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Everything posted by dporter1183

  1. I get you her parent's wont acknowledge it because that would be accepting responsiblity for being to lazy to be interested in what their daughter was doing on her own time. It's not going to kill your kid to take the computer out of her room and only allow her to visit age appropriate sites. I mean geez! and from her father's quotes....I'd venture to say some of her actions are learned behavior at home. I'm still shocked at dad's "As a father, I was just trying to support my daughter and get people to stop hating." I bet he has no idea he is on tv acting like an idiot. Tha
  2. The father was quoted good lord. I don't think her parents realized the longer they let her respond and the more they responed online, the worse this got. They really should have taken that camera away from her.
  3. I can't. I'll try on my phone though and see. So is chad not singing?
  4. this is good to know. I would have NEVER thought about cooking anything like that in the grill.
  5. that's him. holy cow, that means he's in a band with the guy that used to record my hubby's band......I new he was in Dallas (the band) but I didn't know it was with chad!
  6. I showed my hubby the double rainbow last night and he now has the Tpain remix as his ringtone. lol
  7. hubby taught himself too. I'll ask him. maybe he can show you some stuff.
  8. wouldn't that technically be grilling? lol. what are you making? any meat on a grill is yummy, some veggies too.
  9. God, I hope that's not true. I know some teens thrive on drama, and if there isn't any, they'll create it. I hope that's the case with that particular accusation. What teens don't realize is, when you do that, it bites you in the butt. You will forever be looked at as a "ho" by ALL of your classmates. You will gain that reputation with boys, and that's all they will want from you.
  10. Bash in Dallas will do everything for you, but of course it will cost more.
  11. a hotel room is much cheaper than legal fees and possibly losing your job for being picked up in a public park for.....that.
  12. gallbladder symtoms are different for different people. Mine was so terrible. It was in one side (my left) and I would be doubled over in pain for anywhere up to 30 minutes at a time. it started out only after I ate greesy food, but eventually it was almost everytime I ate. Good Luck!
  13. Jesus H! is the Scared Straight program still around? cuz I think I'd be sending my kid if that was the kind of crap coming out of their mouth.
  14. can we trade husbands?!?! lol Once my hubby and I both had the Flu.....we were laying in bed and HE asked ME to make him some soup! I hit him with a pillow and said "are you effin kidding?" He is so used to me doing everything for him when he's sick, I guess he wasn't thinking about me being sick too...idk.
  15. I can't get on youtube right now, but I can imagine how bad the video is. Stuff like that disgusts me. I have a 14 year old sister and I monitor her internet usage (because my dad is totally computer illiterate) and If I even saw her type something half as shocking as the things I have heard her friends say, I'd smack her upside the noggin. I hate being a Nosey Nina, but I eaves drop on her when she has company over while I'm there, and I am shocked at what kids her age do and say. I think I was still into barbie when i was 11!
  16. Because everyone knows the D and T are silent.
  17. Oh! another one.....People who have no concept of personal space...I get all clausterphobic when people are in my face. Oh no she didn't!
  18. I'm so sorry. Prayers said. Good for her for "putting on her big girl panties" though.... I would think that would play in her favor.
  19. that's ok, great minds think alike.
  20. yeah, but if a dozen or so people saw him do it....my question is, why hasn't it gone to court yet?
  21. haha! my co worker has a heart attack everytime she hears that phrase.
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