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rhonda trott

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Everything posted by rhonda trott

  1. Oh you are welcome. I can't believe that i have been here for almost 5 years and never heard of this place.. I hope your hubby's surgery goes good. March or April will be better anyway because of all the flowers blooming..
  2. There are a group of us that walk .. well since the holidays we have not done it but usually we walk on the silver comet trail or White Oak Park.. Having a group of people sure help and then on Tues and Thursday Night we do Zumba! We would love to have more people with us if you are intersted..
  3. Lady Raider, I can't remember when i have been somewhere and enjoyed the food so much. I hope when you go you will enoy it. Like Nature girl said go hungry. You have to try all the goodies. The chocolate cake is the best i have ever had. Let us know how you liked it when you go.
  4. I never did go upsairs, Saw people up there.. I need to look up the history of the place. not sure about that yet.
  5. I agree and will be going back real soon!! yes, I loved everythng i tried! you mean the fountains in front of the house? That is the only fountains i saw
  6. I am not sure.. But our waitress was great!
  7. My family and I went to The Blue Willow Inn to eat Yesterday!! Man was it amazing!! I truly loved the food !! The building looked like something out of gone with the wind.. who has been there and what did you think??
  8. I'm sorry, I know that must suck. My dad told me last night to wrap any exposed pipes. I forgot but thank God they did'nt freeze. I hope you get your situation fixed soon.
  9. a mayberry was on my christmas list.. but didn't get one.. maybe for New Years?
  10. Happy Early Birthday!!! My Daughter also has a birthday on New Years Eve..She is turning 18.
  11. I am thinking a salad with smoked turkey on it.. I am alone so that way i don't have to cook.
  12. yes it is sleeting here too.. I walked out and thought I was going crazy. since the temp is in the middle 40s.. weird.
  13. Good Morning Everyone!! Have a great Day!!
  14. Good Morning P.com. I hope everyone has a good day and stays warm.
  15. I watch! love the show..Thanks for the info.
  16. when ever you put the battery back in. hold down the F8 key until it gets to the safe mode screen, and then see if it will start in safe mode and then let me know..
  17. okay, flip it over and see if there is a windows code on the bottom.. how do you get it to come on to see the welcome screen?
  18. okay.. when you start your computer hold down the f8 key and start it in safe mode.. see if it will start up if it does re boot it and see if it goes past the welcome screen. If it won't start in safe mode you will probably have to re-load it. Do you have your original Cds that came with the computer?
  19. Now ain't that pretty!!!! very funny!!
  20. Good Morning everyone.I Had another sleepless night!
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