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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. It's not a simple up or down matter. Both programs need to be revamped and, perhaps, phased out over time. They are far too expensive and can be better handled by the individual consumer. I won't get into an argument with you; I already know your leanings well. I just look at our fiscal standing and shake my head in dismay. The current administration, if allowed to continue, will spend us into bankruptcy. PS-my son has been saving for retirement since his late teens.
  2. I was in the stock market then and I am now. In early 08 (as best I recall), I sold all the investments in both 401Ks and put the proceeds into money market. I bought back in in 2009. I rebalanced my other investments. I withdrew nothing - that's critical - those who withdrew money from their 401Ks and investments generally lost out. Remember, the government makes us buy Medicare at 65. We have no other option. I pay for extra coverage beyond what Medicare covers.
  3. Boomers like me (I've not started SS yet and won't until I am 66) have paid into the SS system for decades. I said long ago that I would take in cash what I had put in and forfeit my benefits. They would not do that. Greedy, no, but I have to apply for my SS to cover my Medicare and a few more necessities. Social programs always seem to run out of money. If I had had the option of investing what I'd paid into SS when I started working many years ago, I would be much better off today.
  4. What in the heck is NPR, if not a liberal propaganda site?
  5. I have a titanium rod (plate?) and 13 screws. You got off lightly. You'll be on crutches for 8-9 weeks after surgery and in Vegas, you'll probably be walking in "the boot". When Blondie asks you to leave the tables, you'll be hard pressed to get up and she will buy that excuse (unless she reads this).
  6. I broke my ankle 9 years ago. I spent 6 weeks on crutches. I had to have surgery to rebuild the ankle. It was a mess. Good luck with yours.
  7. Maybe if you write your response in this manner what TP says will make more sense: "Every time, I tries to understand what you rite. What you rite might make sense in your haid, but it usually looses something between there and the keybord."
  8. Wife voted NO yesterday. I voted NO today.
  9. I think the answer is yes. I saw this in one of the comcast forums.
  10. I wonder what everyone's reaction would have been had Trayvon murdered Zimmerman.
  11. Nope. I believe that Martin was beating Zimmerman to death.
  12. Carol, I signed up last year. Give me a call and I'll take you through it.
  13. Come as my guest to one or both of my chorus rehearsals. We sing male barbershop harmony. It's a blast.
  14. Waste of money. They are very political and lean hard left. Follow the money trail.
  15. Wear a pant suit that makes you look as business like as possible.
  16. I cannot make it this Thursday but I'll try to get to a meeting this summer.
  17. Good, I love to hear liberals/progressives/democrats/socialists whine. That is an area in which they excel.
  18. Al Sharpton is a race-baiter, a bigot and a cheap two bit hustler.
  19. His posts are not only repetitive, and, in many cases, meaningless, but also they are generally insulting. I could tolerate the posts if they truly invited debate but they don't.
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