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Everything posted by Myprayers77

  1. You will see the most wildlife early morning or around sun down. We went one evening several years ago and saw over 100 deer in about a 3 hour time period. I have also seen about 5 or 6 bear including a mother and her cubs. Madea is right the buildings are really interesting. I liked the church and the old graves. Although it's sad to see all of the babies that died in that time period.
  2. I'm not sure if this would be any cheaper and to be honest I have never tried it before. But I was told by one of the restaurants a few years ago how they made it and this is what they told me: Shred White American Cheese-amount depends on how much dip you want. Heat milk and pour over the shredded cheese. Add until you get the consisentcy you want. They you can add jalepenos or meat if you want. I was just really suprised that it was white American Cheese.
  3. Supercook.com You enter items that you have in your fridge and pantry and it gives you recipes that you can cook with those ingredients.
  4. I have told hubby that it's his decision. I want him to do whatever makes him comfortable. But to me it doesnt matter, cremate me, have a big funeral or bury me in the back yard in a pine box. I will be with my Savior and I know at that time it really won't matter to me. I know my parents both want to be buried. My mother in law however doesnt even want a funeral. I say to each his own.
  5. I really want to know but I will be in study group for another half hour or so. It's killing me!!!
  6. Ok I have to know what cheeseburger pie is. It sounds yummy or maybe its just because I am hungry lol
  7. Yes, one that's not ripe will almost turn your mouth inside out. But they are really good when they are ripe!
  8. BBQ ribs and baked potatoes and whatever else I come up with.
  9. We tried to recycle our ink cartridge last night at Office Max, hoping to get a small amount of cash in return. I think it's usually $2 or $3, but these days anything will help especially with the refills costing almost $20. Anyway we were told that Office Max takes every cartridge BUT Epson, which ours is of course. Do you recycle your ink cartridge, if so where is the best place to go? TIA!
  10. Call West Ridge Church. They have counselors on staff. Their number is 770-222-2125. Once she gets in couseling you might want to get with Anita at Pak Medical. I know she has groups and things for women with cancer. She is also a commerce member.
  11. I am wondering how much longer I can last.
  12. I do not look forward to turning 30 next year.
  13. Thinks I need to go to Facebook and P.com Anonymous.
  14. I have a feeling that I won't be up for the 9 am service...
  15. Thinks this game is requiring alot for my tired brain.
  16. I lived in the same house for 22 years.
  17. I am the shortest person in my family.
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