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rhonda trott

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Everything posted by rhonda trott

  1. Happy Happy Birthday.. I hope all your wishes come true today!!!!!
  2. You too. I hope it does too!!
  3. They can't go in the school before 8:15. But you can drop off a little before. They can wait out by the door.
  4. I need new ones too and have also been confused on what to get. I just want a phone with a good battery life. Good luck.
  5. yeah for me it is the way people drive in the rain!!
  6. Yes I send them out.. But this year I haven't got started yet..Better hurry!!
  7. Good morning!!! Have a great Day!
  8. yes it does!!! I guess it must be Paulding county, I haven't met anyone from this county that wasn't so very nice..I just had to share because it just made my Day!!
  9. yeah.. I have been hearing the same noise for a couple of days.. DH is in the Military and away at the moment.. so every time i hear something.. I panic.
  10. Ha ha.. You don't want to hear that noise, My DH Laughed so hard when i tried to make that noise..
  11. You are so right.. didn't figure out the noise but it was just nice to know that people care.
  12. Yeah, I just heard a sound and got out and opened my hood. That made me feel so good!
  13. Thanks to the people who helped me in the Ingles parking lot with my car.. All i did was just open my hood and right away people started to check on me.. I could not believe how nice people who don't even know you are eager to help.. If you are on p.com and it was you.. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
  14. Happy Anniversary!!! Enjoy your evening together
  15. Happy Anniversary! Have a great Evening!!
  16. Chicken Breast Sandwich (home made of course)
  17. I was driving down that road this morning saw all the Blue lights.. had to turn around. I wondered what was happening. I pray for all involved!!
  18. There was some stuff years and years ago that my grandparents swore by, some of you may Remember this "Jogging in a Jug" I think it contained the vinegar. They used to tell me that this stuff works.. don't know though, I was young then.
  19. Good Morning everyone! Have a great Day!
  20. Roll Tide !!! That is gonna be a great game too!! can't wait!
  21. Good Morning P.Com!! I hope everyone has a great day!!!!
  22. The Game was really good!! I am so proud of Bama!!
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