yes it does!!!
I guess it must be Paulding county, I haven't met anyone from this county that wasn't so very nice..I just had to share because it just made my Day!!
yeah.. I have been hearing the same noise for a couple of days.. DH is in the Military and away at the moment.. so every time i hear something.. I panic.
Thanks to the people who helped me in the Ingles parking lot with my car.. All i did was just open my hood and right away people started to check on me.. I could not believe how nice people who don't even know you are eager to help.. If you are on and it was you.. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
There was some stuff years and years ago that my grandparents swore by, some of you may Remember this "Jogging in a Jug" I think it contained the vinegar. They used to tell me that this stuff works.. don't know though, I was young then.