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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. agreed... what happened Ed? I agree the customer isn't always right but neither is the person behind the counter. But rudeness on anyones part is never the answer
  2. Thanks dude... now we know where your hiding spot is
  3. I just wanted to change my middle name... it sucks My great grandmother almost beat up a nurse because she would not change my baby's middle name. yep I broke a 13 generation middle name and named my dd something else... haha
  4. we always eat with friends on Thursdays ... we all bring stuff but this week we are having sliders I am making Fish, Chicken and hamburger sliders , with salad, fries and whatever else we decide.. ha
  5. agreed.. we moved to a bigger house 6 years ago and I am sooo ready to down size. we are a family of 3. lol we should start a trading houses forum.. lol
  6. I heard through the grapevine that you might could get a Toyota really cheap now and days. I like both those cars... that would be a hard pick
  7. =( I had his posters all over my walls as a teen... I was gonna marry him. He killed vampires, had his license to drive and always dreamed a little dream lol.. But when he did the show the 2 corey's a few years ago they had to hault production due to drugs... sad sad sad... he use to be so talented
  8. lol... I didn't mean for that to sound rude at all so I hope you didn't take it that way ... someone fussed ta me for being rude... lol anyway I am heading to bed.. night yall
  9. it happened in dec 2001... I just got my dd home from a surgery this day and sat at watched news coverage MWE here is what I found... it is at the very bottom of the page in the Georgia section it also confirms the dec 2001 http://www.mail-archive.com/deathpenalty@lists.washlaw.edu/msg04113.html
  10. Grilled Chicken with some kind of taters , mac-cheese and a salad
  11. I am just gonna have to come out and say it... shut up
  12. I got my dd one the middle of her 6th grade year. The land line phone company went up on our bill once again so it would be cheaper to add her to my line and add texting. I thought oh cool I am gonna have extra cash each month... that is when gas went up.. haha so there went that money I would have made her wait longer if we didn't go to being a cell phone family but she is now in 9th grade and has been very responsible with her phone
  13. it isn't a mayberry but hope it makes you feel better my DD goes to South... I will have to tell her to stay away from the water there..
  14. look like it is searching for something and then makes a face.. lol I never noticed it until today lol..
  15. anywhere near the beach has my vote
  16. that is a big negative... sick or not suicide is never the right answer... I have seen what natural sickness and also suicide does to a family and I have personally been through both with loved ones... both suck but the suicide hit the family the hardest... I do not think some of my family members will get over that persons act now cancer... docs do not know everything... I have seen people get heeled and recover... so ya never know what could happen
  17. I re-did my FB status just for you
  18. idk... gonna go to a friends house... so what ever they cook
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