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Everything posted by staceyjohnston

  1. I don't know if anyone is ever worth that much money. Cute or not!
  2. Of course this is just one mom's opinion, but I usually let the fever run it's course. With myself as well. Understandably sometimes the headache is too much, but for the most part I think it is good to let the body do what it knows to do. So far so good this year, neither child has been sick. As well as last year. I agree with the post saying to WASH YOUR HANDS often. Vitamins and herbs really help fight off this crap. Good luck! Stacey
  3. It's when you hear things like this that you start thinking about how some people have kids who don't deserve them, and others want them so badly and can't have them. Hopefully now her choice has been made for her.
  4. I can't read it either. Where was this? I agree wait until the other prisoners find out! When I was in HS (back in Ohio)there was a riot at the maximum security prison in our county. Word is the prisoners went for the records. Apparently they didn't like what they had read about some of the fellow prisoners. I guess it got REALLY ugly. We can only hope in this case. That wasn't a very Christian thing to say was it? Stacey
  5. Funny, I posted this on my FB the other day. My husband mentioned he would like to have one of these. The research I have done shows Kindle to be the clear choice. Someone mentioned you get free stuff at B and N with the Nook and that's cool. But my husband wanted his for work when he has down time. It's not like we ever get to go to Barnes. Stacey
  6. Wow, he was a kid Rest in Peace Austin. And thank you.
  7. Really??? I just know that I've stopped wearing coats in there cause it just hits me when I walk in the door. My son takes a hoodie usually and stuffs it in his backpack.
  8. hahahaha this is like hearing my parents talk about ME 20 years ago! They never liked my clothing choices much, but they usually let me wear what I wanted. I haven't seen the Reebok, I bet they look sharp when they are actually on the feet. Stacey
  9. I want an ipad and a new Canon Rebel digital camera. This is the last year I think for my 35mm Canon Rebel. Laugh at me if you must, but that 35mm has been amazing! But I guess it's time to upgrade Stacey
  10. Well I knew you weren't talking about Roberts! Everytime I walk in the door it takes my breath away. It seems MUCH warmer than 69 degrees to me or maybe they have incredible insulation. I dunno. But it's good that you called and got to the bottom of it. You know how rumors get started My son doesn't always have the "whole story" although he thinks he does. Stacey
  11. Wow! A picture really does say a thousand words, doesn't it? Agree with jenilyn, good thing the lake was dry. What happened, did he just lose control? Very scary. Stacey
  12. I'm with ya'll, I was born in '75 and look a whole lot better than that skank! I almost couldn't watch Phaedra the other night. She is a piece of work. Every woman knows how many weeks they are at any given moment! I'm 17! See, no pause there.... Stacey
  13. OK, question: how do you know if your thermometer is safe to keep in the oven? My thermometer looks like the picture above, can I just assume it is oven-safe? Or are ALL of them oven-safe?? Stacey
  14. Well I AM a germophobe and I Lysol everything that comes into this house! I don't mind dirt, I don't like germs. I have a 2nd grader and they are always touching each other at school and like you said trading silly bands. Just think of all of the stuff they are touching during the day. all of the door handles, etc. So gross! And you know the kids aren't washing their hands like they do at home because we aren't standing over them while they do it! stacey
  15. My guess is it wasn't you either! Why do people have to be so rude and think that their life is the stage and all others are just players in their life? (Touch of Shakespear there I think, LOL.) I could not agree more! Or how everyone is in such a hurry, they must have something MORE important to do than you do I think people talk on their phone 24/7 and rush around just to make us THINK they are on an important mission. Stacey
  16. I'm sorry about this. We've seen quite a few posts on here lately and it makes me so mad. At least it's just "stuff" and we aren't hearing about home invasions and folks getting hurt. But it still sucks! Thanks for posting. We are close. Stacey
  17. I believe that people do KNOW when kids are in that situation. I think that their loyalty is skewed in the wrong direction, like towards their brother or sister and not the kids. I wonder where their mother is? I was thinking the same thing myself! I know a lot of people don't talk to their neighbors, but we need to. We need to know what in the heck is going on around us. I think people just turn and act like they don't see the obvious. I dunno, so sad. Stacey
  18. Loaded baked potato soup. mmmmmmmm been thinking about it for days. Stacey
  19. You know you don't have to have a reason anymore to vote absentee. I did that 2 years ago. Just mail it in on time! Stacey
  20. Yeh, I would love to know why it was OK to send pictures of Paulette's mug shots to every house in the county. To be quite honest with you, I don't care for EITHER candidate. But I am a registered Republican and always will be. Stacey
  21. I agree that Rodney's is very good, plus they will sell you a lot if you need it.
  22. there is a cute boy with dark hair that my dd thinks is cute... she always wants to go through his check out line so she can check him out Oh, I remember those days! hehe That's cute.
  23. ???? I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not on here enough!
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