thank you , I am leaving around 630 am so maybe the worst won't start till i make it there.. I will be out that way till after lunch. according to the noon forcast, It looks like i will be good. I appreciate the info MsGaStorm.
The reports differ from one weather site to the other. So i guess it is a waiting game.But i just pray the roads are okay, I have to drive to south Cobb early in the morning.
Times are tough.. So My Kids 26,23,18,13 will get gifts or cash to equal about 300 a piece for the younger and the two older ones about 200 each.. Don't sound like allot but we give all year to them all.
Maybe the pants were a return and were put back on the floor. Who knows the boy that had them before may have put them in the pants. I am glad he did not get into trouble.
I think if you suspect something and you feel like something is not right then yes i would go through my husbands things as i would expect him to do the same with me. Just my opinion.