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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. How are these scenarios even remotely related? People elect representatives to make decisions, that is the main purpose of government. If those elected representatives cannot decide things for the community they were elected to represent there is no point in having them in the first place.
  2. How in the hell did this turn into a race topic when absolutely nothing has been mentioned about it officially? Some just like to play the race card while acting like they "really don't want too" I guess.
  3. Unless he somehow thought it would add credibility to his story. He wanted to portray himself as the overly concerned parent to make himself look even more like the caring parent who made a horrible mistake when tragedy happens.
  4. Those are legal terms. Simple negligence is a situation where someone simply ignores a risk that could be dangerous for another, it is normally not prosecuted criminally and is a civil issue. Criminal negligence is a more reckless action where it is obvious the failure to act creates a grave danger for another which is prosecutable under criminal law.
  5. Its not really much of a downgrade, it is just a different clause under the same law that appears to fit the situation better. Both are still felonies. He was originally charged with 1st degree which deals with maliciously causing a child cruel or excessive pain. They modified it to 2nd degree which means through criminal negligence a child was caused cruel or excessive pain. That goes with what can be proven right now, if they find he intentionally did it they will probably add malice murder to it through indictment.
  6. Yup....and they locked grandma into the timeline because she also posted on Facebook the day they left the hospital. So there is no question what day it is and they do no appear on video no did an order of those single items together exist. I really hope she is prosecuted if it is found she violated criminal law.
  7. Just another example of how hard it is to please people, they actually search for things to complain about. It is a unique event for our area that was held in similar conditions as they are every weekedn across this country. Hopefully word of mouth along will spread the word in the future. I know of several events that started as small cookoffs that now pack out and draw people from hundreds of miles away. They didn't draw a jam packed crowd either their first time.
  8. Imagine that. Hopefully then can prosecute her for some sort of fraud.
  9. Because they are two distinctly different scenarios, one is a direct act and the other is a lack of proper care that creates a dangerous secondary situation. In this situation the negligent act by the parent directly caused the death which is why it falls under cruelty to children. For example, if the parent sat the child in the middle of a busy street and they were hit and killed it would fall under cruelty to children because it was the direct act of the parent that caused the death. If the child was hit because the parent was inside the house passed out drunk and the kid wandered ou
  10. No....involuntary manslaughter only covers deaths that occur during the commission of a misdemeanor crime or a "lawful act in an unlawful manner". Negligence that directly causes the death of a child can only fall under Cruelty to Children at the felony level. Felony murder is the only charge that addresses a death caused by the commission of a felony crime, malice or intention has no bearing. It is appropriately charged, the DA, police and judges must follow the law as it is written. People get hung up on the title of the crime instead of what the elements of the crime are which must be a
  11. The felony murder charge is absolutely appropriate. When one commits the offense of cruelty to children that results in a death, then as with every other felony which causes death, a felony murder charge goes hand in hand since one caused a death during the commission of a felony. Felony murder has nothing to do with intent or premeditation, just that one caused a death with a predicate felony. It is absolutely appropriate to be charged and it should be since the evidence supports it, that allows the system can work in the end leaving the decision to judge and jury.
  12. We have a large number of mentally unstable people on the streets who can now use technology to connect with other like minded crazies to enhance and expand their deranged beliefs. Their perceived injustices are fueled by others instead of the isolationism they were subjected to in the past. Eventually these whackos snap because they can't fit in with society in general.
  13. A hotdog place didn't make it....where is my shocked face? Hotdogs are not strong sellers on restaurants that serve them along with other foods. Hard to make it when it is the focal point.
  14. Very few suicides are spontaneous acts over one issue. Most are planned and thought of well in advance, a lifetime of problems coupled with the most recent situation proves too much. If you speak to people who are truly suicidal many times they will tell you of a mental pain they feel that is as strong as any physical pain they ever felt. Suicide to them is the only way to end that pain. So many give the cliche 'permanent solution to a temporary problem' because they only focus on the trigger event. There is much more behind it, usually a lifetime of pain. Even if they make it through th
  15. This has to be a joke. Since there is no taxi service which is pretty common all across this land it somehow condones drunk driving? I grew up in this area and have never lived in an area with taxi access yet I managed to avoid driving drunk either by moderation or riding with a sober friend. It's called personal responsibility.
  16. Source of the update? Its been on the news. She was arrested for vehicular homicide along with several assorted traffic offenses. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/crime-law/cops-woman-was-distracted-cell-phone-when-she-caus/nfZdx/
  17. Good luck. Not much around anymore.
  18. I have been getting that same error intermittently for over a week on 2 different computers on different networks....one running IE and the other chrome.
  19. Tell her good luck. She will likely have little pleasure from her job. The lay person does not understand the standard of proof required to remove a child from their parents permanently. People will constantly point the finger at her as some kind of 'failure' just for doing her job. If something bad happens to a child expect to be vilified even if there is nothing more that could legally be done because it will be judged solely by the clarity of 20/20 hindsight. I have worked with some great folks in that field and they will simply never meet the standards the public sets.
  20. Not a surprise the most recent venture failed.
  21. Buried....deep....and I bet the smell is wonderful. If past behavior is any clue this will not be the last time we hear about this.
  22. Ugadawgs98


    Of course. The measure of safety is the likelihood of becoming a crime victim. Crime is a constant, you have to compare the number of incidents over the course of time to the population for a true number. For example a community of 300k with an average of 6 yearly murders is twice as safe as the community of 25k with one yearly murder. Many people focus only on the total number instead of the big picture, 6 is so much more shocking than 1. It is perception bias at its finest.
  23. Ugadawgs98


    It isn't that simple, for an accurate representation it has to be compared to the population. You can live in a more populated area with more crime and be much safer that a small community with comparatively small crime numbers.
  24. Two self centered jackasses met and recorded it for us all to see.
  25. No....I was talking about your interpretation and misleading projections.
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