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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I don't know any of these kids personally but upon hearing that they ALL were expelled I am fighting back tears. I was thinking about this earlier and I thought that if my child wanted to take part in the "traditional, in the past completely acceptable" senior prank I would have let them out of the house at 2 am and driven them if a ride was needed. I think it SUCKS that the kids who took part in the road painting, left and came forward to let LE know they had been there earlier but did not take part or where gone before the unacceptable destruction took part, are being punished the sa
  2. Your right, prank is not the best word to use. Hopefully people know what I meant.
  3. Unless the post has been removed/edited it was in here somewhere that someone posted that the Valedictorian was part of the road painting and then left before anything else started. Someone on here also stated that although they weren't apart of anything other than road painting they did come forward to tell that they had been their earlier and what part they played. I believe it was stated that they did not get arrested. And why should they? I don't think they can take away a person being #1 academically in their class. They may be able to take away their privilage to speak at gradua
  4. Are you in a position to know first hand what the kid is being taught? Just because the parent paid the county or whomever does not mean the kid is not paying for it at home. Maybe the kid is having to pay double back to the parent? Who knows? If you know I apologize but it drives me nuts when people judge other people, especially when they don't know what is going on. I don't know any of the kids involved but I do have a 9th grader who goes to EPHS. She thinks what those kids did was stupid but she also can't understand why Channel two continues to report on this when stuff like g
  5. I picked the first choice. We don't have money but I would do what I could to have my child represented to the best of our abilities. I would not let my child spend the night in jail if I could help it (the OP stated this was a good kid who had never gotten in trouble). I know this is extreme but when I was in the 5th grade we had a period of time when we got the city paper (this was in Grand Rapids, MI) and had to go through it doing various assignments and a few of the stories I read have stuck with me. One of which involved a teen boy whose parent decided to teach him a lesson by h
  6. I haven't watched the video but I did read a little up on this since seeing it all over FB the last couple of days. I appreciate how much awareness Invisible Children have brought out about Kony. From what I have read our government and probably many others are all over this (even if it hasn't been at the forefront of the headlines). I also read that there are probably some better organizations than IC to contribute your money to if you want to help out the cause. When I first saw all the KONY 2012 stuff I thought it was someone running for something .
  7. You and I must be American Idol kindred spirits because those are (and have been) my picks for this year. I also thought 1, 7, 8 and 12 did great, but my votes will be for 10 & 36.
  8. I think it would be interesting to re-watch Season One. The talent now is so much deeper than it was back then. I'll admit I went to the Season One concert when it came to Atlanta and there were a couple of people whose voices were so not up to par that they drowned them out when it was time for their solo or part in a song. If I remember correctly they were a couple of contestants that first year who made it more because of their life circumstances and less because of their talent. I think one of them had a huge family counting on him to support them or something like that and another
  9. I like Idol this year. I will say it was the least stressful top 10/13 show ever for me. Both my girl and boy picks were set at ease in the first 15 minutes (Phil and Hollie). I think it is going to be a great season. Just yesterday I was thinking how nice it was that I hadn't heard the word Karaoke (sp?) since Simon left and then of course someone said it tonight. I also like The Voice, didn't watch it last season but have enjoyed it so far this year. I think they dodged a nightmare when that one guy Cee-Lo regretting not turning his chair for didn't make it through. He had a ba
  10. Acworth United Methodist starts tomorrow and Due West Treasure Chest is next week. I know Twice Blessed at McEachern Memorial or something like that church is coming up as well. not sure if I'll be hitting any this Spring but I get the e-mails and they've been coming quite a bit this past month. Check out thebargainwatcher.com. You can find them listed by date and county.
  11. My Mom was certified or whatever in this in the past and although I joke about her and her new age ways I think there is something to it. Years ago I injured my eye so badly that I couldn't stand to be in any light whatsoever. I was literally under the covers in my room unable to go to work. I was talking to her. I was living in Hilton Head Island, SC at the time and she was in Sedona, AZ and she offered to do some long distance Reiki on me. She said it wouldn't heal whatever was wrong but would (and I don't remember her exact words here but) but would numb it or take away the pain tempo
  12. When they first showed her last night I was trying to remember who she was and as soon as I saw her Mom I was "Oh, yeah now I remember her". Funny, I didn't remember her voice just her Mom and her during group night (or prenight). She has a really good voice too and although I'm not wild about her Mom and her I think they just don't hold it in just how important this is to them. Of course it is important to everyone but the Mom seems desperate for her kid to win. I already forgot what she sang but I do remember thinking it was a pretty good choice and for whatever reason I could picture he
  13. She did do really well. Her excitement was contagious and I hope and feel she will definitely be in the Top 13. I can see her going far in the competition.
  14. Loved Hollie and I am so glad she performed well tonight. I also thought Jen Hirsh did well as did the tall blonde teenager with all the sisters and former baseball playing dad. I hate to say it but Baylie was the weakest. I know she wants to be a singer but I can see her with a career in modeling or something similar. So, as of right now my favs are Hollie and Phil.
  15. Aww.... this is sad to hear. These days 66 seems so young. I don't know if it's because people are living longer or because I am getting closer to that age. I don't think I was born or old enough when the Monkees first aired but I remember being introduced to them one weekend when MTV did a Monkee's marathon. I can't remember how old I was, maybe high school but I think it was in the 80's.
  16. After the first several guys sang I thought I'm not even gonna bother voting tonight, they are all doing so stickin good. By the end though I had narrowed it down a bit and my top choice, the one who made me "feel" it was Phillip Phillips. There was just something about his voice tonight that touched me (even though I wasn't wild about his song).
  17. I heard this growing up from my BFF's mom but now that I have a daughter of age so to speak we are not in synch as far as Aunt Flo goes. I have told her though to expect it to happen. I've gotten pretty good at controlling my emotions at this point but will have to pay attention and see if her irrational behaviors tends to fall in line with me talking myself into not getting overly emotional. I have noticed that we both seem to need naps a lot more than we used to though. You know I do have an Aunt with 6 daughters, I think I will ask her is she found this to be the case with them. Ba
  18. I've been meaning to ask if anyone knows of any neighborhoods in the New Hope are that will sell memberships to their pool for the season to non residents? I've put off posting this topic because I thought it might get confused with the other one where the OP is looking to buy a house in a neighborhood with a pool. I wish we had done that when we moved here 10 years ago but too late now. Anyways, if you know of one and about how much they charge please spill .
  19. Saw this as well and snapped a pic coming from the other way. It did look like no one was seriously injured. Still scary, I kept thinking how frightening it must have been for the driver when it tipped over.
  20. What is it called? I'll check it out. My sister lives in Greer, SC though and she said it is about 1 hour 15 min from her so my thought was to visit her( about three hours from us) either on the way there or back. Thanks Edited to add: Are you talking about Wilderness at the Smokies? That place looks pretty cool too.
  21. Trying to find something fun to do with the kids this week and this place came up on an internet search. Turns out my sister has been but her kids are younger and I just wondered if anyone else had been and what ages their kids were when they went and if they had fun. My kids are 11, 14 and 15. I did call and it looks like they have stuff for teens as well as younger kids but I'd still like to get some more reviews. It's about a 4 hour drive for us. Here is a link to the place I'm talking about. www.greatwolf.com/concord. TIA
  22. We've had passes for years and I must admit last year we kind of decided it would be our last. When we bought them (the year before to get the best deal) we were led to believe that everything would pretty much be the same and then last Summer came and we had to pay for parking and drinks which had previously been included in our passes as returning passholders. I was hoping that they would send us something to make up for them closing early. I know it wasn't something they foresaw but we had only made it out their one time and still had all of our free buddy passes and $5 friend passes tha
  23. I don't know about this. I think it really would have to be on a case by case basis. Wasn't it just last year that a young driver and his mother were in an accident around here and it came out that the boy had wanted to stop and his mom had told him he had time and to go ahead and turn which then resulted in an accident. The mom died and I still think about that boy and how horrible he must feel. I don't think he was being reckless at all and he probably hesitated while his Mom was saying "Go" and well, I'm just saying I don't think you can treat all cases the same (not saying that you are
  24. I'll tell you what I know but my son would be the person to answer this question. He's just not available at the time. My 8th grader has had this for a while now and so does my nephew in SC and my brother in TX. They can all play together and chat (they all have special headphones). I don't know that the XBox live membership itself comes with games but is more the ability to play with others and maybe it gives you access to games and stuff you wouldn't have otherwise. I know my son has to have the same game as someone to play with that person but they can still chat. He also plays with a
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