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Everything posted by drosser

  1. A co-worked shared this article with me today at work. Unbelievable!!!
  2. About a year ago, I signed up with several "survey" companies. I got tired of being told I didn't qualify, so I stopped trying. Never got a dime out of it!! I'd like to find something legitimate that would really pay me!!
  3. I'm reading "The Help" right now. I saw the movie and didn't know there was a book until a co-worker told me. I'm really enjoying it!! I had no idea that things were like that back in the 60s!! I am sure glad things have changed. Parts of it have made me very sad.
  4. Thank you so much!! She says she cannot believe she was "that person" who got addicted to drugs. She said you couldn't pay her enough to use again. She gave up all the "friends" who were using and has gone back to the people who were her real friends. She's so happy with her life now!!
  5. Thanks for the feedback. She was going by there on her way home from work to check it out. I'll let her know that there was positive feedback.
  6. She is wonderful now, but she had to hit rock bottome before she could pull herself back up. She kicked the meth all by herself and has been clean since the end of July. She and her boys are living with us right now. She got a fairly decent job and is doing great!! It was a long, hard road to go down, but we did it and everyone survived. She's hoping to get her own place soon, and I'm so excited because she wants to stay in Paulding County instead of moving back to Cobb. I'm extremely proud of her and how far she's come. And a baby just before an 18th birthday is still a b
  7. It's what he wanted. Let it be done.
  8. It doesn't matter to a mom how old your child is when you have no idea where they are and cannot contact them. When my youngest daughter was going through a horrible time with drugs, if I couldn't get in touch with her and she hadn't called me within a 24-hour period, I'd drive all the way to Marietta just to check on her to see if she was ok. If I got there and her car was gone, I'd be in a panic until I finally reached her. She was always ok, but one never knows. If Megan just wants some time away, she just needs to call her mom or one of her friends and let them know. All her mom
  9. Has anyone had any experience with Children's Palace? It's located near Greystone. My daughter works in the office park were Complete Automotive is, and is thinking of putting her four-year-old son there. She asked me to find out if anyone knows anything, good or bad, about it. Thanks for any info!!
  10. I use The Computer Guy - Dale Cochran - 678-838-8306. He is great and VERY reasonable. He will come to your house, pick up your computer, fix it, and bring it back and hook it all back up. Give him a call. I think you'll be pleased.
  11. She needs to take advantage of that best rest. There won't be much rest after that precious baby gets here!!
  12. My daughter had my youngest grandson 6 weeks and a day early. He weighed 6 1/2 pounds. He had to be in the NICU because of the fact that he was showing decels on the heart monitor. I was worried about all kinds of stuff being/going wrong with him being that early, but everything turned out fine. He's 22 months old and is a handful!! It's only natural to worry, but try not to. Everything will be just fine!!
  13. I used to listen to Paulding all the time, but now I listen to Cobb because they always have stuff going on!! When I listen to Cobb, it makes be glad I live in Paulding.
  14. I'd like to know, too, just because I'm nosey!!! I wish I could listen to the archieves but can't afford to pay for it right now. I miss getting to go back to find out about stuff I missed.
  15. I need to be in bed by 9 p.m. in order to get up by 5 a.m., but it's so hard to do. Especially since I'm into American Idol, Dancing w/the Stars, the Bachelor, etc. They don't come on until 8 and stay on until 10. Then I have to get ready for bed, so it's around 11 p.m.before I'm actually in bed. I like to stay up a little later on the weekends to play on the computer, work on my scrapbooking, read, etc. But then I have so much to do during the day, I don't get to sleep past 8 or 9 a.m. I could sleep until noon or later if Iwasn't so busy!!! I cannot fall asleep without the TV on. I
  16. We'll have to give it a try, too!. Went when it was with the previous owners and my husband did not like it. I don't eat fish but had a pasta dish that was good. Since hubby didn't like it, we did not go back. We'll try it with the new owners.
  17. WOW!! I wish Officer Gurley the best. He did great job for Paulding!!
  18. Thanks so much!! I'll have to look into it. I love my Kindle but the books can get expensive.
  19. I wonder if some of this is not actually done just because it's going to be on TV. I have a friend whose daughter who was in quite a few pagents. It was never like that. There were some moms who got pissed if their daughters didn't win but, the pagents were not trashy and the kids didn't dress like tramps. My granddauther was in a pagent when she was 7 months old, and everyone there was so nice and encouraging to each other's kids. It was in Dallas at Chattahoochee Tech and we really enjoyed the experience. It is just too expensive for us, so that's the only one she's been in.
  20. I feel the very same way. She is a piece of #@!*. I didn't listen to the clip but saw a picture with her horrible bleach job and those ridiculous glasses. I hope she doesn't think it makes her look good, because it makes her look even more ridiculous than she is. I still think someone will "get" her in the end.
  21. What county do you work in? My daughter's boyfriend needs a job but has limited transportation until he gets a job and can get his car fixed.
  22. Was this a head-on collision? My daughter was lisening to the scanner about that time and there was a bad accident, but she didn't hear where.
  23. What a doll baby!!! He is so cute!!
  24. 1. Eat more healthy to lose more weight. 2. Pay off my credit cards.
  25. Growing up, my mother and I lived with my grandparents. My mother wasn't the motherly type, so my grandparents made sure I always had a good Christmas when I was real little. My granddaddy spoiled me so much!! I usually got whatever I asked for (except for a pony)!! I found out there was no Santa when I was in 5th grade and my mother was in the hospital. My grandmother had to tell me, and I remember how disappointed and sad I felt. Because of mother being in the hospital, none of my gifts got wrapped and there was no "Santa" stuff that year. After that, it was not quite the same becaus
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