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Everything posted by lumak

  1. In our neighborhood the signs were taken down/stolen or broken. We contacted the County and the first thing they asked is if we had an HOA. Since we did not -- they came out and replaced all the street signs and stop signs the next week. If we were to have had an HOA -- they said the HOA would have to do it.
  2. This is a very inflammatory and offensive statement.
  3. I just heard on TV that Hawaii is on standby for possible tsunami.
  4. i have never heard of these ones
  5. I would imagine somebody was injured or sick
  6. I would say your best bet would be to get the guys in the political forum to answer your questions......it seems they get a bit worked up at times. Good luck on your project and I hope you keep your awesome GPA!!!!
  7. How many of you are really glad that you don't own a Yukon, PT Cruiser, or Toyota
  8. I didn't even know there was an election yesterday until it was all over
  9. When I was house hunting I looked at a 7 bedroom foreclosure in a culdesac -- I liked it but it needed a lot of work as someone had taken ALL the copper wiring out -- ripped 'em clean outta the walls . The neighborhood looked nice along with the pool area.
  10. I agree with ALL and I volunteer to be a taste tester to make sure they are just right for customers
  11. One of my favorite movies! Fifth Element
  12. ok no problem I just wanted to make sure I understood correctly, thats all. I am really interested in what people would be willing or not willing to do in this situation. Thanks for your opinion and input
  13. What category does this fall under in the PCOM Commerce Directory? Entertainment, Health & Fitness, Misc??
  14. I do not have that info. When I talk to him this afternoon I will find out.
  15. I would pay to see that
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