 ibuprofen tablets. The skin is having an inflammatory reaction and literally has a fever. The ibuprofen helps to calm the reaction. After the vinegar I will use 100% aloe vera gel or the aloe vera gel that has pain reliever in it. Both can usually be found
  22. The "stalker" commercials for a cell phone carrier. They creep me out every time! Although I have noticed that I have not seen them in a while.
  23. Like Copschick I also like true crime books but my favorite reading material are health books, especially those about brain functioning. I have read health text books simply because they were interesting to me.
  24. I've always been told that you can't put the oatmeal in when the mixture is still very hot. That it must cool some. My grandmother use to make these when she was alive. I love them. Walmart carries them in the bakery but they are no where near as good as homemade.
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