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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. This is exactly how the old Briar Path was, until one night it burned completely down and it was rebuilt into the one we have today. Myself and a couple of friends watched as the fire dept. put it out. Personally I have never believed it tasted the same.
  2. Happy Birthday SoapMom! You are very missed here on the board. I know I can still order your soaps from your webpage, but it's not the same as talking to you here on the board. I hope you and your famiy are very much enjoying the new house. Sending you a hug. (I hope someone sent you an email telling you to check out this topic.)
  3. This should be a live feed through the Dallas-Hiram Patch. http://dallas-hiram.patch.com/articles/live-da-meets-with-east-paulding-students
  4. I renewed mine online last week WITHOUT a pin, for the 8 year option. I was never sent a pin, so I went online to see if I could do it without one and I was able to, although I did have to enter a lot of confirming info. I received it in the mail yesterday. http://www.dds.ga.gov/drivers/DLdata.aspx?con=1742949265&ty=dl This better explains what I had to do. I had to set up a "customer account". https://online.dds.g...newalIntro.aspx If you do this then make sure to print 2 copies of your receipt, one for the car and one for home.
  5. Please remember (whenever possible) to be considerate of your neighbors who work 2nd or 3rd shift. They may be first responders or hospital personnel who are awake all night saving lives. Ear plugs can only work so well, usually up to 33 decibels, before sounds break through them and some people are more sensitive to noise than others.
  6. Yes Tea Tree Oil! I have a friend who raised FIVE kids. She has always put a few drops of it into each new bottle of shampoo and shake it up. The lice hate it for some reason. It is true that anybody can get lice, even if they are a clean person. Lice can jump over FOUR FEET! Tell her not to share combs, brushes or hair accessories.
  7. It looks like Thursday and Friday mornings we will be in the 30s. We currently also have a warning for high fire danger. Please be careful out there. Here is the link to the Dallas, GA forecast with the National Weather Service. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?site=ffc&zmx=1&zmy=1&map.x=106&map.y=94
  8. This really makes me laugh! I do carry a gun but I am pretty sure I can't mount a gun rack in my convertible! By the way, I am only 5'1 and my arthritis makes me walk like a little old lady even though I am only in my 40s. You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me that my revolver is in my purse. You would be shocked at how many elderly grandmothers legally carry. Not everyone that owns a gun also owns a pickup truck with a gun rack! If you don't want to own or carry a weapon that is your choice, but please start looking past your stereotype of what you think a typical gun owner would
  9. I have loved Kinkade's work for many years. I will never forget my visit to his gallery in Mall of America not long after my husband and I were married. I now have a few numbered prints and I am looking for more. Every year I pick up a calendar with his prints for my kitchen and my favorite tote bag has one of his prints on the side. I was completely shocked to hear of his death as I do not think he was in bad health. He loved his wife so much that every painting contains her first initial "N" as a dedication to her. RIP Thomas.
  10. Is this the same incident? If so then someone was charged with the murder on March 26th. dallas-hiram.patch.com/articles/arrest-made-in-macland-road-murder-case
  11. The company that makes pink slime, AFA Foods Inc, has now filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. Here is a link to the report shown on Fox 5 News last night. http://www.myfoxatla...402-fc_18982180
  12. I seen on the 11pm news last night a report that the company who makes the pink slime is now filing for bankruptcy. AFA Foods Inc. http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpps/money_watch/pink-slime-maker-afa-foods-files-for-bankruptcy-dpgonc-20120402-fc_18982180
  13. She has posted pictures to FB, but I don't want to post one here without her consent. Mimi is just gorgeous and pink all over! 6lbs and 19.5 inches.
  14. At least we know now that her family has been made aware of what she is doing.
  15. Try having THREE sets of parents in three different states! After many years of splitting holidays, always being rushed and my husband not getting to relax on his time off of work, we finally just started staying at home. I cook for the 2 of us for the holidays, he gets to relax, we enjoy our time together and I am not in a fibromyalgia flare up that usually comes on from traveling. I agree that if you are the only child and the grandparents want to see the kids then they should come to your house. Explain to her that she no longer has to cook a whole meal, she can simply bring a dish or t
  16. That is so beautiful! Is that chair black and maybe had a tiny amount of rust on the legs? If so then I think it may be the one we took up to her shop last year! LOL
  17. She posted on FB about 10 hours ago that she is hooked up to a lot of things, so she will not be up walking around. They were going to give her something to help her sleep and magnesium IV for her blood pressure. Apparently the induction will not be started until this morning, so she sent the other half home for some sleep last night.
  18. Yep yep! GipperGirl you and that baby girl will be in my prayers. Please post pics as soon as you can and take care of yourself.
  19. I have chronic insomnia and I have taken Ambien nightly for years for it, but I don't sleep walk. Sometimes I am still awake all night. SpunkyWoman you should definitely have a sleep study done because that is dangerous! I have read that sleep walkers tend not to get into the stage of sleep that keeps you still. I forgot which stage it is though.
  20. Wow! It just happened to be found "in the library" after all these years?
  21. It's not looking good. I pulled up Pubby's PDF of the tickets and compared them ALL to the winning numbers of 09-19-34-44-51 PB 24 and I found a few wins of $2-$3 each, totaling $34.00. I have sent the results I came up with to Pubby and Caped Crusader. I am sure that one of them will also check behind me. The Georgia Lottery Mega Millions web page says that there was no winner and the estimated jackpot for Friday is $476 million! http://www.galottery...s/mega-millions Here is the PDF of the lottery tickets. I believe there were 420? Wow! http://www.paulding....togame327SS.pdf
  22. I pulled this PDF up and went through all the purchased tickets comparing with the winning number of 09-19-34-44-51 PB 24. I am showing a TOTAL of $34.00 for all tickets. Someone probably needs to perform a 2nd check after me. At Wednesday morning 3:50am the Georgia Lottery web page for Mega Millions is not showing a winner and says that the jackpot for Friday is estimated at $476 million! http://www.galottery.com/details/mega-millions
  23. Sorry I didn't get to drop off my money CC. I haven't been feeling well for the past 3 days and totally forgot about it.
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