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Everything posted by Myprayers77

  1. My sister was also born on Friday the 13th. My mom scheduled to have her c-section on Friday the 13th mainly because my dad could only take a couple of days off work. My grandmother was so not happy and was so sure something bad was going to happen because it was Friday the 13th. My sister turned out perfectly fine except for her lack of common sense lol.
  2. I would give Paulding Pregnancy a call at 770.222.6911. They help out a lot of single mothers.
  3. Welcome!! The key word being most lol
  4. In the main character it is very obvious, but most of the other characters Jim Carrey plays it is not. As far as taking your 5 year old, I would say it depends on the kid. There are a few parts where almost all of the audience jumped. Like I said before it is very dark. Darker than any other Christmas Carol I have seen. Only a couple of humerous parts in the entire movie.
  5. My hair is fine and wavy. It tends to be on the oily side. It's also color treated to cover the um er gray Thanks for all of the suggestions!!
  6. For years I would only buy salon shampoo. A few months ago I decided I no longer wanted to spend that kind of money on shampoo when most of it goes down the drain! So I started using Tresemme and I have not been happy with it. It just doesnt seem to get my hair clean enough. Sooooo I am coming to P.com for recommendations. I am looking for something that you can buy in a grocery or drug store without spending alot BUT will still leave my hair feeling soft. So what do you use and why do you like it? TIA
  7. We went Friday and saw it. I thought it was really good! It was definetly darker than I expected and I think it's alittle too scary for small children. But I have to say the graphics were amazing. You really felt like there should be snow on your lap!
  8. Can you imagine being the agent that took the call? lol
  9. Is there a point the all the questions?
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.
  11. Buckhead Services Inc. Ask for J.D. 404 925 6076. Earlier this year our AC stopped working completely. We called Ragsdale and they came out and told us we needed an entirely new system even though we live in a brand new house with a brand new system. We called JD at Buckhead services for a second opinion because we had family that used their services. JD fixed the problem for under a couple hundred bucks. I know alot of other people like Ragsdale but after my first impression of them, I think I will stick with Buckhead Services.
  12. yes its www.warehouseofhope.org Telephone: 770-489-0509 They can also help with clothing if needed.
  13. Myprayers77


    I have service with them and received calls as well. I told them that I did not want to be called again. I was told that it would take about a month for that to go into affect. I don't think it actually took that long BUT they did stop calling.
  14. Same here. Plus truth is usually stranger than fiction.
  15. We do have money it just hasnt been used very wisely for several years. Like someone else said updating a website does not take alot of time or money. I will say though I would rather live in Paulding than deal with Cobb's crime and traffic.
  16. He also has a facebook as well. I am not sure if it would work but it would be worth a try.
  17. We are with Wachovia as well. Like someone else said it is a big bank but the people who work there, at least the one in Dallas, don't make it feel that way. We have been with several banks over the years but Wachovia has had the best service so far.
  18. Texas also does not have a helmet law and most riders you pass do NOT wear a helmet. I will never understand this. Do they not realize that the pavement is harder then their head?
  19. I believe Warehouse of Hope is still helping flood victims. http://www.warehouseofhope.org/
  20. Ours was right around $5000 including my dress and hubby's tux. We got married at the Mountain Valley Wedding Chapel in Pigeon Forge, TN. We only had about 35 guests, but if you think about it there are really only a few people that you care about being there. At least that is how I felt. After 7 years we are still happily married
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