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Everything posted by Gone

  1. Wonder what the background story of their lives will play out to be? ...I might have answered my own question: Proud moment for a mom... 3 kids and you "qualify" that my child with the shortest rap sheet may set an example for the others. <snip> The Dougherty's mother, Barbara Bell told ABC News that she hopes that Dylan -- the sibling with the shortest rap sheet -- will set an example and convince the other two that they should surrender. Dylan Stanley has a record of being arrested on a marijuana charge. His younger brother Ryan, however, has 14 felony arrest
  2. I will take a moment tonight and share it with my kids who both drive now. We all need to understand how it is a life and death choice to careen down a road with a chunk of 2 ton metal with your eyes off the road if you text and drive. We don't always think of the rippled repercussions of bad choices. My prayers are with the workers family.
  3. What dummies. It's like they watched too many action movies and couldn't figure out it's not real. And they are all old enough to have a clue!
  4. I don't know. I asked her if they were still agents since she was calling me... that is when she explained she was following up about service cancellations. They did not work for A. I did not think to ask if her old crew was still working. It seemed like when we had the Monday crew things were fine… once they changed us to Fridays it was like that crew worked every other week or could not remember our street… so I knew it was different guys.
  5. They bought out Sanitec who we had started with back in 1998, so we used WI for a short time. WI was fine since so many in my subdivision were using them, but they changed us to Wednesdays from Monday. I just like my stinky weekend trash gone on Monday. When I saw Davis picked up my subdivision on Monday I changed. Several friends from church used Davis and had only good to say about them. I also liked the fact that both Sanitec and Davis were local businesses.
  6. Yea, she said WI will put on fuel surcharges and other fees. Be careful of the low intro price and 1 year contract. She also said right now the two are pushing the price down trying to outdo each other so for the short term prices are low. For now it will keep new competition out since they cannot offer service for $9.99 a month.
  7. She said things are so competitive between American and Waist Industries it is hard for the smaller companies. It sounded like that is why they sell out to the big guys.
  8. So I had been with a local trash company called Davis Disposal for several years and had good service. Happy Happy. Loved the local owners –they were easy to work with. They were purchased – no heads up to the customer. The owner called me today because they are getting charge backs when people drop the new company. However if it is because of the bad service the new owners are providing they are not allowed to charge back to Davis. So she has been researching the reasons why so many people have left. She apologized that the customers were not told of the change, but the t
  9. I don't know why this has not seen the court room yet. Just disgusting. Waste of money, get to court and hear the facts. It is the type of behavior movies are modeled after. Underdog stands ground as big money discredits them, uses stall tactics, and tries to break them. In the end underdog wins. I hope this has an ending that makes your family whole .
  10. Same here...quite a show... now to the West it is bright and the rain is getting softer. I just put weed and feed fertilizer out ... perfect timing!
  11. I don't think it has anything to do with the debt limit. It's all the other indicators that have come out so much worse than expected by the market. Of course those of us living in this recession - making half of what we used to, watching fuel and food consuming more of our tight budget have been preaching to the choir for years now. Where is former member to blow more smoke up our posteriors about how we have been out of the recession since 2009? I will admit this looks like the second dip of what many of us predicted way back when... of a double dip.
  12. I did not say the companies NEED to move... I said… The "experts" are saying as our college grads are looking for work they might as well accept that THEY- the College Grad - will need to move to where the jobs are. Many things are wrong here in the U.S. We can look at ourselves personally too. How many took equity out of their home to buy a nice new car, furniture, or go on wonderful trips... when their credit cards were maxed out and they really could not afford the life they were living? How many bought too much house with Zero down and an adjustable rate mortgage, because
  13. I played a game with each of my kids when they were very young....3 and up ... They had to tell me how to get home....where to turn. If they told me the wrong way I turned where they told me. They would say this is not right ... I would ask why and they had to problem solve to get us home. We walked the neighborhood a lot, and they played with the neighbor kids...so they knew our area ... they did not just camp out inside the house in front of a TV.
  14. As DGITW shared...Jobs are not here in the States ... companies are taking their marbles and playing the game elsewhere. No need to risk it here. Many "experts" are saying as our college grads are looking for work, they might as well understand they will need to move to another country. The jobs are not here. Do the math... what has our government done regulations wise to push corporations overseas?
  15. If you have money in the bank, see an opportunity, however, you are uncertain what taxes, hurdles, and added cost that new regulations from the government will take from your potential profit - why risk it in the first place. Companies are looking at uncertainty from this government. They take the risk with that capital, they might have made a profit with the regulations they were under when they began, however with the regulations changing they might lose money because the new regulations add cost. Uncertainty kills job growth because businesses will not risk expansion.
  16. Yep. Until there are jobs and people purchasing goods the market will struggle. That being said, until businesses see a government that will not punish them for success- there will not be expansion of those businesses and more jobs. They will sit on their cash where it is safe. People will not be spending money on goods- there will be a contraction of spending ... once again the numbers will come out (as they did this week) scare people and the market will have a sell off. Many of us predicted a double dip from the policies of this administration and this is what we are
  17. I'm sorry. I've found it best to help those who are in the circles of your “friends and family” - you KNOW their situation. If we all did that there would be no need for government programs, AND we would not breed a culture of system abusers. It's hard, because there are people who this once need help to get on their feet ... they need a true safety net. Then, there are others who are so adept at using the system (gaming the system, abusing the system) to LIVE OFF... with no intention of ever helping themselves, getting a job, or using the opportunities for work they are given.
  18. Judge Judy... "$70,000 ....(Looks at Bailiff) ... That's what we're creating ... him ....him..., that's who we're creating" Judge Judy ..."Send this tape to congress." "So far as tax payers we have spent at least $70,000 on three years of your education. AND this is the feedback we are getting from you ... I’m me." Judge Judy … (under her breath)” moron ... What a moron ...God, $70,000 right... down... the sewer.” I don't watch Judge Judy ... It's just too sad to see such dysfunctional human beings. The outrage should be that this kid will continue to abuse the system. H
  19. Top 8 Tips to Prevent Colors from Fading http://housekeeping.about.com/od/laundry/tp/8colorfadetips.htm <snip> 3. Turn Clothes Inside Out Some of the wear and tear that happens on your clothing can be prevented by turning your clothing inside out before washing and drying. Washing and drying clothing is rough on the outside of your clothing. Turning garments inside out will reduce pilling which dulls the look of the fabric. Don't forget to turn clothing inside out when you hang clothes outside to dry. While the sun is an excellent and efficient drying tool, it will zap
  20. Hmmmm..... it would be easier to wash socks. Turning them all rightside out... so they will wash better ... is a pain. I make my kids turn them the right way before they are washed. Otherwise all sorts of oddness falls out of them onto the carpet and floors after they are washed and dried when they turn them right side out to wear them.
  21. So the short answer ... because WE still buy it, THEY know it. Sad huh? Time for them to rake in a little extra profit.
  22. What a sweety ... not real happy though ... make the thunder go away!!!!
  23. Looks like the next step.... I am shocked that our new commissioners have not looked at what this will cost.... what it would cost to settle, AND the fact that a government that bullies it's citizens is no place to live. I don’t care if others will come forward …we ALL know that the previous commissioner, builders, and bankers were untrustworthy once they all became a pack … just like wolves … the mentality takes over that if we stick together no one can stop us. I thought we VOTERS stopped them. I am disappointed that this case has not been to court. It’s just WRONG!!!!!!
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